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Status Updates posted by RockinHeads

  1. going to play some halo 3 tonight :)

  2. wot be cool wen 343 makeing this maps map pack and other stuff wot be cool if they made a name like legend map pack like guardian pit and cool other stuff lockout other cool new maps

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fishy


      Lockout is already in Halo 4. It's called Shutout.

    3. DoctorB77


      How dare you call that a remake. I think it would be awesome to have a map pack featuring past maps. :)

    4. RockinHeads


      yh i know about shutout i not a fan of it i like the mane one forget the ppl makeing it i want them to make it i rather buy microsft points and buy them there own maps to buy it not mean but they done a good job of it how they made it on halo 3 like it on halo 4 so yh

  3. i think 343 should make smaller maps they made to many big maps they look so good dont worry yous have done a good jobs of them but make remake of guardian and specially the pit and lockout please guys look at my maps tell me what you think and put in halo 4 leader bored lone wolfs please guys

    1. Azaxx


      They made small maps, in the map pack.

    2. RockinHeads


      they should make new name like legends map pack like pit guardian and lockout

  4. 343 yous guys are doing good in halo 4 i hope yous guys make a remake of lockout and pit and guardian and put it in DLC and put it with free for all game type fingers cross

    1. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      is that even possible

    2. Ryu♥Hayabusa


      A lockout remake that has better split-screen performance would be welcome in my book...Shutout sucks.

    3. RockinHeads


      yh true its to big shutout of lockout they should made a remake of it and the pit and guardian there own maps they bring out htis big maps but they don't make smaller maps people please tell me am i right

  5. halo4 need more stuff init put the rank back in and dubs and better maps sorry guys u need more things updateing its like cod i not a fan off it dont feel like halo

    1. Zaguroth


      You need to learn how to form an arguement.

    2. RockinHeads


      wot u talking about

    3. RockinHeads


      wot u talking about

  6. halo4 need more stuff init put the rank back in and dubs and better maps sorry guys u need more things updateing its like cod i not a fan off it dont feel like halo

  7. hey guys on my fileshare download my maps on halo 4 cage and spaceout

  8. hey guys on my fileshare download my maps on halo 4 cage and spaceout

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