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Posts posted by Sierra1117

  1. For being part 1 of a trilogy it's pretty dumb to kill of a main bad guy.


    It took the chief 3 games and a span of 20 old years( give or take a few) to defeat the covenant who are apparently inferior to the Diadect, but it took the chief little less than 3 missions to defeat the Diadect , which is funny. I understand the covenant were a large army but the Diadect had a vast army of Prometheans :)

    The Didact is not dead
  2. From the books I assume? Interesting but irrelevant, it still doesn't explain how Cortana and the Chief know who he is. As best as I can tell, nothing in the canon does

    Actually it is because someone else mentioned it and I'm simply elaborating on that.
  3. Lets just get this straight. Master Chief is a human. If he was a forerunner he would appear as one and that would be noticeable. You cant be a forerunner and not notice it because humanity and forerunners are two completely different species. And the legendary ending clearly shows a human face. Ok? And I don't think the Librarian preformed a brevet mutation on him because Bornstellar eventually became the Didact in his entirety. John is still John, and the only change is him being able to hear the Didact speaking to him in his mind, which is exactly what a Gaea is. And the Gaea theory is supported what the Librarian says about the "seeds". The most reasonable solution to this are Gaeas.

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  4. As I already mentioned, I've only played the games (and I imagine that's true for the majority of Halo players). Reading the books shouldn't be a prerequisite to fully understand what's going on in Halo 4. I don't care for the books talking about an ancient human civilization, not one bit. It somehow feels contradictory to what went on between 1-3, as if we were just lied to.

    Im not saying you have to read the books, I'm saying that when they mention something you didn't now about in the game, don't act so ignorant and think it was just a retcon.

    Wrong. Didact is just as delusional as the storm covenant. He is angry that humans destroyed forerunner colonies while eradicating the flood. So he started a war, beat them , made them stupid and used them to fight the flood his way(while halo rings were being built as a last ditch effort to destroy the flood). The librarian was his wife for centuries, before this started with the flood, and when she and the mantle(forerunners) found out of his actions they locked him away in requiem and fired the halo rings, no choice. It's not the entire forerunner race, its just that he has problems with humans.


    I don't know if you have found all terminals in the game, which explains most of what I'm saying, but from what I'm getting is you ran through this on easy not even bothering looking for collectibles just so you can get through it and hop on to MP. Your speaking jibberish replying to my post and not understanding this dam essay I just wrote you to explain the plot, and you still don't get it? Maybe its not bad writing but bad reading...

    And the Didact lost his children in the war, so yeah, I'd say bad reading
  5. What made Master Chief so interesting to me was the fact that his luck was unexplained. Yes the books can hint at what might be the source of his luck, but they need to leave it at that. They could have saved the Librarian for Halo 6 when they sum up these next three games. Halo 4 needed to be about the struggle between MC's luck and Cortana's life. I think they did excellent showing the degredation of Cortana as she slipped into rampancy, but lacked in the area of MC. I couldn't imagine, as the writters or the CGI designers, trying to convey MC's emotions with his monotone voice and no face thing lol

    What they did in Halo 4 is simply explain why he was lucky these past three games, and people were assuming what caused his luck anyways

  6. the didact and the librarian according to the halo encyclopedia, were in love and the librarian didnt go to requiem with the didact and saved the humans by populating them on earth, where she died and the humans lived on. due to this, the didact became enraged and wanted revenge,

    Thats not why he's angry in the game. It's because of the war with humans in which he lost his children. He was even angry towards the Librarian in the campaign, so that's not his motivation.
  7. This game has been greatly anticipated by many around the world, being called the greatest game in the series thus far. While I did count down the days till the election was over and Halo 4 was on the shelves, I kept wondering the same thing, "What will Chief and Cortana get into this time?" Overall the game deserves an A. It is a beautifly crafted peice of art that is well balanced, from multiplayer gaming to AI enemies to weapons. However, nothing is ever perfect and falls short of glory. Going years back, to Halo: Combat Evolved, the character of Master Chief was established early on: he was this super soldier of a human being with the latest in combat technology. Paired with the one-of-a-kind AI, Cortana, the duo was an unstoppable team. But what made Master Chief so good?


    In the Halo universe, there were several spartans created along with Spartan 117, with a spartan program before and after him. Several hundred spartans have ever existed. Chief was on Reach when the Covenant invaded and had Cortana with him. He was dispatched ground side to defend a power plant that provided energy to the orbital defense cannons. In the end they had to nuke the plant and escape on the Pillar of Autumn. Before the invasion of Reach, Chief and Cortana were on a mission with other spartans to go and capture a Covenant Prophet. It was Cortana who was chosen to be the AI leading this assault. Why did she choose Spartan 117 over the others? According to Cortana in the book Halo: Fall of Reach, she chose him because he was exceptionally lucky.


    Luck is Master Chief's main attribute. In Halo: Combat Evolved, Master Chief overloads the engines of the Pillar of Autumn, races down the spine of it, and escapes in a Longsword. In the first mission of Halo 2 Master Chief disarms a Covenant bomb aboard the orbital defense cannon in the nick of time, jumps ship with said bomb and plants it in a Covenant cruiser, and lands on a UNSC ship flying low orbit. Master Chief lands on Earth after jumping the Prophet's forerunner ship the beginning of Halo 3. All of these are examples of how Bungie develpoed Master Chief's character. Master Chief could have had a bad attribute about his character, but as long as the games and books held to that attribute, then it became a part of his character.


