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Anyone want to give me gameplay tips?


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To conserve ammunition, use your dmr scope at anytime possible on your kill. also with the needle rifle use it only against enemies without shields, if you miss the head the 2-3 shots is still an explosive kill. lastly, in a objective game mode, don't be afraid to run out there and die. Kills don't matter in objectives (except headhunter)

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were you by yourself or with a party? if you were by yourself i could understand, if you were in a party, it seemed as though everyone was scattered like no communication it looked as if it was basically BTB slayer not ctf.

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Well with the team that you had you should have improvised with who you had and gone from there. granted it would have been a little bit harder at least you were to be working with your team alot better than being scattered.

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Here is a few tips that get me to win.


Don't carry 2 melee/close range weapons at the same time.

once you've got the guys' shields down, get your DMR and get a head shot.


Grenades can be usefull, alot of people say conserve them, but don't hold back. If you're having a jetpack batttle, the best option is to put a plasma grenade on them. SO FRICKEN USEFUL!


Also, if someone is coming at you with an energy sword, melee at the same time they lunge at you, it will knock them back. ( This only works in Reach and 3, not halo 4, although it still works if you have a sword too.


With teams, try using a hologram on someone whos' name is part of their real life name, they are most likely noobs (not all the time though), they will shoot the hologram and you can get a nice clean assassination. :shuriken:


If you are in the middle of a melee battle, watch out, there are usually always others watching you, so keep to the wall/tree/mountain/you get the point.


If someone chucks a plasma on you, just sprint up to them in the hope that they will get killed also, or even damaged, so your teammates can finish him off.


Hope this helps! ;)


p.s. i have crap internet and can't use youtube, sorry.

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