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Everything posted by halman

  1. I love it. It's distinctly Halo and it gives you an opportunity to lay into those team-mates that did nothing but annoy you.
  2. Maybe jazz up the Hornets to fill the gap between Reach and Halo 3? Maybe give the passengers machine gun turrets like the Falcon, the pilot has a chain gun but lacks the rockets. Also the Hornet would make up for these alterations due to its smaller size and it's more nimble, so whilst it turns faster it would be more difficult for the gunners to keep on target.
  3. Probably Dominion; I like its style but the constant VWEEP VWOOP'ing when you're in a base annoys me so much. Also I can never keep track of the scoring system, it seems like half of the team's points are earned by AFK guys sat in the bases.
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