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Posts posted by HIWBC

  1. Sorry for reviving an old topic but I saw it and I couldn't resist :)! Yes I think that so far Xbox One has had a much better shot for marketing than the Xbox 360, if you mean sales wise then no, not yet at least. The reason the Xbox One has had a lack of sales so far is because Don Mattrick was so adamant that the policies were right at E3 2013 :). However the sales shot up as soon as Phil Spencer came into power as the new Head of Xbox. The reason that the sales shot up in the first place however were the fact that they took the DRM and bad policies away. The sales went up even faster after that though because Phil Spencer loosened up the policies even more by saying that the old Xbox One is completely done and that he is going to look at it in the view of "By the gamers, for the gamers.". Basically much more gaming orientated than the original idea.


    Don't worry about the huge lead in sales of the PS4 so far though because just you watch with the recent price drops of the Xbox One and the recent vote by many people of Microsoft winning E3 2014 and having all of the best exclusives come Christmas the sales will have boomed and Xbox will have it's community back and all will be fine back at Microsoft. Also the sales will definitely go up by the end of 2015 as obviously the début of Halo 5 will have taken place. Xbox has had a fine run this generation with absolutely amazing trailers. The games shown in the trailers have been absolutely amazing. The trailers being very professionally presented, hype generating and very, very dissapointing for the Sony fanboys. Although however, reverting back to the original question the console had an extremely bad launch with the console getting a bunch of hate and Don Mattrick being quite frankly a bit annoying. So first impressions matter as clearly shown with this generation of Xbox and it's lack of sales up until Phil Spencer came along and fixed it up. Although overall the marketing hasn't been that bad, and much better than that of the 360's.

  2. Hewohh Dman, welcome to the forums :D! I hope you enjoy every single bit of time you have on here. Remember if you have any problems with learning any website features don't be afraid to ask a fellow member, member of staff or a moderator :D!

    Also I'm afraid I cannot help you with the problem you have :(. If you were looking for the official 343 industries forum you should go to halowaypoint.com as we are the 343 industries community forum :)

  3. Well mine is a very bizarre story, 5 years ago when I first got given the option to get Xbox Live I was absolutely ecstatic, I had never had any experience with online gaming before apart from Runescape and that was absolutely amazing fun back in the days (still play it now). Then the moment came *presses 'A'* *transaction complete* I thought that I needed to have a Gamertag that meant something to me, with a backstory and that was unique. My mum recommended I choose something from my online gaming experience I had so far, so I thought back and I thought hard. Eventually I came to the conclusion of making my first Runescape password my gamertag (smart idea Zac [NOT]). So as my password was 'dragonorb' (I don't even know, don't ask :rofl:) I decided that to be a "Pro" gamer I had to put an 'Xx' on the beginning and an 'xX' on the end (just to make it official lol) from then onwards I prowled Xbox Live as "XxDragonOrbxX" :).


    So you guys may be thinking "But H5WBC your Gamertag isn't XxDragonOrbxX!" and you are correct, that changed in mid-2011. So, the reason this changed is that I actually came to the realisation that I could change my Gamer Tag, I decided that I had had enough with people making fun of my stupid Runescape name. It was then that a clan my friends started up said that I could join if I really wanted to; the clan being called "The Grampa Clan" *massive sigh indeed*. I don't know why I thought this was a good idea I just thought that anything was better than blasted DragonOrb at the time :/. It was then that I became known as "grampa ed" (yes I'm aware grandpa is spelt wrong, that's how it was spelt according to clan rules for some reason). Needless to say that clan died long ago, shortly after I joined as well. And now I'm just a lone wolf with a very unique Gamer Tag. Instinctively I wanted to change it again after the clan died.


    But you know what realised my Gamer Tag was making people laugh, the better thing is that they weren't laughing at me they were laughing with me :D! I started taking my Gamer Tag online on driving games and people started saying things like "Haha this Grandpa gets his kicks out of driving supercars really fast :D!" and so I started playing on other games online like Battlefield and Halo with my Gamer Tag and I got the same reaction, I was making people laugh wherever I went. Today not much has changed, I still probably get at least one laugh per game I play from my Gamer Tag. Even funnier than my current Gamer Tag however is that fact that my old Gamer Tag is still alive and kicking even today! My friend who likes dragon related Gamer Tags messaged me the other month and said "Hey will you be willing to let me use your old Gamer Tag? :)" and I said yes. So yeah that's the story of my Gamer Tags on Xbox Live :D!

  4. It really does get annoying seeing these all of the time. It just won't happen, the console gaming industry works through exclusives, same as PC. Would you PC gamers want games like ARMA 3 or DAY Z  to come to Xbox? No you wouldn't because it is games such as those that gain the PC quite so many sales :). Same with Halo. Halo is one of the main selling points of the Xbox One and the Xbox franchise in general. It is an interesting idea and all and I coan see why you would want Halo to come to the PC but it just won't, it can't. It would be such a stupid marketing move for Microsoft and 343 industries to do something like that. Not that they haven't made marketing mistakes before, but they definitely wouldn't do this, I'm sorry it will never happen :(.


