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Posts posted by Fishy

  1. What if they re-implement the old system? Three smacks and a whack? Of course the higher tier vehicles would take more melee's to break the hatch/cover plate.



    Although you could now get sniped out of the driver seat, hijacks would require a melee and then grenade plant. Halo Reach removed this feature, but Halo 2/3 had it.


    As well as they could bring back only door perimeter hijacks, which gets rid of the ghost hijacks from the front bs, forcing you to only get on the driver side to claim the vehicle as yours.

  2. We're not gone guy's, we're all still here! It's the Holiday's, enjoy the time with family and what not while you can! There's a reason why #Throwback season is over the Winter months. But this is not what I'm here to talk about today.


    Today, we would like to unwrap the presents and give you the full deets about what's going to happen here over the oncoming week(s).





    Thursday, December 22nd- We finish our Spyro: Year of the Dragon for #Throwback Season 2, and make plans on moving into the next game.


    Friday, December 23rd- Our HTA Minecraft Village on X1 will be open for a few hours! Assume times to be between 4pm-7pm EST


    Friday, December 23rd- After the closing of the Minecraft server we will be shifting into an HTA Lobby on Halo 5! To start off the night, we will be playing the revamped Tunnels 2.0! After that we will shift into either Multiplayer Matchmaking or continue with Custom Games. (Streaming included throughout the night!)


    Friday, December 23rd- I will be working on the next Grabbed by the Ghoulies Episode. (Lewis is the only one who watches.)


    ​Saturday, December 24th- Take the time off, spend it with your family.


    ​Sunday, December 25th- Take the time off, open presents, spent it with your family.


    ​Monday, December 26th- Recording for our upcoming HTA Branch. A lobby of 8 people will be necessary to do this. This accounts for 4 other members as we should already have 4.


    ​Tuesday, December 27th- Production of our upcoming HTA video.


    ​Wednesday, December 28th- Continued Production of HTA video.


    ​Wednesday, December 28th- Small Halo lobby will be up for HTA for some Arena.


    ​Thursday, December 29th- Nothing Planned, as of yet.


    ​Friday, December 30th- HTA Lobby will be going from 4pm-8pm EST on Halo 5.


    ​Saturday, December 31st- Nothing Planned, as of yet.


    Be sure to follow this closely, as we will update it and follow it very closely!

    ​Thanks for reading!

    • Like 6
  3. *Twam starts using his mic and joining our XBL parties, as well as starts using Xbox*


    *Absolute Dog comes back for week to see how everyone is doing*


    *Drizzy won HCS because of restarting his build*


    *SykoWolf hands out gifts for the Christmas Tree*


    *RSR finishes XCOM*


    *I finish streaming Grabbed by the Ghoulies*


    *Forum Activity skyrockets more than ever*


    Bye Lewis, have a good one!

    • Like 4
  4. Lol, what? Halo 2's campaign stomped CE's, and should not even be compared to Halo 5. At least Halo 2 explained itself in the campaign and didn't require to go to Bungie.net for more information.


    Also, CE's multilayer only went up to 4 players unless you had friends who liked both Halo and Xbox. Otherwise meh.


    And I think you're confusing Halo: Reach with Halo 4, lol. Halo 4 never happened. Even 343I don't acknowledge it just like Halo Legends


    Here's a suggestion that will require work my both the site staff and users.


    There are certain things a majority of users on this site want 343i to do. Us discussing on here is good, but I don't think 343i is looking here.

    A way we can have a way to get 343i to see what our users think is by posting on waypoint.


    Here is the strategy:


    Someone makes a topic for a suggestion for Halo, a lot of people agree, at that point the site staff and users coordinate with the users and have one person post the same topic on waypoint, and than everyone from here go there and like and say they agree with the post. If it's get a lot of attention fast, more people, who are users of waypoint will see it, and will discuss it as well, the more popular it gets the more likely 343i will see it.

    I am not saying they will, but it will increase the chances.


    It may seem ambitious, but I think it can work

    Yeah, but Waypoint is salt. People want to do some of the stupidest stuff on there and it gets a lot of attention.

  6. It's done.

    I finally did it. I updated Tunnels 2.0, since it was last update in April.


    Now, let's see what's new in the store.


    Linke to teh old copi


    Holy cwap. New stuff my man.

    1. We got no more lightning at the spawn. That's good, now you don't die as fast and aren't fowced to wun. Which is awlays good. But dare's still lighting, which goes way after a minute or sumfin.
    2. Divah Man Dan is a good guy now, yeh. He no longa kills you, instead he takes you to the sewa where you can hide. Hiding is always good.
    3. Uh, new stuff. Like, an evil couch and a uh piano. Gotta have the piano. Eh, oh an Organ. Some other cool stuff, like an Iron Maiden. Definitely gotta touch that, but it might hurt!
    4. ​Still dawk
    5. Spawn wooms changed for teh infwected, definitely. No more energy swords on the wall in teh Infected Nest, which is great. Because Swords are loud, and awso, Infected have a wandom guy who got stabbed. Dunno what happened here.
    6. Interactve stuff, it's nice. Yeh it is.
    7. Oh, Alpha Infected no longer pick up weapons, so that's always good.
    8. DMR was fixed so you can touch it if you want, don't have to.
    9. There's a scary lady who follows you around, although you won't notice but when you do. You gonna be spooked.
    10. Other stuff, I don't know. I forgot, I dunno I should've just make a video instead.


















