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Posts posted by VinWarrior

  1. ^


    I am not misinformed.


    In fact about a week ago I was playing some House of Wolves over at my friends house.

    A fair amount of my friends also talk about it a lot.

    And after this topic started I did a lot of research, from youtube videos to articles to make sure my points and arguments were relatively up to date, and I think they are. :)


    I'm not going to deny Destiny has improved, because it has. Still it feels grindy, too grindy to the point where my friend at one point resorted to doing Crucible for an entire weekend to just about get enough marks to get a new legendary, not my style. He told me it was very boring.


    I was playing Eso about an hour ago and that dosent feel grindy at all. (Despite both Destiny and ESO being mmo's ) So it is possible, if done right. For an mmo not to feel grindy. Eso's levelling system is also good, rather than having to grind to level up, you just play the game. Kill things, craft items, do quest its all helps you level up.


    If anything Eso just disguises it. You know, go over here and go rescue someone, standard mmo stuff. But when it is disguised with story and dialogue it hardly feels mmoish.


    Bias to ESO much? I distinctly remember ESO being extremely broken at launch with multiple problems and an overall poor reception like that of Destiny. And like Destiny, it has improved since launch. Neither ESO nor Destiny have changed their cores, so why does ESO get a pass in your book, but Destiny does not?


    Destiny is not an MMO, that's what you don't seem to grasp. It is a competitive FPS shooter with RPG elements mixed in with loot-hunting and grinding. It's something akin to Borderlands, not an MMO, but not your typical FPS either. Borderlands also uses RNG for it's bosses, and when a legendary drops in that game, one person is allowed it. One. It is most certainly not fair.


    Not bashing Borderlands, however, love that game a ton. 


    So let me clear up your points and where you're wrong.


    1. The game is not broken at fault, while it has it's problems, it has since improved. It has it's issues still, but they are tiny and insignificant in comparison to launch and what you speak of.
    2. Engrams are much fairer to the player, and rerolling makes it possible to make your dream gun out of whatever you get.
    3. End-game activities are more rewarding. VoG guarantees you a reward of some kind, and if you want a Mythoclast, Fatebringer, etc. you grind your arse off for it, simple as that. Crota has it's own system to try and give players good stuff that they actually need, more for non-grinders. Prison of Elders and Trials of Osiris run on a token system where you buy the rewards you want from the desired vendor. If Brother Vance isn't selling the Eye of Sol that week, but you want it, you play Trials the week he sells it. If Variks isn't selling the chest you want, you simply save your Armour Cores, and purchase it when he does sell it. And Iron Banner is Iron Banner, it's still fine the way it is.
    4. Strikes and Crucible are still based highly on chance, but skill does often play a factor. You must remember, you're all working together to beat that strike or control those zones, it's a team effort. If one member of the team gets something great, good for he/she, you keep going and work at getting something good. 
    5. PvP is currently imbalanced, however, that's being fixed in the next Patch, so no point arguing it anymore.
    6. The system you want to implement is currently impossible to do, and won't happen in the future to Destiny 1 or the Taken King. Even such a system in Destiny 2 is unlikely as Bungie and the community has settled on RNG as it is. It isn't as terrible as you think when you get down to it. Working my arse off for 20+ raids to get that Mythoclast and Fatebringer on the same run was all the more sweet when I finally got them. You remember that feeling.
  2. Crap time? ^

    Its just an idea I'm throwing out there, sure its not a perfect system but nothing is perfect, so don't be quick to bash it like that. 


    The problem is the game should not have been built that way in the first place. The rng system sounds fair on pen and paper but in reality, it sucks.

    "but would waste time, money, and system processing power" But it would make the game oh so much better!


    "congrats, here's a reward. Done. Finished" What a silly shard? When the guy who just joined for the last few minutes and just hid in a corner doing nothing gets the exotic rocket launcher I always talk about. That just should not happen.


    "This makes speed-running nonexistent, as you'd get nothing out of it. Crota was done in 8 minutes" Well how about we make the cap seven minutes just for Crota? :D

    Said 'cap' time, as in the cap. Don't twist my words.


    I already said it's not possible, in the event it would be, it would waste time, money, and processing power, and not be possible on last gen. So even with that, it'll never happen. The game cannot be gutted like that.




    And that smart comment was quite funny.

  3. ^



    Did you miss my previous posts?


