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    Atlanta, GA, USA

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  1. Hey people. I find it surprising that Microsoft is having bundles for Assassin's Creed and Sunset Overdrive but not for Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Personally, I already have an Xbox One, but it would make things easier for my friends if they had a bundle for Halo or even a Halo-themed Xbox One console like has been done with previous Halo games. Maybe they are waiting for Halo 5: Guardians before going all out with a special console? What are your thoughts?
  2. I doubt there is any difference between the physical and digital copies. Once you get the physical copy you still have to install it onto the Xbox One's HDD (and have the disc in the drive). Having said that I do have a digital copy and have had several issues. It has taken forever when I have tried to get into a multiplayer matchmaking session. Because of that I have mostly played custom games (private matches) with friends. Apart from that I have had the game crash a couple times on me. It would freeze and often repeat the same second of music/sound and either I would have to go out and Quit the game/app or it was crash out to the home screen. I am still excited to play this once the initial bugs/issues are fixed and I expect to be playing this at least up until Halo 5 comes out. Halo 2 Anniversary is SO beautiful it's hard to believe. I started the campaign and kept switching between the original graphics and the re-done graphics. There is almost no comparison. The new graphics are worlds better than the original graphics. I hope 343i and Microsoft can get the issues resolved quickly! Good luck.
  3. Whether it was on a disk or in an update you would have to install it to the HDD regardless.
  4. Welcome to the Community BraveJhawk :welcome:

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