    • Like 4
  7. Reach's DMR was better because of how the game functioned, making it an actual power weapon.


    However, BR will always counter the DMR in Close-Mid Range. Even if the DMR get the first shot on you, the BR is a 4-shot kill whereas the DMR has always been a 5-shot kill. (Except in that one Reach playlist it was 6-shots, ugh)


    DMR's are to be used as DMR's, and that's a cheap sniper rifle. Other than that, they're not really useful since the Magnum is a 5-shot kill as well and that covers the close range and maybe even the medium range if you don't rely on aim assist.


    I prefer the weapon's for their ranges, and since Halo 5 is so small. I prefer the BR more-over.

    • Like 2

    You always have the nicest things to tell people, don't you?

    It's called criticism, if you actually put in the effort to play Halo 5 as much as you do to try to insult my playful humor I have with Blue, you still wouldn't be playing Halo 5 because you think your judgment comes above everyone else's, but in reality that's your ego.

  9. @Drizzy_Dan

    I don't think you understand Drizzy, I've wore this helmet as soon as I became a Lieutenant. This is 4 years ago, but Reach has been around for 6 years (so far). I love  the helmet, I never really cared for the haunted helmet. I just loved the Pilot helmet. (I was actually credited as a really good Falcon pilot, I could take down two Falcon's with two-gunners with a narrow escape.  


    Reach was the best. The Pilot helmet has helped forged me into the skilled Pilot you have seen me become today.



    • Like 2
  10. Blaster Mod and Mass Inverter. -Jak 3


    Because, who doesn't want a standard shoot of the line gun.


    As well as who doesn't want a gun, that disables gravity for 15 seconds. And let's you smack enemies to oblivion, even though everyone dies before the anti-gravity fields ends. Insta-kill + fun = best gun


    As for Halo, it will always be an Assault Rifle + Spartan Laser combination.

    • Like 1
  11. I think you make some good points Twinreaper but maybe the reason we didn't see so much of this behaviour ten years ago wasn't because it didn't exist but because things like reddit and gaming forums weren't as popular? I only used waypoint a little bit but it always seemed like there was a lot of criticism there of the newest game, except the developers didn't really openly reply to it, which they do on things like team beyond and reddit.


    Plus isn't it fair to expect that you at least get what has been advertised to you? What upset me most about Halo 5 was that the story was completely different from what the advertising said it was going to be about, and I don't think the problem is with me being entitled just because I want the game to stand up to the standards it set for itself. And then there are things like the Master Chief collection which just didn't work at all but because I had it on a digital download I couldn't even return it, so I'm stuck with it and the only thing I could do was complain and hope they fixed it. Maybe we do complain too much but is it really entitled to expect that you actually get what you pay for?

    Well, look at it this way.


    Look at the original Spyro trilogy, buggy as hell. Somethings can't be done, glitches are everywhere.


    $50 for it's time. Nobody complained, they got what they bought.


    Superman 64, $40 for it's time. You fly through hoops, and that's about it... Nobody really complained or thought they were entitled to a refund.


    Animal Crossing, $50 for it's time. You pay your mortgage, by selling stuff. Nobody complained, instead it became a really popular thing in today's time.


    Basically, people are starting to feel entitled because they want what they want, few people are happy because they don't care. 6 year olds are now in their later teens, everything is garbage to them now and so on so forth. Everyone is just being picky, and it has nothing to do with the gaming industries. Only small minded people like we see today.

    • Like 2
  12. Mafia: Dragon Ball Z Edition 2:

    Cell Games




    Previous Mafia Games:



    People hosted them, idk who or what. and how many of you guys look at this anymore? This is the 20-something game. SD retired, Twam's in the hospital... And this is something you would rather read... Smh.




    The goal of Mafia is this:

    Mafia must kill all of the Pro-Town.

    Mafia must kill all of the Pro-Town.

    Neutral do not win, they can side with Pro-Town or the Mafia and may switch sides at any point.

    This must be done while you attempt to keep your identity a secret. The game does not have a time limit, but goes by a Round structure: Round 1, Round 2, Round 3, etc.

    Once one of the Factions has killed the other Faction they win the game (or when it's almost certain that the other Faction is pretty much backed into a corner/ this does not apply to the Neutrals.)

    Game Structure/Rounds:



    ​ Before the game is started any Special Role will receive their respective Role PMs. A Civilian, however, will NOT receive a PM. From the start Protown Roles get individual PMs, and Mafia will receive a Group PM with all the Mafians in it. Neutral roles will receive individual PM's.


