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  1. I love it , but I was trying to get the challenge for beating all levels on spartin ops and did so, but I didn't get credit for the challenge. Is anyone else having the same problems. But Yeah, Love Spartin Ops Also, I think it should be something you can play without a gold membership. I didn't even know that and do have one, but I don't think it's fair to other people.
  2. Not if they keep this credit ban going. My girlfriend and I along with kids are all scared to play it now cause we got banned for no reason
  3. Hi I was wondering if 343 is going to change the banning system on Reach and Halo 4. I got banned from earning credits cause my girlfriend who is new couldn't get any kills. I've never been banned from anything yet I'm banned from a Halo game? Now she is scared to play with me and to let kids play, are they going to change this? Does anyone have any input?
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