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Ryuu Namikaze

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Everything posted by Ryuu Namikaze

  1. Maito Gai you terrible man, caterpillar, thing you infected a 5 year old childs mind with that FLAMES OF YOUTH sthick you use as a coping mechanism in your shinobi life... I hate him now https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3290930/1/Kirei-of-the-Wind

  2. Where oh where do I begin... hmm... Spaz 12 + Terrorist, = Death, Terrorist and Flashbangs with LMGs and SMGs = Death, random terrorist spawns two inches in front of you when you are running into a room = Death. I love dying to SHOTGUN SNIPING FROM 200 METERS AWAY *bangs head into window* Yep, totally legit, BTW I am a Master Sergeant right now, so I got armor, but I like mobility more, so I guess I am at fault half way for not having at least light armor on.
  3. Well, I am officially at a loss of what to do, I am playing Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on steam and keep dying by shotgun from across about 200 meters.... Spaz 12 Shotgun-Sniper -_-

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Damn. Try sticking to cover? That's all the advice i have for you. other then: Rule #1 Kill them before they kill you.

    2. Ryuu Namikaze

      Ryuu Namikaze

      Not easy when they have 4 other SMG and LMG guys behind your two guys 2 Spazs in front of ya and the random idiot throwing 80 FB's at my face and causing my ears to bleed from the screeching caused by flashbangs.

    3. joshyzburton


      I know what that feels like...shame only the NPC'S can snipe with shotguns.

  4. Ryuu Namikaze


    Hello I am Ryuu Namikaze (if you do not understand that it means Dragon, Waves & Wind) I have been on forums like these before but never for long as I either lost interest or my interest in them died long before I could find a foothold, anyways I wanted to say hello and hope to enjoy my time here *Crescent Eye Smile*.
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