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Posts posted by Buns

  1. Thats some neat info Thanks Twin!

    Although I am going to pick the Carbine not because of the performance but mainly for a single shot alien weapon it is just fantastic. Compared to the BR the Carbine adds great visual and audio feedback everytime you pull the trigger and seeing the green projectile whip across the screen. I find the weapon immensely stratifying to shoot because of this. The BR is dull with the constant burst(Still a great weapon though)

    More-so since I enjoy my Firefight/Campaign activities over standard matchmaking I find the Carbine to be more effective in those scenarios since most enemies our going to have shields. While the BR is good for this too the Carbine is a league ahead since it being a Covie weapon firing radiated energy projectiles it is does significant more damage to shielded foes. Plus the weapon is just as easy to find ammo for since Covie scum will also be logging it around. 

  2. Hello everybody to the 1st Weekly Youtube Highlight! This one was a little rushed and stripped of content sorry!




    343iCF Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/343iCommunity/featured

    This week on the channel!

    Very slow week on the channel, but a lot of unlisted videos were posted, but I cannot show those yet(they're just playdate videos anyways no worries) So instead I will remind you all to watch the previous podcast episodes if you haven't already. Just click the spoiler to view the content.

    343iCF Podcast 13: New Year's 2015!


    343iCF Podcast 12: Kwanzaacast!


    343iCF Podcast 11: Rick James Edition


    Before you start enjoying yourself be sure to watch this weeks episode of The Bulletion. Powered by 343i and Grunt Methane



    Videos from the Halo community

      To make up for the videos on the channel recently. Well then I have wonderful news for you lady or gentlemember. I have a large amount of videos from the Halo community to share with thou  . Just click the spoiler to view the content.

    Lets start this off right with a thing most if not all of us ever wanted.
    Halo: Reach Barbie Dress Up Mod


    Here is a lengthy one but well worth the watch.
    FatRat Halo 3 Montage 3


    Seriously this is a MUST watch for all Halo fans. An amazingly interesting documentary by 343i regarding remaking Halo 2 into the anniversary edition that was released.
    Remaking the legend - Halo 2 Anniversary

    Pls 343i

    Halo Wars - Controlling the Flood mod

    An interesting discussion provided by a great Halo Youtuber/Forger
    Flood needs to evolve - Halo 5 Discussion


    Lets go out with a woaw

    Halo woahDST


    Next week two new sections will be added along with other minor improvements. Including a whole host of Flood videos to showcase so stay tuned!



    Discuss the videos down below! Got any similar videos you want to share? Throw does down below too!
    Any feedback is much appreciated!

    Be sure to subscribe to the channel if you haven't already: https://www.youtube.com/user/343iCommunity/featured

    Have a video you want to submit to the channel? Do so here: http://343i.org/2pl

    • Like 7
  3. I might need to ask the mods to clarify on this but you can change your username once you make 5+ Posts on the forum(after you make 5+ Posts you gain full access to the forums including the shoutbox.) 

    You can make posts anywhere EXCEPT in introductions/offbeats sections/clan recruitment(posts in these areas do not count towards your total posts)


    Just put your opinion in a few discussions going around. You will reach 5 posts in no time(you already have 1 already!)


    Welcome to the forums. Nice to see a new face going around. You joined just in time because our big Site Spring update is right around the corner. Prepare for a whole load of awesome new events, contests, etc!

    • Like 1
  4. Yoshi is scrub.....


    That is all. :)


    Anyway...... Yoshi is corrupt and is self serving you should vote for someone who serves you....


    Someone like Jack of harts.....

    Or someone like Bnus ;)


    He will be there for you in times of great disaster. He will keep his promises. 


    A vote for Bnus is a vote for Liberty Prime! 

    • Like 1
  5. That's a little harsh don't you think?

    He is just overthinking it. Mafian isn't going to die anytime soon.


    I don't blame the Mafians for what happened. I discovered 3 of them before the game started. Not to mention in this round of 9.0 detective gets investigation results before the scene is posted(by like an hour or 30 minutes not a huge time span)


    Also the Police and Sniper both worked with Pro-Town this game even the; which allowed us to put Mafians on the suspect list + even kill one of them. 


    This is a great example of one of those "domino effects".  The Mafians chose not to kill me round 1 when my original plan had involved me dying round 1 which then led all neutral and pro-town roles contacting me because I revealed myself. This gave me the chance to continue investigations(which is how we uncovered BATMAN + Dexter Grif) 


    like I said. This was an interesting quick game and a learning experience for all us. I highly recommend that the next detective does not try what I did. 


    gg everyone. I enjoyed this quite a bit. Although it isnt over yet we need to vote EK off. :hrhr:



  6. Delpen9 your point would make sense if it took place after round 1.


    SD protected me every round from 2 up until now.


    However SD was foolish to overthink that my video footage was fake and going as far as claiming I faked the entire thing. He was right to be cautious but no one here in Mafian is talented enough to fake anything besides picture proof. 


    If I didn't convince SD that I was the detective somehow I would have wasted time/an investigation on him and never would have found BATMAN. 

  7. I don't care if I died the game is already over


    gg Mafians. Next time Yang, EK, rrhunt, Delpen9. Try not to give away that your Mafians ok?

    Edward Kenway gets a free pass since it was his first game


    rrhunt does too since I did a great job with deception


    Yang  you gave it away when I said "maybe I should investigate you?" and you replied "No I like to remain hidden" your answer should have been "Go ahead but you will waste an investigation" if you sounded confident in your reply I would have told the sniper to kill you


    Delpen9 told me he was the psycho before round 1 in a very foolish manner. I didn't truly believe him until I investigated him. Which I guess was a "meh" decision


    Dexter Grif/BATMAN did a fantastic job hiding. If rrhunt actually killed me round 1 we would have discovered Dexter Grif's/BATMAN's true identity.


    Honestly it was foolish for the Mafians not to kill me round 1 because even SD our own medic never believed I was the detective until I screen-shared with him on Skype.


    Anyways this was a pretty fun game. Sucks it had to end so quickly. I will be co-hosting the next few games so best of luck future Mafians ;D

    • Like 1
  8. He means Looters as in people who are subscribed to the monhtly loot crate and get geek related items shipped to their door each month. Like bobble heads, shirts, comics, key chains. Each monthly loot crate has a theme and you get items around that theme. 


    I hope thats what you mean at least. My little brother gets Loot Crate each month. 

    • Like 1
  9. New year new content for the Youtube channel


    On Sunday, January 18th at around or earlier 4pm EST I'm going to need help recording/preparing for a Machinima


    This is mainly a method for me to test my new capture card and start getting more unique content up on the channel


    If you're curious to what we will be doing. Well we will be recreating the 70's Japanese Spider-Man TV Intro


    And since we can lower weapons on Xbox Live now(thanks 343i) you're going have to watch this informative video(this teaches you how to lower your weapon, but please make sure you're using the Universal Default button layout)





    I should mention no voice actors will be needed. Just body actors.

    Also for some scenes we're going to need to hop in Forge and create the set. SO BRING YOUR ORACLE GAME SON. 

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