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Everything posted by Epictoaster

  1. I have two loadouts that i mostly use (although i havnt played enough recently to know how if they are efficiant compaired to others) NAME: The Spearheader ____________________ Primary: BR Secondary: Magnum Grenade: Frag Aromor Ability: Regen Field Tactical Package: Explosives Support Upgrade: Grenades _______________________ this is my usual loadout, weather im sticking with the team, fighting on my own, or stupidly charging 4v1, this is flexible enough to suit all my need. "I dont always play halo 4, but when I do, I use this." Name: The Surprise Suppressor-To-The-Face _____________________________________ Primary: Carbine Secondary: Suppressor Grenade: Frag Armor Ability: Hologram Tactical package: Firepower (duh) Support Upgrade:Dexterity ____________________________________________ This class i use for smaller maps, even though the carbine is a bit better at range than the BR... anyway, I can take on anyone at range with my Carbine, and swich to my Suppressor (underestimated weapon IMO) if they get in too close. let me know what you guys think!
  2. trying to figure out how to make a signature XD

  3. trying to figure out how to make a signature XD

    1. Sikslik7


      Click on your name up top, shose "My Settings" and then once there, chose signature on the left hand side. If you are looking for some images or help creating one, go to the signature shop under "General Discussion," where Insignia can help make one

  4. I sort of agree with Initiate, giving a 10% damage boost to the BR might give it more dominance in mid/ close-mid range over the DMR. however, a 10% boost to the carbine might be a bit overpowered, as the carbine (at least from what I can tell) is extremely powerful at medium range due to its relative accuracy and ROF. maybe I'm just playing against people that have no idea what they're doing, but i can usually beat a DMR at medium range with a BR or Carbine. but a 10% damage boost for the BR and the Carbine makes sense to me, as with both weapons poor accuracy at long range still gives the DMR distance dominance, but if you can get in medium/ close-medium range it will more likely than not loose out to both. but like JC13999 said, skill plays a major role
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