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  • Location
    Sheffield United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Halo Wars,Reach, CE,2,ODST,3,4 (Yeah..)
    Gears of war
    Controversial jokes
    The Game
    My fiancé

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    o0 StrickeN 0o

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. If I were to say either, I'd say more like Halo 3, which it does seem to be doing for itself, but it is a separate game so it won't be "like" either: Halo 4 will, no doubt take the good aspects of previous halo titles and combine them to give us a better, more rounded experience. Halo 3 was fantastic and I'd love for halo 4 to have the same "feel" as halo 3, if anyone knows what I mean, it was a rather distinct feeling of fun, epicness and it just felt right, given that some of the team working on this have worked on previous halo titles (I'm assuming 3) I have complete faith in their ability to make it feel right for us. It shouldn't be like halo reach or halo 3: it should take halo a leap in the right direction by playing to its strengths
  2. Yeah, that's what I'd do: I like to appreciate the story by making it an easy ride first time through, worry about challenging myself later on
  3. Is it bad the first thing that came to mind reading this was someone dying and going "NEIN NEIN NEIN'? That or Arnold Schwartzenegger sound effects, while it is an interesting idea, I wouldn't wanna hear any 12 year olds going "SCREEEEEEE" when they die, over and over and over and over and over... Ideas like this often come with exploits, like in Rainbow six vegas 2 you could scan your face, and just saying that I'm sure people know what some decided to do there
  4. I'm gonna say the crates that were open: I'd love to see someone remake the gametype somehow where players were in the "tube" of them, while the others were on the ground trying to hit this suspended tube
  5. Twitching because Halo 4 comes in under 10 days

  6. Sure, add me if you like, I'll be interested in playing some Halo 4, probably gonna be on wargames mostly after launch, but still, kinda miss the days of just finding a completely random buddy on halo and wrecking online xD (good ol' halo 3) GT is o0 StrickeN 0o I'm usually online most nights after work (8pm GMT) , alternate saturdays and sunday nights
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