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Posts posted by Melody

  1. So, due to the lack of threads on this forum I decided to create this one! ^_^ What do you predict will happen in Halo 6? What kind of changes would you like to see once it comes out?



    As for myself, I hope they bring back an armory system similar to Halo: Reach's. Sure they can still have RNG, but what if they made the new "Reach" armory system randomized as well? Limited time sales that guarantees the armor featured for the day or week? After this set period of time is over the featured armor is randomized again but, still guarantees the armor featured in the new armor set. This way you don't have to waste so much time trying to get some decent armor. I'd gladly pay a little bit more than what it cost for 1 gold pack to instantly get the armor I desire.


    Another thing that needs to return is a classic firefight mode, I've had many fond memories on Halo: Reach playing firefight to achieve some of the highest ranks in the game from it's vast firefight gametypes. It was simple and fun, it really took the competitive edge away from Halo, which I personally loved. When I got sick of matchmaking because I had multiple bad games, I'd just play firefight and it was so fun! 


    My predictions for Halo 6 is.... Warden Eternal assembles a massive Promethean fleet with the help of AI Cortana to take back the Chief and the rest of Blue Team, after which she plans to destroy the UNSC yet again. Fireteam Osiris teams up with Blue Team to bring and end to Cortana's evil reign by wiping her from the domain forever!


    Thoughts? Comments? Swiss Cheese?



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  2. Suggestion: Private Profile


    Details: Allows certain members granted by the profile owner to view their profile, prohibits any user not on the allowed list to view it.


    (Example: Guest need to be logged in to view profile / Member needs permission to view profile from owner)


    This would prevent much unwanted attention and discourage members from doing bad things on said profile.

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