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Posts posted by CrimsonVolver

  1. Regen could work if we have a Reach/ODST style health system again to heal nearby players, like the regen field and drop shields hybrid cousin

    That's a good point, actually.


    I just thought of another, called Outreach: As a mimic of how the Flood have tentacle-like arms at times and can strike you from a distance, with this Armor Ability you would have an increased distance range for your mele


    Another one is Flood Sight, where you can receive images from nearby enemies as if seeing through their eyes.


    To add another level to this thread, which I hope others are reading and thinking about their own ideas, having a Flood-hybrid soldier created by the UNSC would provide an excellent opportunity to introduce a whole new array of UNSC weapons, but you have to think about the ones developed from Flood technology.


    Granades, for instance, could be like a ball of smaller spiked sub-grenades, that disperse in all directions and explode on impact or after so many seconds. Similar to the spiker gredades with Reach, but more like a cluster of smaller ones.


    There could be a Flood saber, like the Flood multiplayer gametype in H4.


    Oh, and just thought of one more Weapon Type idea:


    Flood Whip.


    Hey, just having fun with this. Looking forward to seeing your thoughts.


    • Like 1
  2. It's a creative idea, but there are some flaws.


    Flood Sense - Maybe a loud stomping sound if enemies were approaching from behind, and arrows to the left or right when an opponent approached from there. Not really a flaw, but your description was vague.


    Flood Jump - We have Jet Packs.


    Flood Regen - But people respawn.

    These were just some random ideas I had off the top of my head. I see the flaws in them, but I am hoping for a larger discussion and sharing of other players ideas. I will share more of my own thoughts as I think of more possibilities. Just wanted to inspire a unique discussion.


  3. one thing i found wrong with halo 4, is there arent alot of guns, which made their loadout system. stupid. reason being two guns that are used every fight, the BR or DMR. i dont know about anyone else, but i'd like to get shot at something else that didnt take 4 bursts or shots to kill me with. add something else in like god forbid i say this, but be like call of duty. they have about 30+ weps. in their game. each has their own ups and downs to it. a loadout system looks great on paper for halo, but sucks due to there are hardly any guns in the game.


    my second is the armor abilities, evasion worked a hell of alot better than a thruster pack. evasion u go around the corner, thruster i get pushed 1meter ahead woo hoo!!


    my third, it pisses me off 343 didnt take time like bungie did when it came to deveolping their game. reason being, when halo 4 came out, everyone around the world can be put into a lobby. which when you shot the guy, ur shots did no damage. they fixed in the first week, but how about it doesnt happen when the game comes out? like when your first map pack came out and everyone could download it for free?


    my fourth, your wearing armor, ur armor pieces shouldnt just be there for looks, actually give a armor piece a ability, like the grenadier chest piece, it should have had a dencer shield to it. i mean make ur armor have meaning not just look pretty. make them have traits. scout armor, makes you run faster, but your shields arent that great, due to the more speed, and ur cloaking armor ability lasts longer. something on the lines of that. make the game better, and it would (hopefully) make everyone think of ways to put different armor pieces together, to make their spartan to their liking. and my second is, females arent all built the same, some can hold heavy armor, and some cant. how about you have a sizing system, and actual requirment to wear the armor. like george, he was big as hell, and wore heavy spartan armor. (that actually covered his shoulders, all the shoulder armor looks like bicep armor js) put more thought in.


