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Everything posted by AnExtremelyNoobishSpartan

  1. agreed =D it was 1 of the best vehivles out there.. so fun
  2. lol, agreed but tell me sum of ur ideas...i only made this cuz i was bored, and curios about wat other ppl think
  3. ohya, i forgot to say.... post ur ideas here, but dont comment on my ideas, cuz i already knew before i started writing that they were crap. im pretty sure u guys can come up with better ideas, the only 1 idea that i THINK they shud add is the boat thing, or somehow make use of water.
  4. ya ino i just was wonderin and cose to put it on, but i new that if they did this then it would lose the halo feel
  5. K so i was just really bored and i chose to make this topic, idk y; im not sure if there mite already be 1 like this, but i cudnt find any..so yah. I just have a couple ideas of things that 343 shud do for halo 4, if u have any tell m e in the reply thingy so here goes: 1: add animations wen picking up weapons...there is couple reasons not to do this, but jus wanted to put this idea out there...k, so for example there is weapon on the ground, then the spartan bends down, and picks it up, or if a weapon is on the side, he reaches for it. 2:make a vehicle that flies & drives...clasic, but still sik 3:quik traps, agen many reasons y not to add these, but still wud be nice..by quik traps i mean, sumthin u cud pick up and put it down, and it makes small explosion for any1 cuming threw it 4:able to toss ur gun or throw it to cause dammage 5:kicking? 6:swimming...not really but, it mite be nice 7:sum shooting boat thingy..u ride the motor boat and it has built in gun 8:remoe cuntrol rockets...but that gets codlick thou... 9: magic...random, not fitting but cool, no dont do that thou 10:armor ability: magnets on bottom of shoe, allowin u to walk on wall for like cuple sec until recharge??? yah, thats it for now...most r failures iguess, but jus waned to get it out there.. oya!!! sry for any typos
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