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Posts posted by Sierra1117

  1. Master Chief has the Didacts Gaeas, basically his Genes. That allows him to hear him. And when the Didact says we,he means humans are reclaiming the mantle, and the forerunners are hopeless to stop them

  2. Well no one here seems to agree with me much, so you guys tell me: why should I have to see the same thing reworded over and over again if there's already 10 of the same thing out there??


    I'm not trying to be sarcastic or anything, i'm just interested in learning why everyone is okay with more hate threads


    Please, no BS, and don't just say because the game is bad

    Im on the same boat as you. You guys can go ahead and say how bad you think the game is, but stop making so many threads because you're ruining the experience for those of us who want to talk about what we liked.
    • Like 2
  3. Ok if its such a great game please give some examples why? I can give you a list of reasons it has failed. Come on lets be honest you actually enjoyed the so called final battle......with run here activate that then run there activate that once again run there activate that......all for nothing as the final battle was the largest fail in the entire game.

    This is all my opinion, so please don't go ahead say something like "are you kidding me? That was the worst in the series."

    1. Amazing multiplayer

    2. Awesome story

    3. Great ending

    4. Spartan Ops is a great 10 minutes of fun.

    5. Forge is actually usable this time for me, so I'm playing around in that.

    6. Gunplay is just superb.


    And I actually like the last mission. All of it. It really gave me a feeling that time is running out, and it just felt epic. And I'm being honest, so don't assume what I like and don't like.

  4. You guys are saying that its not a good game and we're all stupid for liking it. Well how about you just shut up? You have no right to say what I think is good is bad. It's your opinion and I respect that, but respect mine and stop bitching. I came onto this forum wanting to talk about the story of Halo and and how excited I was for Halo 4. I thought that after the game came out that I would be able to talk about how great it was with you guys. But all I've been seeing on these forums are a bunch of people complaining. Just stop. We don't care. Killerdude,because of you trying to shove the idea of Halo 4 being a bad game, you have just all respect from me. Not for what you believe, but for how your treating it. This thread is useless. You voice your opinions, but stop trying to change ours.

    • Like 2
  5. Everything you said can be justified with a canonical reason. Of course the Didact could manipulate Chief because he's one of the most powerful bents in the galaxy. And Chiefs armor repaired itself using nanobots. And the Librarian is referring to Gaeas, which are explained in the books. Cortana used the light bridge she appeared on to save Chief. Lasky didn't say "let's go get chief" at the end of FUD. The Didact has genetic augmentations that allows him to levitate chief. And there is SO much more enemy variety than previous games. Anything else?

    • Like 1
  6. Halo 4 is a great game, and my GOTY. You guys can saw how much you hate it and try to convince us to hate it, but we understand that this is the definitive Halo, mystery and awe. So you guys have fun in Halo 3 matchmaking, I'll be busy in War Games.

  7. Im just wondering if theres going to be some Rare armor that we have to unlock by doing challenges, like the vidmaster challenges on halo 3.

    ipIf you play the campaign on Legendary you get Mark VI armor, and 343 said if you reach level 130 (doing all the specializations) then yo get a bonus

    I can see where you are coming from, but it is a risk. I still think they should bring Cortana back and keep your suggestion. This whole thing could be achieved because of what has happened.




    I'm not sure when I'll be able to read the novels. I have quite a lot to read before them.


    But from the point of view of someone who hasn't read them(and even those people who will not read them) Nobody can beat Cortana. And even though this B.B could be better and more likeable, people have only seen the writings of him, and haven't experience him in a way like they have experience Cortana.

    Trust me, yes we have. He is very sarcastic and reminds of Cortana sometimes. Whenever you'll read the books you'll se what I mean.
  9. Just keep trying! Whenever you die, try to find other strategy or even bypass the enemies. You will eventually prevail, no one is unworthy.


    Whenever I'm in a tight spot in MM I run towards the enemy yelling that. But I always die :(
  10. What I’d like to see in Halo 5


    The UNSC Infinity looks like a cool ship and I’d like to be able to explore it. So I came up with this idea for H5.


    Between missions MC gets to listen to the crew as they go about their business, go to the armoury and collect what weapons you want for the next mission, attend a briefing or listen in on a Crimson Team briefing “Easter egg”, and for that matter see them on-board!


    You could hear Marines comments on your performance in the last mission, or see mini events with main characters (Nothing RPS/RPG I don’t want to change the core value of Halo).


    One thing I’ve never liked about FPS games is how the player’s guns change on the next mission. It would be awesome if before we go to the Pelican Bay we could choose what we want in the armoury, an armoury that we could expand on through skull collection in the main game, and Spartan OPS. I miss skull collecting…


    Tell me what you think, and post your own ideas!


    BTW MC has saved the world twice now, anyone else think the guy deserves a promotion!

    So basically you want Halo to be like Mass Effect?
  11. Well that's not certain , yes it is him who is talking but that could have been a longtime ago , I mean he did mention about it being a sin not to destroy humanity, he was obviously talking to someone , which could have been a long time ago or another race has returned (say the forerunners)


    Just a thought

    Yes it is because we hear him say something like "Humanity stands as the greatest threat on the galaxy- And now we have this fate we are forced to recede-. Reclamation has already begun, and we wish to stop it." That's all referring to current events. Humanity is the greatest threat in 2557, and the Didact couldn't talk about his punishment because he was unconscious when he was placed in the Cryptum. And the thing that confirms it is the last sentence "Reclamation has already begun, and we wish to stop it." Humanity has begun to rise up and reclaim the mantle, so he is owing to try and stop it, again.so yes, the epilogue does confirm the Didact is alive.
  12. Well Cortana told Chief in the end "Most of me is still back there." and she did spend some time with the Librarian so it is possible the Librarian did some alterations to her as she did with Chief. So maybe, with the help from Doctor Hasley, Chief may find a way to bring Cortana back/retrieve her but that is assuming that she isn't 100% dead

    And "back there" was nuked...
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