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Real Talk

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Posts posted by Real Talk

  1. Dafaq???


    Yes, I like to have ranking system in the game... not for bragging rights just for something to work towards and feel rewarded when I hit my preset targets... it's also a Challenge which keeps you coming back for more... the current system provide no challenge what so ever. That is what is fun to me, don't get me wrong I love to play custom game and goof off, but i'm not allowed to do that either.


    As for the betrayal comment:


    Get in mantis.

    Teammate Emps me.

    Destroys vehicle.

    Please explain to me how that's not an issue.


    Getting betrayed is an issue with players not the game. Same thing as in Halo 3 when people used PP and stuck the driver. As for ranking I would like to see a visible one TS one.

  2. I think the man who was abducted as a child, served his life as a soldier, and saved the galaxy (twice now?) should be allowed to disobey a debatable order. I say debatable because everyone has opinion on the order. He had his reasons he did not just decide to tell Del Rio to screw off for no reason. Also hes not just any soldier.

  3. Yeah but think of it this way... 343i and Microsoft are trying to take a stand on a serious matter. They could NOT be taking any stand on ANYTHING which is obviously worse.


    I might get some hate for saying this next thing but It's the truth. This is kind of like a very rich man donating 5 million dollars to a charity, and getting bashed because he didn't donate more which he obviously could afford. The problem with this is that that man donated more then all of the haters combined donated.


    Should this be opened up to homophobic and racist remarks? Yes. But should we insult 343i for trying to fix one part of the problem (an un-fixable problem I might add)? No... And just because the problem isn't fixable doesn't necessarily mean that 343i shouldn't punish for it and thereby discourage it.


    I see the picture you are painting and I agree with the donation part. But 343i has so much on their plate do you really think sexism is something they should be concerned about atm? And the thing is there are measures for people to not listen to haters. Why do people sit there and listen to someone talk trash?


    They have two options

    A ) Talk trash back (pointless as we all know)

    B ) Mute and be done with it


    People are not defenseless when it comes to being bothered online. And the fact is people will abuse this lifetime ban to get at people they dont like.

  4. So I've posted in here before asking about game ideas. And I'm back asking something similar. I have hit the brick wall. I'm burnt on First Person Shooters. I know, it's a terrible thing. I'm also kind of growing tired of open world games such as Oblivion, Mass Effect (Never thought I'd say that), and Skyrim. I guess I just need something new and different.


    I'm thinking something sports related, or maybe some sort of racing game. Something like Force Unleashed or Hitman. Idk, I'm just reaching out hoping someone will have a new game suggestion for me. I'm tired of typical shooters.


    I don't have a lot of time or energy to devote to the game. So I'm looking for something that I can just pick up and play. Than set down for a week or two, come back, and still be lots of fun. I don't know if that's possible. But if anyone has any game ideas, please let me know. I'm getting desperate.


    It can be an Arcade game or it can be a full on game. I am open to anything.


    I would say FC3 but you should give Madden a shot. Its fun to pick up after taking a break from it.


    Other than that there is also Dead Space(if you havent already played it) !

  5. really? think about it, the Characters you know and met, are not here anymore in Mass Effect 4. i believe ME4 takes place, about next 50,000 years later. most of people we know are gone. like it was said in Stargazer's story. it's been 50,000 years later since Shepard saved the whole galaxy.


    Characters were great but its a good time for a new start. What are they going to do with Shep now? I personally cant wait for the new cast of characters I believe they can make some cool new characters.

  6. Great tips, but that's not the issue that I'm facing. I'm facing dull opponents who lose regardless who refuse to move the game along. When I try moving the game along they just camp with their invisibility and never come out of hiding.




    How does one "Jam" the the effect it makes on the radar? Seriously, I'm ignorant to what you're speaking of.


    When you are invisible the radar is jammed. You know when all those white dots appear. It gives good indication as to the are where the invisible enemy is hiding. Its pretty easy to spot someone invisible anyways when you look in the right direction.

  7. Guy's, sexism is a pretty serious matter and you should not bash 343i or Microsoft for wanting to do something to prevent it. Whether it is the most important problem in society right now is a different matter. I can tell you that you don't really have to worry about potentially getting banned for T-bagging because 343i (and therefore) Microsoft supported that gesture by way of adding a Mantis crouch and the Holo-bag Easter Egg.


    Along with homophobia and many other things. If they are are going to speak out against sexism they should speak out against everything not just one thing. It makes it seem as if sexism is more important than other issues. And a life time ban is harsh the worse it gets is random people screaming into their mics. Anyone can file a complaint and mute.

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  8. Nothing he said was wrong... The community pretty strong across the board on at least the top 3 items.


    (In no order, but the common 5 which is easily the top 3 for the majority)

    1. Boltshot *something needs changed or make it an ordnance)

    2. Instant spawns on gametype(s) *way to much grenade spamming is also introduced bc of this*

    3. Radar tweaks, either gametypes with it off, reduce distance, or only when sound is made not walking

    4. Just Release all the specializations already (I have mine but others still dont)

    5. Smaller, Symmetrical maps, Why the hell does Haven still start you on the NON-SYMMETRICAL SIDES!!!


    I think 3-5 sums it up. People would like the option of a no radar playlist, specializations that are open to everybody and SMALLER MAPS.


    Bolt Shot is debatable the range is not that big.


    The reason I see people having issue with instant respawn is they cant spawn kill as easy anymore simple as that.

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