    On another note I really hope that topics like these stop being posted because it's never going to happen and it is really becoming quite tiresome having to read these and comment on them explaining why it will never happen, the basics of marketing and then leaving. It's just quite annoying to see people join this forum and then just not become actual genuine active members. Unless that's what you're planning on doing? In which case be my guest :). But yeah it's just annoying to see quite so many members join up and post a 2 line topic :).


    P.S. Also having all of these games come to PC will mean that it was pointless having them on Xbox in the first place, which would just be Microsoft basically in a sense insulting their own console lol ;). So that's yet another reason that it won't happen :).

  5. Oh my God, this is such amazing news :D! What makes this better is that I'm actually really good friends with these four on the forums :). So without further ado a personal congratulations for each of you :).


    We all knew this would happen sooner rather than later Jack, absolutely amazing work bro! I hope you carry on you amazing work of making snazzy, pleasing to the eye signatures. Congratulations dude :D!


    Sikslik we all think that your work on The Teleforge Project is incredible and that you'll do great in Event Management, nice work buddy :D! And remember don't stop using Windows Vista ;).


    Well as for you N3wsnut just keep being awesome, keep being sick at Halo and keep bringing out your amazing articles :D! Also don't forget to keep bringing your hilarity into the Shout Box, congratulations dude :D.


    And BZ1 I just really don't know what to say man. Massive congratulations dude :D, you've been one of my best friends on this forum for quite a while now and you've been an absolutely amazing and astoundingly active member on this website and you've served in so many areas of staff. You did an amazing job with being in the News Group and at being in Communications so I fully support this move and think that it's fully deserved. No doubt you'll do an amazing job with being a Community Moderator. So thank you once again for being such a good friend to me and congratulations man :thumbsup:!

    Congratulations to you all :cheers:!

    • Like 4
  6. So here it goes, this piece of work I like to call "In The Mind of Halo5willbecool": post-29848-0-04015400-1408229678.png


    Okay, so I said I was gonna take part seriously this time but come on. Where's the fun in that? So with that said I've gone back to my talent of creating very retarded cropped pictures :rofl:.


    Here's a very rare picture of the legendary member GreenMoonSpaceship91 himself:


    • Like 4
  7. Why does language exist? And why are the letters and symbols/runes we have in all of our alphabets associated with the sounds that they're associated with? I mean why is the sound "Ay" not associated with the letter "S"? Same with all other sounds that are associated with letters. How can we actually say that the visual representation of letters is what the sound actually looks like? It's not what the sounds of our language look like, so how can we associate them with letters? And why did I just ask so many questions questioning language and the way we know language itself?

    Also we can't say for certain that the visual representations of the sounds are actually right. I mean in theory when English writing first started letters were actually made up scribbles associated with sounds. So if the made up squiggles were different in the beginning we wouldn't know any differently and therefore the alphabet could actually look completely different to what it is today, infact all alphabets could. The Latin alphabet could actually go like this "Y B N L P Q R" but it doesn't because that's not how it started off. However if it did start off like that when English writing first began then we wouldn't know any differently and our actual alphabet that we have now of: "A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z" would seem a very weird concept, so basically. Why do the letters we have now represent the sounds of our language that they do? Has anybody else actually thought about this extremely weird and crazy concept before?


    And woo that was actually boggling my own mind writing that down lol ;).

    Also do you even see what I mean, any sound could be represented by any letter. They just aren't. They are the way they are now, so it seems a very weird concept to talk about. Proper mind boggler lol ;).


    So in theory, why do letters exist in the way they do right now?

    Also I'm not crazy this is literally just designed by me to try and fool people lol :D.

    • Like 1
  8. Micro transactions are very, very annoying and to see it implemented into yet another game in the Assassin's Creed franchise is very disappointing indeed. Why do Ubisoft and other big publishers/developers have to be so greedy (looking at you EA)? Although I can see some point in them as well, for instance I bet a lot of the money spent on micro transactions goes into the development of later games in the franchise. Also to be honest if the content featured in these said micro transactions are exclusive bits of content which cannot be accessed later in game then it's not that bad I guess. I can see the justification in them making it a micro transaction. Although it still is annoying, if they truly cared about the fans of their games like indie developers do they could release it in the actual game or release it in an update as oppose to making you pay for it later at an extra price, as if you haven't already paid enough for the friggen game.

    Great article as always Edward :D.

  9. Amazing article Adam :D. I personally don't think that they should focus on doing DLC for a remastered game, I mean the fact that it's remastered is good enough :D. Also on a higher note, I think it's brilliant that beta content will be carried over to Halo 5. Not many betas do that anymore, Destiny's beta for an unfortunate example or any of the Battlefield betas :)!

  10. Welcome to the forums :D. I hope you enjoy every single bit of time you spend on this forum, if you have any problems learning any features on the website please don't be afraid to ask a fellow member or a member of the moderation team :).

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