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    Sargeant Wafflz

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  1. i personally feel Team Snipers could use some updates... A choice between Snipers and Snipers Pro (no radar in pro). Incorporate some more beam rifle...Perferably in a separately available Loadout.... Do something to either reduce the flinch OVERALL (rather than having to unlock Rogue) or atleast reduce the damn thing... You could be playing the worst shot ever and all they have to do is shoot you in the torso (or foot for hells sake) twice...It may as well automatically zoom you out, because recompensating for the flinch poses to be a chore haha.... Don't get me wrong, i was excited and still am about Team Snipers...But the one thing that REALLY turned me off to it... Was the delayed sniping?? It just doesn't feel like halo.... Don't even know if thats possible, those reading this may not even see it as necessary, but its just not Halo sniping...I will say that you have done an EXCELLENT JOB though 343. You really have lived up to the expectations...If there wasn't such a long response to the pulling of my trigger i'd be MORE THAN HAPPY...
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