    I gave an example on how to fix it. :)


    "Its takes work to get to the end. The system should at least take something into account like you cant get loot if you were only in the game for 10 mins. If you lag out/quit and come back you are still viable for loot because the game tracks it. Though of course you still have to be in the game for up to 10 minutes"


    Already that fixes a lot of problems.


    Okay, I'm gonna list all the reasons that wouldn't work. 


    1. You'd have to gut the game completely and design the whole game around this system, which is not only now impossible, but would waste time, money, and system processing power. It probably wouldn't even be possible on 360 and PS3.


    2. How does that fix RNG? So, the game tracks if you've been in the game, and you get rewards. That is completely unnecessary when you can simply let anyone who passes through that part of the raid get the reward. Nobody is joining in and stealing your stuff, DO YOU NOT GET THIS.


    3. What problems is this fixing? So, if you lag out and come back, you get a reward... IT'S ALREADY SET UP THIS WAY. Except there isn't some extremely time-consuming system set up behind it. It simply works that you beat that area, congrats, here's a reward. Done. Finished. 


    4. This makes speed-running nonexistent, as you'd get nothing out of it. Crota was done in 8 minutes, 2 minutes less than your cap time.

  4. ^



    I have seen a 3 man team do Vault of glass, infact a while back my friend showed me a video of a single person doing it, solo, by himself.

    Though of course the exploit he used his probably patched by now. :)


    "You're saying that someone joins in at the end of the raid and steals all of the loot and someone's Gjallarhorn. You do know that the chances of that are very very slim, also it wouldn't matter if that guy joined in anyway. He wouldn't of stolen the loot or the Gjallarhorn" Problem is, there shouldn't be a chance at all that could happen.


    Though I think that's all I got to say about this to be honest.

    The system should be changed somewhat to make it fairer, but of course it is my opinion.


    Yes, it is possible for a skilled team to 3-2 man it, and I'm sure even solo is possible. Or was possible. But what you're saying is completely wrong. No one is joining mid-game and getting a reward. It takes about 30 seconds to load up, and until then, you don't get rewards. If you're an unwanted, you will be kicked before this happens. But even if you aren't, it depends on which area in the raid you're in. Ghorn can only be earned in certain areas, mainly chests, which a person jumping in without permission won't be able to get. You need to be revived when you spawn in. Final boss fights are usually with full teams, but if they aren't, you don't have to worry about someone popping in. 

  5. ^


    Sure it may sound fair on pen and paper but in reality it is not. :)


    Three players get shards

    One player who just joined gets gjallarhorn


    Not that just isn't fair on those three players no matter how you put it.


    Here is an improvement on my idea: If you lag out/quit and come back you are still viable for loot because the game tracks it.

    Though of course you still have to be in the game for up to 10 minutes.


    Granted it isn't a perfect system but its fairer than the one now and would solve some issues players are having.


    First of all Vault of Glass is a six-man activity, some parts can be done with maybe 4, but 3 is pushing the envelope and is mostly impossible. You CANNOT run through the whole raid with 3 people, because Aetheon requires 3 players to teleport, so if you only have 3, then no one is on the outside, automatic failure.


    Secondly, you're guarenteed rewards throughout the whole raid, the chance of getting ALL SHARDS is very little, but if it does happen, you can always run it on another character, or put those shards to good use and upgrade stuff or trade with the speaker. The chance to get a Gjallarhorn from any part of the raid is slim, but I have gotten it from the chest, so it is possible.


    Your idea of a player joining and getting all the good stuff is flawed because a random player likely won't join you mid-game, and if they do, kick them, simple as that. Anyone in your game IS PART OF YOUR RAID TEAM, and being part of your raid team means you're all putting in the effort to get the goods. Not one Vault of Glass run did I get nothing but shards, nor did any of my team-mates. Will you always get something you want? No. But you're still guarenteed a reward of some kind. If you don't like it, you try again next week. Took me upwards of ten tries to get my Fatebringer, but I use her everyday.


    The game is not broken because of RNG, let's get that clear.


    Anyways, Arbiter, if you like a good community driven game, absolutely try to get the Taken King Bundle. Myself, Yang, and Shadowfiend play frequently, so we'll help ya along.

