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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Gosh I hate my Tuesday mornings!!

  2. When I hate someone, I HATE SOMEONE and nothing is getting between that hate #TrueStory

  3. Check out the details of the PS4 announcement and what the exec had to say http://t.co/DCXmlequDT

  4. It's going to be a productive day today... ????

  5. Yessss! Body restoring back to normal... For now

  6. Swear to god would rather be at home playing Halo 4 all day than go uni #Halo4

  7. I swear to god if that happens, i would kiss the floor, hold that against me!!
  8. definitely need to go southern US in my lifetime, accents are cool!!

  9. And I thought that I would survive winter without a chest infection... Every damn time!!

  10. Looks like today's a busy day for everyone

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