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Real Talk

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Posts posted by Real Talk

  1. His so called "points" made no sense.


    What does playing 2 or more matches have to do with anything? I never said anything about this...

    I debunked 3,4,and 5, if you would have bothered to read.


    In H4, there is definitely very close to 100% of games having at least one leaver in them, maybe 95%+. H3 couldn't have had more than 10% (if that high) because of the leaver prevention system.


    Some people cant play 2 or more matches. Whats so hard to understand? They have other things to do and they want to play the most they can the quickest. He was giving you an example of the importance of finding a match quickly.


    And as I have said before if you do start uneven teams will balance out within the first moments of the game. Sometimes even before the game starts. This especially helps out when people leave mid game for w/e reason, connection issues or ragequit.


    And lets say that it is close to 100% that they do start uneven. Within the first 5 seconds 90% of those games have balanced teams. The DIDO system gives more flexibility in starting uneven because it puts players in quickly.


    I will credit you on joining a game where the flag is halfway to the enemy team it sucks. But claiming that people are immature because they do not have the time to wait an extended amount of time in pre game lobby is not really debunking.

  2. You do realize that some people are not always going to be able to play 2 or more matches, right?


    Secondly, how do you know they even WANT to play a second match?


    Thirdly, there is something called 'Join Session In Progress' that was implemented in this game, you realized that to, right?


    Fourthly, there is always going to be games that start uneven and there is absolutely no way to circumvent that fact. If YOU had the patience to play the game for an extra minute and give someone a time to join, then maybe your problem will be solved.


    Fifthly, calling people a bunch of '8-year olds' is very immature and is not helping anybody. Just because they quit a match (in-game or lobby) doesn't make them an 8-year old. Are YOU an 8-year old freak who don't know nothing about game mechanics. Didn't think so.


    This person doesn't have the patience himself and doesn't know how joining matches work. Thanks.


    These are not counter points? Maybe you should learn to read first. Marcus made good points compares to your "what?".

    And the 5% and 100% are such exagerations....just stop.

    Halo 3's "leavers" were more than 5%.

  3. Hm, so most games take 4 minutes for you? Maybe you should stop rage quitting at the beginning of every match... Often times =/= all times. Uneven starts are 0% acceptable.


    When I said half the time in pre game lobby I meant total time played in one sitting....


    Your points have already been countered by marcus.


    And I have never rage quitted in my games because unlike you I am not bad. If you cant deal being one member down for the first 15 seconds you must be pretty bad. Try and contribute more to the team next time you are down a man.


    The DIDO system fills in spots pretty quick, not always, but most the time its fine. Nothing is perfect.

  4. We have always had them, some of us love em to bits, some of us team-kill them for ammo. How do you think Allies in general have fared in halo 4? In terms of usefulness, AI intelligence, and accuracy. I think thought Reach had the best trooper allies (Total crack-shots) Halo 4 with its Spartan-4 Allies might just turn the tide in your favor.


    I thought they were better in Halo 4 but in the end they all met the same fate. They all died, at least most.

  5. Well, but here's the thing.


    It worked FINE in Halo 2, 3, and Reach did it not? The part about FINDING a match? I mean, I don't recall it often taking much longer than it does in H4 to find a game. If someone leaves afterwards, great, replace them. But I don't see what's so hard about the old method of searching for players. It worked. It still does. It can with H4.


    It sometimes took me a while in Halo 3 to find matches, I find matches quicker in H4 generally.

  6. Don't just 'no' me, that's not how this works champ. Elaborate, discuss.


    You could have backed up your Binary option you know? And personally I would much rather keep it down to 2 snipers (I prefer the human sniper, Beam rifle is easier to use imo).

  7. I would really rather play 5v6 than wait 2 minutes. A lot of people do not have the time to spend half their playing time in pre game lobby waiting for the perfect match up, just because they cant wait does not mean they are immature they just sometimes dont have as much time as you.

    Often times when games DO start uneven in H4 players are already joining in by the time I take a few steps. Not always though the JIS still needs tweaking though, but what else doesnt.

  8. Its ok. Point system is meh good for people who like playing the objective since in most cases it gives more points than a kill. My games have been pretty fast paced. Different maps I have been playing for a few days and I still havent played them all, somehow.


