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Posts posted by John-117

  1. I loved the elephant in Halo 3. It led to so many fun times on Sandtrap to the point I absolutely hated the Sandtrap variant because the elephant wasn't present. It was a really fun team vehicle with it working like a mobile base, and it was great for forging as nothing put on it moved when it was driving. Sure it was exploited with the bomb/flag being on each meaning you could move your elephant to the enemy team's, or move it in such a position that it was hard to get the flag/bomb, but that was just part of the fun. I'd love for it to return with more protection in the back (like a toggle able open/close back door to leg hogs or other vehicle on/off and maybe being bigger to cram more stuff and players into it.


    I'd like to hear everyone's opinions on this!

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  2. All of these ideas are great but 343 can do whatever they want. So there really isn't a point to making a forum post for what YOU want because only 343i has the right to change the game.


    Yea, also we need to remember that Halo 4 has been in development for 2 years! They already have a lot done for it I bet!

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