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  6. post-26953-0-05220400-1436867475.png


    Ello gentlemen and women of the forum, today marks the first in a series I will be hosting called Destiny Weekly Recommendations. If you're unfamiliar, each week there is a reset bringing new items, bounties, missions, strikes, etc. What this series will be focusing on is the inventories of important vendors and whether or not you should purchase their wares. Let's begin with Mr. Variks.


    Variks, House of Judgment


    [Titan] Kellslayer's Grips - 53 D / 53 S

    [Hunter] Kellhunter's Rally - 103 I

    [Warlock] Kellbreaker's Gloves - 114 D


    Hunters and Warlocks have something to look forward to this week, Titans, not so much. The Rally is something that you should probably pick up if you are going for an intellect roll, but 103 is pretty average. Still, if you don't own it, pick it up for now, it's not like anyone would blame you. The Gloves have a great stat roll of 114, so fans of grenades like axion bolt and such will probably want to run PoE this week for them, you have my permission to go after these. The Grips are... Iffy, to say the least. 106 total is better than nothing, but for Strength and Discipline, it seems wasted. Variks has sold better and will sell better, so unless you wanna complete your full set Titans, pass. 


    [sniper] Shadow of Veils


    So, the weapon of the week is one I've been long awaiting, the Shadow of Veils, an interesting sniper rifle, to say the least. It does Arc damage, which is good for those of you without an Arc sniper, though my Efrideet's Spear scratches that itch quite well for me. For perks, you have Replenish, fill your magazine when a Super is cast, a choice of Speed Reload, Perfect Balance, or Extended Mag, pretty self explanatory, and... Shank Burn... :c By no means is the Shadow of Veils a bad sniper, the opposite actually, it's a good sniper for a great many things. Replenish won't help that much in many scenarios, but all three middle perks are excellent. Then you have Shank Burn... Just puts a sour taste in your mouth, don't it? Shadow of Veils is worth getting, if not for it's middle tree variety than for collection, since Gulrot is not at all difficult. Just don't expect a Black Hammer, or an Efrideet's, or an Eye of Sol, this is a Shadow of Veils with Shank Burn, know that going in.


    Brother Vance Inventory coming later on, Xur coming later in the week.


    Thanks for reading, kiddos.

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  7. The Halo franchise has reached a prodigious mile-stone, selling over 65 million units on all platforms to date! 


    Halo is a legendary series that we've all come to know and love, though it's changed in many ways over the years, it has still managed to keep a sense of magic and awe to it. It's been reported by IGN.com that the game series has sold a combined total of over 65 million units worldwide on the original Xbox, the Xbox 360, and of course the younger grandson, the Xbox One. It is very likely that these numbers will grow higher with the upcoming release of Halo 5: Guardians, and because of it, sales for Halo: The Master Chief Collection may also increase. What is surprising is that Halo: The Master Chief Collection only sold about 1 million copies in its first week, with factors like a broken launch and a new platform tying into the retrospectively small outcome. This year marks the 14th anniversary for the legendary franchise, and Halo 5: Guardians will be the 8th game in the franchise, excluding remasters and mobiles.




    All information and images sourced from Microsoft at SDCC, 343 Industries, and IGN.



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  8. Along with the Hunt the Truth and Warzone map news, a Fall of Reach Animated Series teaser was released at SDCC that will get your hype juices flowing.


    Included in the Halo 5: Guardians limited editions is a new take on the famous Fall of Reach book, an animated series rendition. To build up excitement for the upcoming series, a trailer was shown off at San Diego Comic Con showcasing a few interesting bits, and uploaded on

    . The trailer is narrated by Dr. Catherine Halsey and begins with a clip from 'Memorial', a scene taking place in the future, which is why John-117 is in his more recent suit. Following this are a few scenes of space exploration and battle, as well as a look into the Spartan program's earlier years, with rows of child-soldiers lined up in beds. We also get to see some a glimpse of the Covenant threat and Halsey's earlier years. It ends with a group of Spartans drifting in space toward an oncoming covenant cruiser. It is unknown if this is blue team or if this takes place during the Reach timeline, as there are only 3 Spartans and they seem to be wearing more intricate gear.


    View attachment: halotfor.png


    All images and information sourced from 343 Industries and Chief Canuck (the uploader).

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  9. Along with the Hunt the Truth and Warzone map news, a Fall of Reach Animated Series teaser was released at SDCC that will get your hype juices flowing.


