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Everything posted by SplitPredalien

  1. 1). Killcams & Fix Final Killcams and please add I enjoyed them for the first few days 2). SMG 3). More skins for weapons 4). More Gametypes 5). Better Servers, I dislike how you have to wait just for a match to start because the lobby isn't full, just send ppl in and then join other players. 6). Loadouts again... I love the loadouts! 7). More Ranks... I'm at lvl 130 and I can't level up anymore it really sucks! . Special armor... Like if you prestige or something u can get Hayabusa or Didact armor etc. 9). All grenades: spike, frag, plasma, pulse, incindeary... It makes customizing more fun and thought full! 10). Also more loadouts weapons: AR, BR, DMR, carbine, light rifle, SMG, storm rifle, suppressor, etc. 1). Oh and last more weapons and old... Other than that I he 343 considers some of these Ideas, especially ranks and prestige:D thank 343 and make halo a game bungie could hav never made Oh yea and a powerful ordinance drops like - Target Locator - Sentinial over watch ( a bunch of Sentinials come to assist you, kinda like autosentry but this one follows you) - Call in promethean crawlers( they run around and shoot/ attack other players) - Flamethrowers, missile pods etc
  2. When the didact falls pieces of cortona's clones are still wrapped around his body... I think that when the didact fell off of the hard light bridge, he was immune to the composer just like chief, so he survived and was shot onto earth( with Cortona on him) and in spartan ops they find a promethean knight soul with recent human memories... Therefore the didact is on earth making a secret promethean army... I also think that he will fix Cortona, and we may even see an evil cortana... So in halo 5 I think that there will be a human vs promethean war on earth!
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