    343 messed up the campaigns story tromendously when they blaitently disreguarded Master Chief's luck as part of him. After Cortana gets kidnapped by the Librarian and Master Chief runs into her, she explains how he was some kind of prophecy/well planned out scheme. It was at that moment that killed the whole story telling experience for me. Yes, the story was more about Cortana, but you can't have Cortana without Master Chief. They are the dynamic duo of the Halo univere. Their bond can be interpereted in many ways: MC is the human, Cortana the machine; MC is the machine, Cortana the human; MC the body, Cortana the soul; MC the brawn, Cortana the brains. They offer this deeper philosophical level of understanding that most players and fans can relate to or understand. This basis for Master Chief and Cortana needs to be present for thier relationship to work, but when you take away the one thing that makes Master Chief Master Chief, then you lose the relationship and lose Cortana.


    Besides the hickup where the librarian tried to sum up everything about Master Chief in 2 minutes, everything else played out well. My suggestion for the future games (343, you should pay attention to this), keep Cortana. If you can somehow incorporate her "spirit" into the Master Chief/Cortana duo, now MAster Chief solo, without bringing her back physically, then that would work. She still needs to be there guiding Master Chief along the way. Second, make no more mention to the Librarian or how Master Chief is this prodigy. He needs to have that mysterious shroud of luck that keeps him alive.


    Again, overall Halo 4 is an excellent game. 343 will have to do some overhauling in the storyline department if they hope to keep the Halo universe alive.

    Thus wasn't a "hiccup" because in the books, Bungie has been hinting that Johns luck is somewhat supernatural. And the while prophecy things are actually called Gaeas, and thats basically the DNA of a forerunner in someone, in Johns case, the Didact. This also isn't a new story arc, it has been in the works for about 2 years now, so it's pretty if to the series. John was never as mysterious as you think. I'm gonna tell you right now that Halo 5 will focus more on his Gaeas, so if you expect it to change, you might be disappointed.
  8. I thought i would be able to see who voted for what in the poll given when I was on moblie. However now on my laptop I see that I can not. Hopefully you can all take my word for this.


    Either way most of the comments under the poll were from mostly new members.

    Exactly. There are so many new members joining just to ask me question or to vote in one poll, and then they go MIA. It's kind of unfair
  9. Just because people are playing online doesnt mean they like the game im playing as well even though I dont like the game because for the money I wasted im going to try and get something out of it. 300K online players is nothing compare that to H3 when it was released enough said!

    With all the arguments that have been taking place and stuff all around the web, its pretty much given that Halo 4 is better than Halo 3/Reach to most people. Sorry to pop your pessimistic bubble :(
  10. If you've been following the story of the expanded Halo Universe and have been reading the books, then the campaign would make sense. The Human-Forerunner War isn't random and has been known about for two years after it was revealed in Halo: Cryptum

  11. Really good video, I liked the background music. I saw a similar video about their relationship called John and Cortana, and it was just jaw dropping. BS Angel even included it on waypoint. But this video seemed more lively, and it showed their important moments together throughout the game. Great job!

    • Like 1
  12. While I admit that the story and the execution thereof had a few issues, I found it to be interesting and fairly well thought out. The biggest problem I had, though, was that all of the plot was shoved into one cutscene. That made it kind of hard to follow. When the Librarian mentions that she hid seeds from the Didact, what exactly is she talking about? Is this something where I would need to read the Forerunner trilogy to understand thoroughly?

    Yeah, she basically put the DNA of the Didact into Chiefs bloodline and kinda controlled the future and made Halsey create the Mjolnir armor and Cortana. She's lie a fortune telling prophetess.
  13. lol not, the forerunner won the war, humanity was de-evolved... you think that man kind knew or belived in the mantal... it never sade that, it was just bad story telling.

    I. Never said that guy knew aout the mantle, I said the forerunners did.
  14. Are there spartan I's?

    Thats what I thought at first and the answer is yes and no. No because there was never a government project called Spartan-I and yes because there was a program called ORION where a few volunteers from the military recieved some augmentations(not as extreme as the Spartan-II's) that gave them some benefits, like Sgt. Johnson was a volunteer for ORION and that was part of what made him immune to the flood




    k what?


    ok so, questions and some stuff i would like to poing out to you,

    you saw the video right? then humans come across and forerunner planet that has a small infection by the flood, this is literally what the dialog was,


    trigger man-"sir this flood down their"



    trigger man- "what should we do?"

    shipmaster- "destroy the planet... now!"


    trigger man- "shouldent we worn them first?"

    shipmaster- "uh no, that will give the flood MORE time to spread"


    trigger man- "dude? really i could send a tweet right now wouldent even take a minute"

    shipmaster- "fire danm it!"


    trigger man- "but this could avoid and intergalactic incadent"

    shipmaster- "....."


    trigger man- "yes sir..."


    .... poor writing

    also.... a question

    if the forerunner were at war with the humans, why the **** did they leave all that they left behind to humanity? why was humanity the only ones would could light the rings?


    also, why did 343 stray so far from bungies story line, why add all this space magic in their? this isnt masse effect 3...

    The writing in that terminal made sense because warning the forerunners would've given the Flood more time to spread, and they left all their " **** " to mankind because top mankind was going to inherit the mantle of responsibility, so they had to leave their stuff for them so they could gain the mantle, and clearly it helped.
  16. So do you agree that it's possible that chief could have had forerunner DNA added into him



    Yeah, I'm positive he does because the Lbrarian basically said she controlled fate and destiny so things woukd turn out the way they did(explaining his luckiness) and that she gave him a "genetic enhancement" thousands of years ago. F you read the books, you know what a Gaea is, and its the memory and DNA of a forerunner(or human) in your genes. In the book Primordium, a character Chakas had the DNA of an ancient human admiral, and he would hear the admiral talk to him. Sound familiar? That's exactly what happens with John and the Didact in the game, so I'm sure that was 343 hinting at Chief having the DNA of the Didact.
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