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Posts posted by Tallgeese

  1. I dont know if they need to get rid of the xp cap, as you stated it is really only in place to stop boosters, with that being the case, it should be ridiculously high and completely unobtainable by the average player even when using double xp. It should be high enough that only boosters can reach it and the average player will NEVER hit it

  2. Meh I get it is supposed to be a ranged weapon, but when it is cross mapping more often than a Sniper rifle...thats an issue. BTB has been bestroyed by the DMR. Also the DMR should not be able to take out the banshee or ghost or mantis etc in a few rounds...it is like Reach all over again...the DMR is op and broken

  3. Anyone ever took a personality quiz for a spartan before? I got Samuel-034




    Who did you get and if you can, post a link to that character's profile :D I got Sammy because of his love for explosions, he was one of the strongest ever. He was close friends with Kelly and John. Unfortunately he died sacrificing himself to blow up a Covie ship and was the first SPARTAN-II to die in the war. So post who you could relate to the most here in the comments!


    Where do you take the quiz?

  4. Not to mention this system in itself is dumb, putting homophobia, racism and discrimination towards the mentally ill at the bottom of the priority list.


    If someone gets banned for saying an offensive term to women, then anyone who insults the mentally ill (aka, calling someone retarded, being one of the most frequent insults I know) should be perma banned as well.


    Does that seem realistic? No. And if that were to be followed by a permanent ban I bet half of the Halo population would be out 60 bucks.


    Yeah I see this as being a recipe for disaster. Unless someone tells a female gamer to "get in the kitchen and make them a sandwhich isntead of being on a game", or something along those lines, than I dont see how 343i/M$ can really tell if someone was being intentional or just cursing in general

  5. That's where I'm iffy too. I might curse from time to time, and I don't always know I'm doing it. But I trust they'll be more specific. Like bans being placed for actually saying something about someone's sex, or blatantly flaming for it, or even derogatory racial names, ect. Not for actually cussing, since I know the majority of 360 players, let alone peeps of halo4 curse often. If they try to go PG on us, it might hurt 343 I would think.


    Yeah I am right there with you...I often dont realize it when I am getting really upset. I have a feeling it will be within a direct conversation with a person of the opposite sex and you have to actually say something sexist. If they start banning people for cursing and somone reports for sexism...that will turn badly for 343i

  6. There's nothing rude about playing a friends xbox while they sleep. Typically I'll have friends over and let them crash the night at my place (especially if they had a few drinks). You're looking past the big picture here. It could be something as easy as saying one word out of anger or context. As stated in my previous post (the parts you didnt decide to quote me on, interestingly enough) there are things people will say that just come off as offensive, whether they mean it or not.


    Another example, I have a black friend who says the N word sometimes, just in casual conversation like a lot of other black people do. Even if he said it under his breath over the mic, and it being the ONLY thing he said, would still perma ban me.


    Even with girls, someone could say an offense term out of anger under their breath, not mean anything by it PERSONALLY, nor directed at anyone specific, and still, perma ban for me.








    You say that as if it were actually that easy, when in reality it's not. As stated before in this thread, someone was banned for being accused of abusing the credit system. They wouldn't contact with him, they wouldn't tell him why they did it, and they didn't help him in the end. With feedback like that, paired with the fact that trying to differentiate two peoples voices over ONE word incidents (and over xbox live, which most people have crappy static-y headsets that make people sound pretty similar), is simply not accurate. And in fact, is one of the most unrealistic ways to find out what really went on, especially when you realize that they wouldn't even go to such lengths to begin with just to help someone from a ban after hearing about our friend in this thread.






    Right, but where you work you also talk to your boss face to face, and are responsible for everything you do, because, you know, it's a job. Controlling yourself in a public (real) place that you go to everyday and meet with the same employees everyday is a completely different scenario than being at home, on the couch, where other people can get a hold of your things, and where thousands of more potential outcomes could happen that makes an offensive word go out to the public. It's also an entirely different mentality that gets put on in the work place.





    That's like saying our old judicial system worked because everyone accused of a crime was being punished, at the cost of some innocent people. You're looking at the immediate outcomes without thinking critically at all. Keeping the system the way it is will, yes, ban racist/sexist people where they stand, but at the same time bans several innocent people who paid $64.64 (probably much more) for a game. While on the more logical side of dealing with this, giving a warning would do the same thing, but more. It would give innocent people another chance at playing the game, it would warn those who are purposely racist/sexist and ultimately give them a choice to either keep being racist/sexist or start playing the game without being mean (keeping a player in the matchmaking pool as well as eliminating anymore outbursts) or continue to be racist/sexist and then get banned, banning a sexist player while also keeping the innocent free and converting the wicked.


