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Kyle K

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Everything posted by Kyle K

  1. i would love it if they brought back clans they were a great feature
  2. thx ill check it out
  3. Yeah i agreed that would be a cool feature to have and it would also help players get their maps out to others
  4. Dear 343i why is the halo reach game engine beging used for the halo ce remake? why cant you guys push back the date and use the halo ce game engine just with improve graphics?
  5. Kyle K


    I COMPLETLY understand where your coming from... (except id like to keep sprint, i dont care if its in CoD or not it needs to stay) Yeah i dont really mind sprint as much its the only one i use
  6. I havent seen a forum for map testing so i decided to make one, im sorry if theres already one, so post maps that u have made and you can get people to test them for you :mrgreen:
  7. ^^^^ And bring back the BR
  8. ^^^^^ agreed But why in the remake?
  9. Kyle K


    Why are people trying to turn halo 4 into call of duty? People are like add ADS, kill streaks, ect. I to play halo because its not like call of duty. Also i hate how they add armor abilities that made it like perks and how they made the bloom on the DMR to make it more realistic. I think if 343i wants halo 4 to be successful they need to go back to halo 2/3 setup where things to me were near perfection. So i just want to hear what others think about this issue.
  10. Yes that would be great i loved that mission soo much i just fool around in half the time i would love to have that as a playlist
  11. I think there just overpowered
  12. I would just want a new map forge world is getting borring
  13. Im not sure if this is in the right forum but anyway you cant really compare the two games as one is supposed to be more realistic and the other to be a future shooter, but with that beging said as you i am a die hard halo fan so i would have to pick halo
  14. Kyle K

    Reticule Bloom

    Get rid of it i hate it
  15. maybe a mini game or something would be fun
  16. Kyle K

    care package?

    No they already changed halo too much theres no ways thats gonna happen people need to stop trying to make it into call of duty
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