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    Tunnag Duine

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  1. Words. Cannot. Describe. My rage. Towards this game. When I bought this game, I thought I was buying HALO. I wanted Halo. I desired Halo. I play through the Campaign. "Oh, they added a dedicated sprint. Okay..." And the rest of the Campaign was great. Had fun with it. Then I get to the Spartan Ops. "Why not just include this stuff in the Campaign. Oh well, it was somewhat fun." Finished off those missions, not realizing that CoD had done the same bloody thing before. I get to Matchmaking. Dear. Sweet. Jesus. What the **** happened to our game? Where did the Halo go? Where did 343 think this was a good idea? This is just CoD with a Halo-themed skin. It makes me sick. Is the industry so low on ideas that they have to resort to something so base and so tired as CoD for inspiration? When I buy a Halo game, I expect a higher quality than that. I expect different ideas from the ones spawned by Activision and EA. Just goes to show that the shooter genre is dying. I'm jumping ship and sticking to Indy games from now on.
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