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therubyprincess last won the day on April 13 2014

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  1. I hated prom first the breaker blew then i get a whole cup of water dumped on me and second i can call anyone cause i had my phone in my hand thats how my prom went. :( I'm not happy

    1. Buns


      Sorry to hear! Hopefully the rest of your week is good though.

    2. Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Well that sucks! Hope you feel better after that mess. Cheer up! and turn that Frown :( upside down :)!

    3. The Stig

      The Stig

      Sorry to hear that... But I didn't go to my prom because I never cared for the whole dancing in school with friends thing. The first time I dance and dress formal I want it to be with my fiancee on our wedding day, as we embrace each-other hand and hand.... And hold each-other in our arms as we clumsily dance to our favorite songs.... :)

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