    oh another thing about the armor, dont half *** it. put time into it. i dont know where you got the idea of the pioneer helmet, but 1 helmet from reach made that helmet look like chicken crap. i mean alot of the halo 4 helmets looked rushed, and hardly any thought into it. make actual helmets, not ones like (another example) the ranger helmet, you look like an attacking mentally retarded bird. and before anyone gets onto me for saying that. go back to reach, or the other halos. and take a good look at their armor. then look at halo 4s. bungie's armor vs 343's in my opinon it looks alot better than their armor. it looks thrown together just to get it done and make more money. and your spartan figures from female to male, look really bad aswell, they both look really to skinny and not enough muscle. halo reach, the male spartan was perfect. the female spartan could have used alitte less on the butt. but they got it right. on the models and how they run as well. and another thing that bugs me. when you assinate where the hell do you pull your knife from? i mean if you can come up with a way you get your knife out. i will be amazed. but knowing no bungie employee will look at this, and put serious thought into their next game. like every game making company, they ask for suggestions and nothing, honestly take everyones opinion into consideration. and try to put it together the best you can. i know making a game is hard, im not saying all your hard work is bad. well i kinda did. i was pissed while typing. (sorry in advance) i know wat its like to work with coding. and how long it takes. its a pain. but maybe if u put some extra thought and went back to your earlyer designs of your spartan armor. like the ones i see all over google. make actual helmets. and put it to where you can attatch something that could help the person out with it. not armor abilities. and hell if i showed you what i could come up with in a day for a spartan i would. i mean i use to have tons of pre made out sketches of armor, and little side notes for the what the purpose of that certain armor does. anyway we all have our opinions, just thought i should have mine out there. sorry if i offended people.

    I liked everything you had to say here. I don't play COD, but I do play BF3, and there are way more than 30 gun/rifles and multiple missle launchers. I like being able to pick my rifle/pistol, and add attachments and adjust the scope.  Anyways, great thoughts. Thanks for sharing them.



  4. Imagine the UNSC unlocks Forerunner secrets related to the Flood/Prometheans, and works on creating a next gen Spartan. I am not saying we would play as this next gen, we would still be master chief. These next gens would perhaps eventually become the enemy as they could (possibly) be controlled by the Hive Mind? Anyway, in my mind there would be several cast off hybrids that would escape and be part of the larger Flood threat, but more to the point, The next gen soldiers would have specific Armor Abilities. If you can think of some Flood-based armor abilities, share them here. Here are a few I have thought of, and I will share more as I think of them:


    Flood Sense: With this ability you would have enhanced audio reception, which could come in handy where Promethean vision can not detect


    Flood Strength: Enhanced strength with heavy items (moving/lifting/throwing), meles, etc.


    Flood Jump: Just as it says.


    Flood Regen: Able to heal more quickly from damage, or revive dead players (who were not head shot or blown to dust). This is kind of a take off from Battlefield med packs and defibrillator. Med packs help damaged players heal faster, and a player carrying the defibrillator can revive dead of unconscious players.


    Share some of your thoughts/ideas!



    • Like 1
  5. This idea is very interesting, although I would like it to affect vehicles though. Maybe have it immobilize you for 2 seconds due to an animation, as well as making you unable to shoot. I'd definitely use it.

    I agree. It should affect all objects, including vehicles. Perhaps there could be an enhancement you could earn through specialties or whatever that could allow for more concentrated use of this armor ability, more directional. If you manage to kill other players by "splatter," etc you would get the kill points. Also, this would make for an interesting form of Hockey in a Custom Game.

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  6. Thanks Frankenzer! Now I know this post has converted at least one person! :yay:


    CrimsonVolver I too agree that the next Halo game should be on a Halo ring. Im kinda against the UNSC as a bad guy thing, Ive always seen them as the "were gonna get through this guys!" faction. One that can get smashed by anything and still turn around and spit in the face of death. Though that is just me. It would be an interesting twist to see something like that happen in Halo 5. Flood armour abilities could be interesting, please share your ideas. This is about how we can make the flood enjoyable for everyone.


    Ideas people! Mention them so people can be Inspired and/or Horrified!

    Well, I don't mean UNSC is so much the enemy, but that finally unlocking Forerunner technology that created the FloodPrometheans has benefits and consiquences. You think of how Spartans did not necessarily join of free will, and were enhanced in many ways to become the perfect killing machine. Unlocking Forerunner technologies would cause the UNSC to explore and expolit its benefits, while underestimating the severity of consiquences--those Halo 5.


    As far as Flood Armor Abilities go I would have to think more about it. It is really just a 'what if?' thought at this point. I think, however, that the Armor Abilities would be a by-product of the next gen Spartans created by the UNSC Scientists.


    So, besides the Flood as we know them, plus these next gen Flood/Promethean soldiers I have mentioned, I also imagine there would be many "experiments" gone wrong, so to speak. Powerful experiments that could not easily be disposed of, but were kept for observation and testing.


