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Keep it Simple 343


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im pretty old school when it comes to Halo and the Haloverse... I play Halo Combat evolved when it first came out, and have been playing the game series ever since... There is more a less a plea with 343... I know the game is pretty much done with and the game looks great, and what really got me intrigued about buying halo 4 was the fact the BR has NO MORE RECOIL!


The recoil along with many other things... like equipment and in game weapons that locked onto warthogs and such to seek out and destroy them... IMO made the shooter WAAY too complicated and overly annoying...


My plea is this: 343 - bring back clans from halo 2... its been said before I know... but I enjoyed those long nights with people I played with all the time... and to get a rank for being good together was AWESOME! This Halo 2 clan system as you know spawned a lot of different clan and halo based communities which BOOSTED play for halo 2


dont make things overly complicated.... Cool weapons that you can start with are ok... but none of this equipment crap... I think in one or two videos i saw a spartan have some sort of shield in front of him... I am hoping this is just a juggernaut shield or something and not some stupid equipment... to me the introduction of equipment in Halo 3 just made it easier for people to troll... and thats not fun for anyone.


Dont be afraid to hide easter eggs and images that you don't tell us in game... I remember my buddies and I in halo 2 custom matches Coagulation trying to unlock the monster in the cave... or seeing one of the designers faces in the ring of halo... GOOD ******* TIMES... you didn't have to put in the game or if we as players made it up in our heads... IT MADE THE GAME FUN!


Now you didn't hear this for me... but... I'd also like to see weapon glitches again... like BXR's and Quad shooting... Now i know what a lot of younger halo generation is saying... either you're saying WTF is that... or NO THAT IS AN UNFAIR GAME ADVANTAGE... but I mean I never learned to Quad shot and I would constantly get out BRed by better players who used the controller mechanics to their advantage... but I knew how to BXR and trust me... it was one of the best feelings in the world, and brought a whole new level to weapon skill to the game, and everyone knows the Halo 2 multiplayer mechanics put MLG on the map... and made room for some of the best players in the game... Shook On3, Walshy, Ogre 1 & 2, Karma... etc...


please bring these things back... and I am almost positive.. with a fresh storyline, better graphics, and simple shooter like Halo 2 was... you will sell MILLIONS! and in case anyone is reading this and wants to relive those old halo 2 rape days... here is a montage from a long time ago that will put a smile on your face....


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Just for you to know, this is a community website. 343I's forum is at halo.xbox.com.


second, the shield is an armour ability, but it does drain when it gets hit more than when it isn't being shot at.


Third, yes there will be easter eggs


fourth, although weapon glitches are fun, with todays'problems already in the gaming world with hackers,modded controllers, etc. The game will get torn apart.


Fifth, welcome to the forums! If you ever need any help, don't be afraid to ask!


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Cool Thanks for the welcome!


And I kind of figured it was a community site, just by the looks of it. not that its a bad thing, but just by the look and topics and mods its pretty clear after I signed up that it was community :)


and I yeah I know exactly what you're talking about, the game getting torn a part and all, but its been a very long time since I have seen cheating... I am not stupid... I know it still goes on, but cheating in Halo 2 was FAR more prevalent then in any other shooter I have played.


I am just simply stating that those days and those mechanics made the game SUPER popular... one of the many reasons why Halo 2 is still the Top grossing game out of the whole series... numbers don't lie.. halo 2 did something right, and you will notice that sales slipped down after halo 3, There is a reason for those sales dropping, and I think 343 should just be aware of that.

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The armor abilities aren't the huge game changers from Reach. The Hardlight shield that you saw, it only lasts like half as long as Armor Lock did in Reach, but explosions go right through it. It only really deflects bullets. And maneuverability is hindered. :D


The reason Halo has had some changes since Halo 2 is because of...well, what is happening to Call of Duty. Halo is dynamically changing and improving whereas Call of Duty has been the same since...a long time. Call of Duty is keeping customers by making games each year or so. Very little changes beyond guns and killstreaks is the draw back to this. Halo, on the other hand, is releasing every few years at the least. Halo is keeping it fresh and familiar. The MLG players who have played it reported it feeling just like Halo 2 and 3 but with balanced armor abilities.


You may think that Halo 2 had it right, and I agree it had good gameplay and mechanics, but it would get old if it stayed the same and just kept releasing stale titles. Halo 2 was great, but change has to happen. This is why we have multiple maps and Gametypes. If you always had Slayer on Midship, Halo 2 would get old fast, eh? This is also why Halo has to change. The most common misconception is that Halo shouldn't change. See, Reach did bad with bloom and armor abilities. Now, people think all armor abilities are bad just because Reach did it wrong. This is incorrect. Remember that.


I am glad you presented your concerns in a friendly fashion and kept it calm. Most people just troll and try to get as many supporters as they can before dying in a flame of troll glory.


You did it right. ;)

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Two things. 1. I like the way you presented your concerns upon us. It was simple to read, no cursing or aggravation. And you were expressing how you felt in a kind and well mannered way. And 2. I like the video and from what we have seen there is a better story, amazing graphics and since its Halo you can expect your fair share of easter eggs.

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its called learn, not very hard to it just takes a little bit of focus, the reason people started disliking halo is because it got to complicated, but this is why i hate almost everyone new to halo, because they don't care about improving or anything like that but then get pissy when they keep getting killed. if it looks different, feels different, and has new stuff, you better learn it or get owned. Thats part of the reason COD has such a huge following, its because its so F***ing easy to do things it makes the retards feel good that they can kill a guy, thats why 99% of good halo player's rape in COD, So what im saying is they are making it easier to play to your style of play, there not complicating things, all the add ons are balanced and fair, (give or take) and if you just go to forge with a buddy for like 30min's max you can figure out every little thing, thats what makes halo, halo, its thefact that it takes that 30 minutes more, plus playing actully makes you better at the game, unlike COD which i do the same thing everytime i play, run and shoot, run and shoot, Halo 1,2, and 3 is Run, Shoot, Shields down, take cover, watch radar for enemys' about to murder me, shields charge, repeat. Adding these things increases your opitions, So Halo 4 is like this Run, Shoot, Shields down, BAM Hardlight shield goes up, dodge grenade, hard light shield breaks, find cover, watch radar, emeny has Promethean Vision, run away like a little girl, repeat now thats a lot more, plus there's a diferent one of those list with each armor ability, do you see what im getting at here, COD see guy, Shoot, Halo see guy, 20 different things to do, that about sums up my feeling to why people should begin liking halo again, and to why armor abilities are balanced, and not coplicated!

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