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Halo6 Follower

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Posts posted by Halo6 Follower

  1. Welcome to the best site on the web, mate! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.



    I would be happy to help you out! Please add my GT: BatedSuperior5.   


    (Although I live in Australia, not sure if that will help your Halo 5 servers, but we can try! xD) 




    Edit: completely missed the question... My bad. Drizzy's suggestion below is certainly worth a shot. Beyond that I have no clue sorry. 

  2. I'm absolutely loving that new banner, SD! 


    As for the actual games themselves, I'm really looking forward to:


    Shadow of War

    Assassin's Creed: Origins

    Metro Eodus 

    Battlefront II

    Destiny 2

    And I'll be keeping an eye on Anthem, it looks great now - but with such a limited amount shown it's hard to form an opinion.



    Other than that, this year's E3 was relatively dull. Especially Bethesda's paid mods announcement...Yeah... I don't have high hopes for that. 

    • Like 2
  3. Would you want the event to be streamed via Mixer/Twitch?


    Yes please! I love watching streams, I think Twitch might be the easier platform to use though? Unless Mixer can sync up with the Xbox? Streaming can also be used to promotes discussion elsewhere (such as Twitter). Another interesting aspect to keep in mind is that we could potentially do some 'funny streamer fails' or 'clutch plays' by capturing parts of the stream, and then maybe have them compiled and made into a separate video?      


    Have the events just Halo or have it on other games?  (e.g Injustice 2 or Destiny)


    I think that as long as members have the game that you intent to play, I don't have an issue with branching out and covering more games. 


    Have it like just a straight up event or have some like plot to it similar to some of Onso's previous events?


    Doesn't really worry me. Either way, as long as the community can come together then that's good enough for me. 


    Have out of game events? e.g a weekly screenshot contest?


    *See above point regarding Streaming* I think this is a good way to get the community more involved, especially on Twitter or, perhaps, Reddit.

    • Like 1
  4. Thanks a lot everyone! I've been staring at my screen for several hours now trying to figure out something to write, but nothing has really leaped at me.


    So instead I'm going to keep it short and concise: 



    Never in my (almost) 5 years of site activity did I predict this. 



    To all of my friends: It's a weird way to start I know, but when both Azaxx and BeckoningZebra, respectively, were promoted to Cmod, I was a kinda terrified to approach them for a conversation. These two members that I had so freely chatted about AFL (Australian Football League, It's a thing I swear! Azaxx, if you read this: up the Dons!!) and Star Wars (Remember that time we defended the Flag during that Halo playdate (I think it was Ninjas vs the Forums), BZ? We made a pretty great team) were, well, no longer members. It was a little daunting, not going to lie. I suppose where I'm trying to go with this is that I will always to willing to chat in the Shoutbox, no matter what colour my name is. And I want all of you to know that. 



    To the Mod/Admin team:Thanks for the opportunity, I won't let you down. I can't wait to work with each and every one of you. <3



    Venerate the almighty Twam 



    • Like 8
  5. Like it?? Haha, nope...



    ...I love it! :DD 


    And lol, yeah, I get that a lot. I might need to change my username at some point. 


    No problem! Happy to help, there's lots of customising options you can use! 

  6. :DDD I was waiting for you to make an Intro post xD. 



    Absolutely love that profile picture! You need to get a Rocket Signature too! (Under the Customise Profile area).



    Welcome to the best site ever! If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!




  7. Most of the Marvel movies are not accurate.

    Even some of the hero's origin and villains.

    I grew up reading Marvel and DC comics but the movies are still entertaining especially to those who don't know them and to the kids.

    If you don't like the story in the movies just think of it like another universe in the Marvel multiverse like in the comics.


    The Marvel movies are in another timeline. The Marvel Cinematic Universe. The character origins have been changed. 


    Also, you might want to remove that Logan link. Just a word of warning. 

  8. Or you could stay here, where the Mods are fantastic, the Admin is more than amazing, and the members are phenomenal?



    In all seriousness though, maybe shooting them a tweet? Or a post on Reddit? I don't really know, sorry, and i'm not too sure if 343 will openly chat about Moderator replacements...Even if it reaches the point when fans are rioting about it. 

    • Like 1
  9. So, the other day I received this amazing package from the one and only Khevakins. These metal prints were discussed a few months ago on UNSC Warfare, and I never believed that I would see them again, yet alone have them in my room!



















    (Surprise Batman!)


    Thanks a lot, Kheva! I will definitely work on having these framed at some stage. Any plans to mass-produce Sol emblems?    


    May Twam, beloved by all, protect. 

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