    I am mixed on Zombies, with the bus and fire. I like the addition of the point bank and storing one weapon though :laughing: both carry on to the next game if your online. And this time around for me zombies does not getting boring like it once did around the higher rounds because once you reached those in the older zombies everything became boring and a drag doing the same thing over and over.

  9. Seriously i do not know what all the fuss is about. The removal of bloom has been the best thing since sliced bread.


    The DMR is a skill based weapon and honestly i don't know why people come on and complain about 'not being able to poke my head out without getting shot' ... aren't we playing an FPS where that is the concept of the game?


    I don't know what people are talking about that you don't have to aim this gun. I know there is a degree of bullet magnetism as there is in EVERY FPS on console but to say that you don't need to aim the gun, well how about you go out in the next game with a DMR and refuse to aim lol. I know when i miss i miss due to my aim and when i hit i hit cos of my aim, no other factors involved.


    If you are basing what you are saying on killcams well then you are just silly really. Everyone knows killcams are laggy that is just a fact. I have had killcams where i am not even on the snipers screen and i die. Do i complain? No. Cos they lag, you can't take them at face value and claim the game is broken or a weapon is broken based on a laggy kill cam.


    The DMR is fine, it doesn't need to be nerfed or tweaked. It is a 'precision weapon' and people are complaining cos it is 'accurate at long range'???


    Seriously guys, go through the learning curve of a new game and then come back with an honest logical opinion instead of an emotional statement asking for things to be changed cos you just can't handle what is in front of you.


    Of course people will complain that the DMR because of its accuracy at long range, because you are forced to slap on a DMR or be forced not to play on big maps. Arguably you can use the LR maybe even the carbine but honestly the DMR beats both at long range.


    Not everyone likes to use it, but the fact that they are forced to because it basically has a range of the sniper is annoying to some people.


    Its not an emotional opinion it is what I have observed in my games in mathmaking.

  10. All people do is skip the cut scenes and run through the thing, they spent over 3 years on the campaign just for people to say talk crap about the multiplayer, while campaign was the best part of it all.


    I watched the entire thing, I really expected more out of the campaign. The reason people talk so much about MM is because of how different it is, and the various issues that need to be addressed. And as I said before MM is a large part of the game.

  11. Which do you prefer? Multiplayer Matchmaking or Campaign?

    Campaign is what a games all about and where 343i spent most of their time, MM was just a quick get done.


    I like Campaign, but guess what people spend more time playing? Matchmaking. Why? Because campaign is only a few hours run while Matchmaking takes on A LOT more hours. Campaign is only a piece of the whole game.


    I think you meant Campaign was a quick get it done.

  12. Let me put it this way OP, you are trying to argue legitimate points with, wait for it..... HALO FANS. Halo fans are die hard and will defend 343 and Bungie until they go to the grave. This was evident when I guarantee you half of these people thought Halo: Reach was excellent in the beginning (Oh wait a couple out of 30,000 who still liked that atrocious game).


    You raise valid and well-thought out points. I think you need to sit back and put it down like I did for a bit.


    This game is good, not the BEST ever but it is good and takes as much if not more skill than Halo 2 or 3 did. This is okay, because games should be harder to get good at.


    Trust me, the game will be better when CSR comes out, until then it will continue to be a cluster frick of terrible / good players who swear by this game.


    Go try out a different game if you do not like my response, or wait it out like I am. Oh and I heard BLOPS2 is actually good, my friend told me who is an absolute DIE HARD Halo fan. If you are looking for some fun check it out, no sense in getting worked up by something that is barely past post-Beta.


    There are plenty of Halo fans on this forum that can criticize 343 for legitimate flaws and mistakes in the game. Just because it is a fan forum does not make it a site where people blindly follow 343.

  13. I would have liked to see a skill system where both K/D and W/L are calculated but if I had to pick one over the other it would be K/D.


    Mainly because a lot of the times some teamates just get backpacked through entire games, why should they be ranked highly only because they have a team that carries them?


    And as Panda said before a lot of player play solo and get paired up with randoms, which is my case right now since not a lot of my friends play H4.

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