    As far as the Flood Armor Abilities goes, I think I will start a new thread and let the community contribute and participate in the exploration of this concept. Thanks for your comment.




    If you want to know what I want the Flood to be like in Halo 5, just go to WangTim3's channel on YouTube and watch The Mona Lisa. Also, I don't think 343i should worry about making the Flood innappropriately scary for the younger players; Cortana was practically naked in Halo 4, and there was plenty of cursing. I like the idea of a quick-time animation for an infection form (popcorn Flood) jumping on Chief's visor. It should be a visceral experience.

    I agree. I want the Flood to be fast, furious, and ultra scary. It would fit the overall theme, because I imagine the Chief will be going through a dark journey of self-discovery him self, given his years of service, losing everyone close to him, including Cortana, etc. I want to see something like FEAR 3/ FEAR 2, Dead Space, DOOM 3, etc. OH, and I would not mind a return of the practically naked Cortana either. :P

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  7. How do YOU think the Flood should act in Halo 5?


    When I think about the Flood in Halo 5 I imagine that they are re-introduced due to some meddling by UNSC scienctists who are looking to create the next gen Spartan. (Perhaps these new sinister super soldiers are also influenced by promethean as well?) Of course, while they do create some new super warriors, there are also many cast offs, and the original floodlings. Just this thought alone can give rise to many new possibliities for the Flood, including even new armor abilities, armor and weapons.


    My general thought is that there is something that goes wrong deep in the UNSC science labs, and basically the Flood Infection has escaped, as is found out as the campaign moves along. Perhaps John 117 is asked to investigate, and has to make it to some destination where he can re-activate his suit. Has anybody else considered this idea of the Flood?


    Oh, and forgot to mention that I truly hope Halo 5 happens on another Halo Ring. Just saying....

  8. Of the three I prefer fiesta because it is an interesting twist on the original. I actually like binary slayer more than the three, but not with the movement settings as they are (like Flood). I have made a version of binary slayer with just the binary rifle, unchanged movement and promethean vision set to unlimited. No sword. This variant is better and more challenging, and more similar to snipers, than the current one on Action Sack. Rockets can be fun, but I would actually like to see a railgun variant with jet packs, and one with just the sticky gun.



  9. I have also found that when my maps are more spread out I run out sooner than if it is more tightly bound. My current map is up to 810, but in previous versions I was at 950. I have been revising constantly after each mini play test with friends to cut wasteful pieces, and as a result I am able to add extra aesthetic value to it as well.



  10. You can cound me in. I currently have Three Maps, 2 symmetrical, 1 asymmetrical. One submitted to the Meet Your Maker Contest. Need to interact more with fellow forgers and forge testers. I have a hard time getting friends on my xbl list to join and test.


    I am on 4-5 days a week. EST.


    XBL: CrimsonVolver.

  11. This is probably true for the colleseum windows too. Additionally, I wish the windows when laid horizontal you could run/walk across them without hitting edges. They make interesting flooring, but the groves between windows are too obstructive. Doesn't 343 know Forgers don't always or ever really use objects the way they were intended to be used? At least I don't. CV

  12. Different /=/ Dead.

    Your english is very nice, however.

    I have to disagree with you, OP. Games usually change over years, it is very common.

    That's my take. I would be bored and pissed if the game was the same every time. I don't mind the similarities to COD/Crysis, because that is the way games are going. Loadouts don't ruin it, it just changes the dynamics, and not all gametypes have loadouts, such as SWAT, which I often play. I happen to like H4, especially compared to Reach. And, personally, I wish Spartans were more mobile with navigating terrain, such as using ladders, climbing walls and ravines as in campaign. I am all about games evolving. That's just me. CV

  13. I'm gonna be honest here, I didn't even know precision editing mode existed until everyone started complaining about it being gone in Halo 4 and even then I didn't know how it worked.


