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  1. i was just playing online spartan ops when after i shot the RvB easter egg thing all the enimies turned tiny apart from there guns so they were really hard to kill doe anyone know why this happened?
  2. i think this would be actually a fun game type to play with friends
  3. i think that halo 5 should have armours that have an effect on the player for example the recon armour could have enhanced speed since the armour is for reconing and things like that for other armours. also i think they should add in armour damage and faliure to make it seem more realistic e.g. get meleed in the face visor cracks or get shot in the arm slower reload ect and lastly to be able to take your helmet off which will desable the shields but increase speed and strength?
  4. 343 needs to expand on spartan ops make it not so straight forward and not limited to one map per chapter
  5. in halo 5 they should put in: 1. Multiple campaigns from different characters views that all add into one massive story + either a new enemy or bring in the precursors the acient enemy of the forerunners. Also at the end oth the campaign and during the campaign add in full on hand to hand combat fights against the enemy and the end boss. 2. Bring back the elites in multiplayer and add in the forerunners (not the AI in halo 4 that you fight most of the time ) and couple of new game types like spartans vs elites vs forerunners to control locations for certain amount of time. 3. improve forerunner weapons make them seem more forerunner. include more weapons to use in a loadout 4. pick a path: when you start multiplayer instead of specializations, be able to pic a race of alien or human and level them up e.g. elite start as a normal elite and work to become a zelot. or same with forerunners and spartans start as basic spartan work up to be like master chief and you can use all three of these at the start like loadouts and change them whenever you want. 5. BRING FORGE WORLD BACK OF HAVE A NEW LARGE OPEN MAP 6. bit of a long shot but a gametype called ship wars where you basically have 2 or 4 teams with 2 to 6 people in it where you each control a small ship like the forward unto dawn vs the covent ship like in reach that you go on. 7. make maps large and large teams with air vehicles for dog fights like broadsword vs banshee and pelicans that can drop people of at capture points ( phantom for covenent ) 8. hand to hand combat modes, so like if you bget close to someone you can click a button which knocks there wepons out of there hand engaging the hand to hand combat where to have to press loads of buttons in time. Also be able to take real cover behind walls and pop out and shoot. 9. lastly all armour changes your stats and how to see your screen e.g. the recon armour has a small visor so your screen is limited to the same shape as your visor but you have increase radar and can zoom further with things so the recon would be ideal for snipers. also yourr visor can get cracked or damaged similar to the end of campagn in reach. Also be able to maybe take your helmet off desabling your shields but making to see easier and run around fatse maybe have damage increase.Lastly have weak point in armour which can maybe instantly take down sheilds or make the player go into crawl PLUS add in awsome revieves let me know what you think
  6. in halo 5 they should put in: 1. Multiple campaigns from different characters views that all add into one massive story + either a new enemy or bring in the precursors the acient enemy of the forerunners 2. Bring back the elites in multiplayer and add in the forerunners (not the AI in halo 4 that you fight most of the time ) and couple of new game types like spartans vs elites vs forerunners to control locations for certain amount of time. 3. improve forerunner weapons make them seem more forerunner. include more weapons to use in a loadout 4. pick a path: when you start multiplayer instead of specializations, be able to pic a race of alien or human and level them up e.g. elite start as a normal elite and work to become a zelot. or same with forerunners and spartans start as basic spartan work up to be like master chief and you can use all three of these at the start like loadouts and change them whenever you want. 5. BRING FORGE WORLD BACK OF HAVE A NEW LARGE OPEN MAP 6. bit of a long shot but a gametype called ship wars where you basically have 2 or 4 teams with 2 to 6 people in it where you each control a small ship like the forward unto dawn vs the covent ship like in reach that you go on. 7. make maps large and large teams with air vehicles for dog fights like broadsword vs banshee and pelicans that can drop people of at capture points ( phantom for covenent ) 8. hand to hand combat modes, so like if you bget close to someone you can click a button which knocks there wepons out of there hand engaging the hand to hand combat where to have to press loads of buttons in time. Also be able to take real cover behind walls and pop out and shoot. 9. lastly all armour changes your stats and how to see your screen e.g. the recon armour has a small visor so your screen is limited to the same shape as your visor but you have increase radar and can zoom further with things so the recon would be ideal for snipers. Also be able to maybe take your helmet off desabling your shields but making to see easier and run around fatse maybe have damage increase.Lastly have weak point in armour which can maybe instantly take down sheilds or make the player go into crawl PLUS add in awsome revieves let me know what you think
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