    If they choose to not be mean anymore, then you literally have the same outcome in that situation. a racist comment was said "once." And for those who choose to say it a "second" time, well... then i suppose they would deserve a ban hammer.




    Yet again you're ignoring the big picture and only taking into consideration the controllable outcomes. Last I checked, life happens. Whether we want it to or not. If a tree limb falls on my car and scratches it, I'd prefer the insurance.



    But let me be clear about this


    I am in no way saying that offending someone verbally is "ok" for someone to do. In fact, I go out of my way to call out those who do so in public. But to simply ban someone for life over something with so many potential outcomes is idiotic. If there weren't as many foreseeable outcomes, then yes, perma ban would be fine. But it's just simply not the right way to go.




    Exactly my friend.


    Things like this are too sporadic to simply turn a perma ban on.


    Literally, the ONLY thing making this not suitable for a permanent ban is the simple fact that there are way too many side factors to consider. I understand what you're saying RedStar, I really do, but it's just not a good enough choice to deal with a situation as complex as this.


    Especially in a time period where people watch stand up comedians (who have nothing better to joke about than racism). Someone repeats the joke to their friend sitting next to them would be banned for "life" over it.


    Hell, I'd even accept a week ban just to put them in time out, but an initial perma ban is just not realistic.


    Yeah I think there are just too many holes in the system and too many people will be banned for mistaken accounts of sexism...like I said before I understand the principal behind the matter, but there are better ways to handle this than just perma ban

  7. "ohh crap... I got hunter blood all over my best mjolnir"


    Great episode really picked up in eps 4 and 5, after the dull teenzy 2nd & 3rd episodes.


    Was it intentional that Kelly looked exactly like Kat and Fred looked like a young Jun or possibly Noble 6 ?


    Lol in one of the behind the scenes it was stated that they ran low on the budget so used the armor from the Reach live action and changed them a bit. Kelly looked different than what she was supposed to look like, and Fred didnt look anything like how he was supposed to. I was actually really disappointed with that aspect fo the episode.

  8. http://www.joystiq.c...sexist-players/


    343i stated that they will be very strict regarding sexist jokes and ban players if they do not respect female gamers and watch their mouths. Give it a read, it will give you a more in depth explanation.


    Not sure how I feel about this...I understand the principal behind the matter, but I curse sometimes when I am very frustrated, not an individual usually but in general, what if a gamer on my team happens to be a girl and not using a mic, thus I had no clue and they take offense and report me and I am banned...that hardly seems fair.

  9. Try getting back online. Major Nelson posted on his twitter that there was a mistake and EVERYONE was banned today but that it was fixed by this evening. So I would suggest getting abck online and seeing if you can play again.


    Here is Major Nelson's post:

    Halo Waypoint@HaloWaypoint

    The banning issue was resolved at 6PM and pre-release traffic has returned to normal. Apologies again for the inconvenience.

  10. Okay. Wow.


    I just have to say that I really haven't been concerned about the ranking system as compared to the progression system.


    All I've wanted this ENTIRE time was for 343i to address the situation or at least shed a little bit of light on the shroud of darkness that is the ranking system.


    Thank you bs angel, and yes, you can have my babies.


    Haha gotta get in line man, she is having my babies first lol

  11. 2820783-gallery.png


    So accrding to BS Angel, the competitive skill system will be visible to you on Halo Waypoint.


    Read below for more details



    Halo Waypoint



    We are pleased to announce, just days away from the worldwide Halo 4 launch and the first MLG Halo 4 tournament in Dallas, the Competitive Skill Rank system in Halo 4. The CSR will appear post-launch in an update to Halo Waypoint and associated Smartglass applications.


    When will it launch?

    The short version is CSR will launch early next year when it’s ready. We have an extensive post-launch plan for Halo 4, including DLC, playlist updates, and title updates. As soon as we have a confirmed launch date for the Waypoint update that includes CSR, we’ll make an announcement. Set your expectations for release timing appropriately since this will require delicate tuning, testing and implementation for Waypoint Web, Waypoint Console and Smartglass integration and is a feature designed specifically for the competitive community.