    In Reach it was a great way to align objects more precisely if the coordinates or basic aligning methods failed to make it work. I think 343 falsely thought that magnets would do the trick, but as someone who spends at lesat half of my Halo experience in the Forge, precision editing gives you that seemless connection with merged objects where magnets fail. Magnets are great when aligning objects where the magnets meet, but it is not always perfect and sometimes downright frustrating. This is where precision editing comes into play. Additionally, the zoom feature should be brought back. There are times when you are editing maps in tight spaces and the Forge program will push the monitor far out or simply at a bad angle, and being able to zoom while holding the object made this problem less annoying.



  14. I am posting this to the forums because I can not understand for the life of me why I can not access my fileshare on xbl from halo4 on this site. I don't think I am the only one experiencing, and I really have to say I am just speechless that 343 rolled out Halo 4 and the 343 community without having this issue clearly resolved. Can someone tell me what is the status on making the fileshare available from my xbl account? I am getting tired of taking pictures of my maps from the forge with my phone and my flat screen. Why is there so much silence on this important issue!!??



  15. Exactly! But I'm still bummed that they're not in Halo 4.

    Me too, but like I said, it is not impossible to think that 343i can't patch this in in a future update. Battlefield 3 does some major patches with updates to it's online multiplayer experience all the time based on community feedback. CV

  16. Thanks. One thing that seems to have solved it for me (for now) is I was using Chrome, and decided tonight to switch to Firefox. So far I have not been logged out. It was happening so often with Chrome I was about to give up trying to post to the forums. Really frustrating to compose a response or an original post, and find out you were not logged in (even though you were) and have the post deleted. I was starting to copy the post before posting to ensure that if this thing happened I could just paste and post after re-logging in. So, I guess the question to ask is what browser are people using who are having this happen to them?



  17. Yes, simply because if you remember the storyline with Halo 4 there is a part where they talk about how Cortana is unique, which is why she lasted so long. So the question is whether she dies, or EVOLVES. I think it can be done. As I have said in other threads, think about Jane from Ender's Game (well, technically Speaker for the Dead and beyond). It would not be fan pleasing because they left the possibility open within the storyline with Halo 4 as I recall.


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    1. FLOOD
    2. Flood/promethean hybrids (humans enhanced with Forerunner and/or flood to create super soldier. In my mind in Halo 5 based on the end campaign movie the UNSC unlocks Forerunner techology that created the Flood and Prometheans. This would provide a whole array of new enemy types, new weapons, new armor abilities, vehicles, gametypes and Spartan Ops story ideas).
    3. Prometheans, new Promethean weapons, vehicles and enemies.
    4. Arbiter and friendly eliites
    5. Master Chief and Cortana in some "evolved" form. (Take Jane from the Ender Wiggens series by Orson Scott Card. He was created by the Hive Queen to keep Ender from destroying the Buggers, but failed, and later on she grew on her own and became sentient and was attached to Ender emotionally. Cortana could evolve and make a slow return throughout the campaign.

    I have more Halo 5 ideas, but this is a mere Five(ish).


  18. As I have said before, I would like to see an armory that is actually useful. Small stat boosts are applied to each armor piece (different stat boosts for different armor types and pieces) wouldnt unbalance the game and add a far better level of customization to your Spartan so it suits your game play.

    Yes, I agree. Different armor types should yield certain pros and cons. Light armor would allow for quicker reflexes, faster movement, stealth, etc. Heavier armor might slow you down, but you would be harder to kill, etc. You could pick different armor types to suit your prefs, which would be a mixture. Some might want heavy armor all around, while others might seek light armor, while others would pick light and heavy armor for different body areas.




    Here are some more ideas to add a few survival mechanics to the halo gameplay. These ideas where created with the gametype invasion in mind but they would work with spartan vs spartan modes. 


    These ideas would increase immersion, realism, and give the game a sense of survival. It would add variety to a now stale formula and just make the game as hardcore as it needs to be. 

    Great list of thoughtful suggetions for Halo 5. CV

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  19. This is a really smart idea, and a great way to infuse more H4 maps without the high expectations of creating maps from scratch. It can't be all that hard since multiplayer maps are used in Spartan Ops, and in Reach campaign areas were used as maps in Multiplayer. I would hope that they would at least include a selection of map-specific objects such as with impact and erosion. 



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