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Is this a good AL idea?


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Hello, I've seen so many peeps complain that AL was too powerful. And that it should be removed from MM. But then SOOOO many players would be upset. So instead of removing it or tweaking it, how about making it a power weapon? Anyone like this idea?

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i like armor lock. i dont see any reasons why it sucks. sometimes im a sitting duck and im screwed, sometimes it evens the odds for a good dmr duel without having that grenade injure me. either way its good and bad. as is every other this in the game. like it should be. and as for power weapons, they're called power weapons for a reason. they spawn every 3 minutes. win the battle for it you get to rape, lose and you will be raped, rightfully so.

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but then you would have two perks and the people who over use armor lock are still going to go for it and be gay with it


^ this is true


People that have a problem with AL just plain suck at halo. AL is only useful for certain situations and its pretty easy to kill someone that uses it. I think they should add an option to use either lockouts or power abilitys. AL should be the same.

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Hello, I've seen so many peeps complain that AL was too powerful. And that it should be removed from MM. But then SOOOO many players would be upset. So instead of removing it or tweaking it, how about making it a power weapon? Anyone like this idea?



it would be better to tweek it like it would throw bursts that would knock close enemys back but only damage their sheild slightly. and instead of AL making u invinsible/immobile it would make you slow but give you an oversheild....it can still have the cool particle effect

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I personally like armor lock. It can be used in a bunch of situations but almost always leaves you as a sitting duck, unless you have good teammates as back up. There are strategies against it. Run away, keep your distance, or throw a well timed grenade at their feet. You should never die one on one against an armor lock user. I'v moved on though. I'm more of a sprint guy now. Gotta get in and out quick amirite?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I personally like armor lock. It can be used in a bunch of situations but almost always leaves you as a sitting duck, unless you have good teammates as back up. There are strategies against it. Run away, keep your distance, or throw a well timed grenade at their feet. You should never die one on one against an armor lock user. I'v moved on though. I'm more of a sprint guy now. Gotta get in and out quick amirite?

i realy dont know why most players cant see it the way you do they all have there excuses but truth is its still balanced and compatitve so its halo i dont care what anybody says i stand by bungie and nobody will do a better halo 4 some tyme pinned up vs them
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i realy dont know why most players cant see it the way you do they all have there excuses but truth is its still balanced and compatitve so its halo i dont care what anybody says i stand by bungie and nobody will do a better halo 4 some tyme pinned up vs them


i agree with you guys.


if you have a jetpack and someone locks their armor then you can hover above them just out of melee range and do anything from stick them with a plasma to melee. i have even gotten a few free assassinations with this tactic. the armor locker cant seem to aim up fast enough after coming out of lock...this is just one basic strategy against armor lock.


armor lock is easy to use but even when mastered is not fullproof. however when sprint and evade are mastered they can be used in any situation. the downside to armor lock is that you cant move while locked. use that to your advantage. it works 95% of the time....for me anyway

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I dislike AL strongly but I see it use in custom games.


I would like to see in team matches only one or two players allowed to have AL at a time. That way it forces you to use strategy and work together as a team.



i somewhat agree with this. im fine with armor lock 99% of the time. but when an entire team uses it on invasion it can get slightly frustrating. meyb a two or 3 player limit at a time for armor lock.

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