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    Moons ToastKing

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  1. This game has flat out destroyed my confidence in 343....The campain is decent at best with no sort of incentive for me to keep playing it. The music in the game doesnt draw you in like previous halos and the sound gets so damn mixed and chaotic that i cant hear half of the stiff people are saying. I like the new enemies that they added and the new weapons are great to use in the campain. The biggest problem i have with this game is the multiplayer. Thats where halo is supposed to shine and in this game they ran it into the ground with half thought out maps and taking too many things from call of duty. Ordinace drops encourage people to sit back in a room and camp alllll day because the game will just give them more power weapons over and over. Then if you even tried to flush them out with grenades it would just fail because they drasticly reduced the grenades blast radius. I understand that its a balance issue and thats how they chose to fix it but it still feels like a slap in the face. Then theres the fact that while claming to be super balanced there is an obvious front runner in the percision weapon race. The DMR....I understand thats 343's little baby but it doesnt mean that it should win evveryyy damn fight.... Ive tried using the battle rifle and done ok. The light rifle even better...then theres the carbine, why does that gun never get any love....seriously ive never won a firefight with the carbine I dont think really anyone has or you would actually see it in the multiplayer. My next biggest problem is the damn bolt shot. People who have played halo 3 remember how overpowered the mauler was, this weapon is so much worse to me...its just so unbelievably unbalanced and just plain broken.... I dont even know what all else to say thats wrong with this game, I mean theres so many more things i hate. The vehicals being unbalanced, the same 3 maps over and over, the fact that one armor ability (promithian vison) makes at least 2 other ones useless and takes out the skill and point in hiding or going for cover. Im turing my copy of this game in this weekend and never touching this game again... Seriously this game seems like its a half finished beta that you guys rushed out to beat the release date of Call Of Duty. I hope the developers read this cause id love to hear your reasons for why you made me (a fan since Halo 1) never want to pick up another Halo again....
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