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Posts posted by HIWBC

  1. Yang I think you need to calm down a little bit, that whole last post was unnecessary considering Husky's quote of "Still, I think it is disrespectful to say his MoM wasn't as meaningful." wasn't aimed towards you it was aimed at Caboose the Ace. He wasn't jumping to conclusions he was simply stating what he thought was right and what he thought that you were hinting/insinuating towards as it is hard to tell over text what you're hinting towards, as there is no tone of voice or expression to be able to judge that from. That's all :). Also telling a respected moderator to "Just shut up." is a bit unjustified and not on and I think you should calm  it a little bit before you say something you regret and get banned :).

  2. I think the betrayal system should definitely stay, there's no reason to take it out. And to be honest it's a feature/mechanic that all of us Halo players have grown to know and love, you know how much the Halo community has hated change recently :wallbash:. Anyway back to what I was saying: I don't really think it is necessary to take out a feature that comes in quite helpful to newbies of the series in finding out that Halo like many other franchises is a game where you pay the consequence for doing something wrong, whether that be being in the wrong spot of cover on legendary campaign or shooting your own teammate on multiplayer and losing points and skill for it. Look, point is they learn the right from wrong things to do in the game pretty quickly, the hard way. This ensures that they definitely learn not to betray their teammates as Halo is a very much competitive game, which is even suggested by the ranking system. It also adds to the realism of the game as in real life if you shot your colleague you'd pay the consequences, and very majorly (even if it was accidental). I just think that it's an all round helpful mechanic that helps newbies learn not to kill people like idiots :).

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  3. Fuel Rod Gun. Simple reason for this is that it's got a higher amount of ammo in one clip, it's much easier to pick up a fair amount of kills with, you can kill enemies around corners by bouncing fuel rods off of walls. And come on who can resist that noise when it fires *BAOOWAH* haha :rofl:.

  4. I like to play very immersive games that make you feel good if you're doing well in them. Games that actually make you feel like you're having some sort of an impact on the gameplay, like you're actually achieving something. One of my motives of playing games is if I haven't seen everything, especially with open-world games like Skyrim. It's like endless possibilities, pretty much. There's constantly new stuff going on around you. You just don't want to stop until you've done everything there is to do and seen everything there is to see, that's true completion. Why wouldn't you want to see everything, I mean you want to get your moneys worth don't you? And yes I am kind of an RPG Open-World genre fanboy!

  5. Thank you for putting me on the top 15 list of June. I'll try and keep up my hard work and as I said yesterday, thank you all for being such a great community. Thank you for making me feel welcome here. And congratulations to everybody who made the list and honourable mentions as well :D.

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