    What is it?

    At Halo 4’s launch, the competitive skill system will measure your performance against other players in Halo 4 War Games and use this information to match you up against opponents of comparable skill ranks. When the CSR system is fully implemented post-launch, Waypoint will assign each player a visible and detailed Skill Rank, viewable in the player profile section of Halo Waypoint.


    How will it rank me?

    All players will be ranked on a per-hopper basis, so, for example, you will have a unique CSR for your Slayer Pro games vs. your CTF games. CSR is currently planned to use a familiar and easy to understand 1-50 scale (subject to change or alteration). Your CSR will go up and down based on match outcomes.


    Which playlists will support CSR?

    All competitive playlists will support and track CSR. As the playlists will continuously change post-launch, the exact list of playlists that will support CSR will be determined when the system is ready to drop.


    Will a CSR be ‘assigned to me’ once the system launches? Or do I need to start fresh?

    Matchmaking and hoppers will be tracking and analyzing data from Day 1, and when the final settings for CSR are in place, we’ll make the call on whether to use existing data as a baseline for your CSR, or to start everyone fresh in new playlists.


    Why the delay?

    We know how important skill rank is, and we take skill integrity very seriously – we want to make sure we’ve taken the time to test, tune, and balance the CSR system in a live environment, and identify problems and potential exploits before launching the system publically.


    Taking the time to test and tune the system ensures we can deliver a very accurate and meaningful skill rank, and gives our competitive playlists time to mature to for optimize a wide range of playlist and game settings.


    Enjoy the launch!

    We’re incredibly excited for Halo 4 to launch, and to see you at one of our worldwide events, or online November 6th. We see this announcement as just one of many new experiences and features coming post-launch to Halo 4 and are excited to share more with you in the future.

    View full article

  12. 2820783-gallery.png


    So accrding to BS Angel, the competitive skill system will be visible to you on Halo Waypoint.


    Read below for more details



    Halo Waypoint



    We are pleased to announce, just days away from the worldwide Halo 4 launch and the first MLG Halo 4 tournament in Dallas, the Competitive Skill Rank system in Halo 4. The CSR will appear post-launch in an update to Halo Waypoint and associated Smartglass applications.


    When will it launch?

    The short version is CSR will launch early next year when it’s ready. We have an extensive post-launch plan for Halo 4, including DLC, playlist updates, and title updates. As soon as we have a confirmed launch date for the Waypoint update that includes CSR, we’ll make an announcement. Set your expectations for release timing appropriately since this will require delicate tuning, testing and implementation for Waypoint Web, Waypoint Console and Smartglass integration and is a feature designed specifically for the competitive community.


    What is it?

    At Halo 4’s launch, the competitive skill system will measure your performance against other players in Halo 4 War Games and use this information to match you up against opponents of comparable skill ranks. When the CSR system is fully implemented post-launch, Waypoint will assign each player a visible and detailed Skill Rank, viewable in the player profile section of Halo Waypoint.


    How will it rank me?

    All players will be ranked on a per-hopper basis, so, for example, you will have a unique CSR for your Slayer Pro games vs. your CTF games. CSR is currently planned to use a familiar and easy to understand 1-50 scale (subject to change or alteration). Your CSR will go up and down based on match outcomes.


    Which playlists will support CSR?

    All competitive playlists will support and track CSR. As the playlists will continuously change post-launch, the exact list of playlists that will support CSR will be determined when the system is ready to drop.


    Will a CSR be ‘assigned to me’ once the system launches? Or do I need to start fresh?

    Matchmaking and hoppers will be tracking and analyzing data from Day 1, and when the final settings for CSR are in place, we’ll make the call on whether to use existing data as a baseline for your CSR, or to start everyone fresh in new playlists.


    Why the delay?

    We know how important skill rank is, and we take skill integrity very seriously – we want to make sure we’ve taken the time to test, tune, and balance the CSR system in a live environment, and identify problems and potential exploits before launching the system publically.


    Taking the time to test and tune the system ensures we can deliver a very accurate and meaningful skill rank, and gives our competitive playlists time to mature to for optimize a wide range of playlist and game settings.


    Enjoy the launch!

    We’re incredibly excited for Halo 4 to launch, and to see you at one of our worldwide events, or online November 6th. We see this announcement as just one of many new experiences and features coming post-launch to Halo 4 and are excited to share more with you in the future.


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