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Adam Boozer

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  1. Yeah I don't like that but it's mostly because we pick the maps ourselves.
  2. I don't know exactly what you mean because you didn't elaborate... but, if your playing the same game as me I would think these things to be obvious. Such as the weak turrets with no shield.
  3. Short Hand: Increase health of sentry turrets, add shields, and vary type between races and weapon type. Add more levels of fortification with more features. Increase time limit and score limit, reduce reward. Descriptive Section: Excellent new game mode that I wish more games would do more of. Unfortunately, it needs a little bit of balancing as is obvious to most. The turrets and base defense systems are too weak and too few levels of fortification. I suggest that the base health of the turrets should be increased and as the level of fortification increases shields should be added, then change the weapon type to say a rocket launcher to as crazy as a gauss cannon and vary up the type of bases and weapons to the individual races. Like a covenant, UNSC, promethean, and flood weapon if you got the time. You have two stationary turret types for multiplayer, yet you have several vehicles with possible turrets on them that you could use to amp up these locations. You make it feel too weak and short lived making it anti climatic, when it should be explosive, large scale, extreme, and fulfilling. Add in more vehicles and heavy weapons to take out those defenses. The time limit and maybe the top score should be increased and the amount of points a team receives should be adjusted to suit that. ect. (open to revisions, simply post and I will give you credit and make it so.)
  4. Hello, my name is Adam and I have been making suggestions for games for a while now; such games as Fallout 3, New Vegas, Morrowind, Oblivion, and Battlefield. There will be one short hand version for those of you light readers and then the descriptive section in which we explore the idea further. Short Hand: Refine Halo 4’s match making search and give players more control over it. Descriptive Section: Previously explored lightly by Bungie with “Halo Reach”, the search feature had a slight flaw in that the feature was somewhat slower than the quick search and it had a loophole. If you were in an Xbox live party, you are considered to have a mic and therefore, a chatty player with a mic plugged in when in reality they were sitting in a party by themselves. This meant that as a player searching for active chatty or players wanting to communication to work together more were left with a bitter taste of maybe one other person with a mic and everyone else in a party. This loophole was never fixed and I doubt they ever knew about it. It was a fantastic idea that I am presuming you gentlemen and ladies over at 343 ran out of time or ruled out on the draw board. The good news is you could easily implement this by taking the coding from reach and adapting it to halo 4. I doubt it being a simple UI fix to be impossible. What we would like to have control over? If you are a chatty player and want to play with other chatty players, give us that option. If you are in a party with friends put that player (if the option is chosen) in games with other people playing with their friends. If you are the type of player to keep you’re mic off for whatever reason, give them the option to play with people like that. Close to player skill. Connection Strength. Ect. (post and I will edit with your name as credit to the idea) I intended this to fix the problem me and a friend of mine have been experiencing with running into players who are in party chat and since my friends skill level is way above mine in a party I get put in games where the players I face beat the crap out of me. The vision behind the idea was to give the player the ability to play with like minded people. That being said, it is possible to take this idea further if you wish to innovate. The above idea is more for a post release game but if you could, An innovative idea to take this even further would be to integrate halo waypoint with Facebook and Halo 4 in a way that would allow you to actually put players together based on common interest, skill level, achievements, and likes using information that we Facebook users give away freely. Thinking of the fact that Facebook now has over 1 billion users and that no other game has been smart enough to hit that gold mine deal with Facebook. (Facebook is hurting with there games section and this would help them immensely though that is another idea.)
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