    After the PMs are sent the game will begin with the 48 hour wait...


    Game Start:

    48 hour wait: - Downtime to activate role powers for the following Round, or discuss things in the PMs, or thread. The Mafians must choose one of their own to do the "Execution",and that person appears on the Suspect List. All the Special Roles must reply to their PMs to activate their powers.


    1: Execution - The first part of a Round where the Execution/Protection/Investigation takes place.


    2: The Suspect List - Where 3 randomly chosen players, and the 1 Mafian who did the Execution reside. Everyone will be allowed to vote for 1 of the 4 people on the Suspect List.


    3: The Lynch - The person with the most votes will be killed: they will die, have their role publicly revealed, and become a Ghost. If there is a tie between 2-4 people then it will revert back to a Voting list with just those people, and the voters will have to choose who to die again. If it's still a tie then RNG will choose who shall die.

    End of Round 1 (or #)


    48 hour wait until the next Round, and the cycle starts over again from #1 above.





    Good Guy’s: (x12)

    (x1)Bulma- Investigates one player per round. Can summon Shenron, but only once, and wish somebody back to life. This is barred until Round 3.


    (x1) Yajirobe - Bean daddy.


    (x10) Civilians- No powers except voting.


    (x1) Krillin- Has Kienzan, can only be used after Round 2. This lets him take down one person on the suspect list, killing them. However, the round will still continue and a 2nd person can be hung for their innocence/guilty deeds.


    Villains (x4)

    (x1) Cell Jr- Nuisance, can just vote and kill people.


    (x1)Cell- Has 2 lives, if Android 17 and Android 18 die before him, Villains immediately win the game.


    (x1) Android 17- Dream to be a park ranger, can vote and kill people. Can defeat two people at once, but only once.


    (x1) Android 18- Needs new clothes, can vote and kill people. If she targets Krillin, she can wipe out his two lives instantly. But only if Android 18 attacks him, no other villain can do this.


    Neutral (x3)

    (x1) Android 16- He likes the birds. Can switch places with any target he wishes to protect, therefore destroying himself while keeping a player safe..


    (x1) Hercule Satan- Is publicly displayed to the audience, and will feature a quote every round. Worthless, but the least he can do is cast a .5 vote.


    (x1) Tien- Kikoho. Can remove a player from the suspect list, one person every 2 rounds.




    - 1 Mafian (the person who did the Execution in a Round, or botched it), and 3 RNG players show up per Lynch.


    - You may vote for a fellow Factioner to keep your identity hidden.


    - You may PM other players in your attempts to figure out other roles, and further your own plans.


    - You may print screen, or screenshot the text featured at the very beginning of your Faction PM to show to others as proof. Do so at your own risk.


    - You may add whoever you want to your Role PM.


    - You may post fake, or edited proof images, videos, or other content.


    - You may screenshot anything, and use it as proof if you wish.


    - You may accuse other players of roles within the thread, lie, or call out another role.


    - You may post completely irrelevant comments in the thread, and PMs.


    - You may reveal, or fake your role.


    - Be respectful of other players.


    - Please don't flame.


    -You may commit suicide


    - You may not use information within this game to help you in things out of the game, e.g. "I'll tell you my role if you give me a 48 hour gold trial."


    - Keep the negative emotional investment in the game at a minimum to prevent players from becoming angry, or mad at each other. If you're heated go walk it off.


    - Do not request me for a role.


    - You may not under any circumstances use staff or mod powers, whether they are yours or someone else's, to aid your team.


    Player List:


    ​1. Drizzy_Dan


    ​3. Melody


    ​5. Self Destruct


    ​7. Frankenzer

    8. Halo6 Follower

    ​9. Mr. Kittens and Gibberish


    11. Caboose the Ace

    ​12. Kakashi

    13. Pbrabbit


    15. BATMAN



    ​18. Yang Xiao Long



    • Like 3
  13. Thanks for all the help!


    Is there any difference with Assault and Warzone Assault? Because as I mentioned in the first post I did find information about Warzone Assault on a Halo 5 wiki and it was described as


    "an attack/defend version of Warzone with no A.I controlled enemies. In this mode one of the teams will be the attacking, while the other is defending. To win, the attacking team must destroy the enemy’s core, while the defending must prevent this from happening. The enemy core is shielded and two bases needs to be capture for the shield to go down."




    Yup, that's Warzone assault.


    Attack the first base, clear it out of enemies, and hold it. (If an enemy enters the base it pauses the timer) After 20 seconds, you get the base. Proceed to the second base, live die repeat. After that, you go to their home base, and attack the enemy core and destroy it for a flawless victory.


    The opposing team is the opposite side of this, hold the objectives. Don't let them take your base.


    Warzone is a 3 base points on the map, capture all 3 and destroy the enemy core to win. Or, hold bases, kill Spartans, and kill bosses to win. Whoever gets to 1000 points first wins.

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