    Included in the Halo 5: Guardians limited editions is a new take on the famous Fall of Reach book, an animated series rendition. To build up excitement for the upcoming series, a trailer was shown off at San Diego Comic Con showcasing a few interesting bits, and uploaded on YouTube.com. The trailer is narrated by Dr. Catherine Halsey and begins with a clip from 'Memorial', a scene taking place in the future, which is why John-117 is in his more recent suit. Following this are a few scenes of space exploration and battle, as well as a look into the Spartan program's earlier years, with rows of child-soldiers lined up in beds. We also get to see some a glimpse of the Covenant threat and Halsey's earlier years. It ends with a group of Spartans drifting in space toward an oncoming covenant cruiser. It is unknown if this is blue team or if this takes place during the Reach timeline, as there are only 3 Spartans and they seem to be wearing more intricate gear.




    All images and information sourced from 343 Industries and Chief Canuck (the uploader).



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  10. It was recently confirmed at San Diego Comic Con that Hunt the Truth will be returning for a second season.


    Hunt the Truth was an audio-based webseries revolving around discovering the mysteries held deep within the Office of Naval Intelligence about the Spartan program, and specifically, John-117. Fans of the series may be excited to know that the story will continue in a few months. Dustin Pettigrew of Podtacular confirmed on Twitter.com that a Season 2 of Hunt the Truth would begin airing sometime in September. Most details are unknown, but it will likely pick up where Petra left off and continue with her as the main protagonist. It is also likely that the events and information revealed in the previous series will have repercussions in Season 2. Since the successor is closer to the launch of Halo 5: Guardians, it is also likely that it will pertain closer to the events of the game, rather than the set-up involved in Season 1.




    All images and information sourced from 343 Industries, Microsoft, and Dustin Pettigrew.

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  11. If you're a diehard Mirror's Edge fan, and excited for Catalyst, you'll be in for a pretty lavish treat with the new Collector's Edition!


    Mirror's Edge Catalyst is a new addition to the Mirror's Edge franchise following up the 2008 predecessor, Mirror's Edge. This week, a Collector's Edition bundle was unveiled on the game's official site MirrorsEdge.com that is likely to make fans of the series quite happy. The bundle will retail for $200 and will include a few goodies for interested buyers. The highlight of the special edition is a 14inch statue showing a poetic parallel between younger and older Faith. Also included are 10 pieces of limited edition concept art, a stylish steelbook, temporary tattoos such as Faith's iconic arm branding, a lithograph, and to encase it all, a collector's edition box with the game's logo inscribed on it. You can pre-order a copy for yourself at GameStop today and more retailers will become available as time goes on. The game will follow the origins and later years of Faith Connors, a rebellious heroine with an innate skill in parkour and will release on February 23rd, 2015 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Microsoft Windows, with later release dates for Australia and Europe.


    View attachment: mece.jpg


    All images and information sourced from DICE and Electronic Arts.

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  12. If you're a diehard Mirror's Edge fan, and excited for Catalyst, you'll be in for a pretty lavish treat with the new Collector's Edition!


    Mirror's Edge Catalyst is a new addition to the Mirror's Edge franchise following up the 2008 predecessor, Mirror's Edge. This week, a Collector's Edition bundle was unveiled on the game's official site MirrorsEdge.com that is likely to make fans of the series quite happy. The bundle will retail for $200 and will include a few goodies for interested buyers. The highlight of the special edition is a 14inch statue showing a poetic parallel between younger and older Faith. Also included are 10 pieces of limited edition concept art, a stylish steelbook, temporary tattoos such as Faith's iconic arm branding, a lithograph, and to encase it all, a collector's edition box with the game's logo inscribed on it. You can pre-order a copy for yourself at GameStop today and more retailers will become available as time goes on. The game will follow the origins and later years of Faith Connors, a rebellious heroine with an innate skill in parkour and will release on February 23rd, 2015 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Microsoft Windows, with later release dates for Australia and Europe.




    All images and information sourced from DICE and Electronic Arts.

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  13. I admit the lego structure was pretty impressive, not in size or scope. But because they actually put the effort in to hire someone to make a massive replica of a Halo map.


    Certainly is interesting news, eh Nut? :D





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  14. Some sad news today as a writer working at HaloFollower by the name of Eoin Rock has died at age 21. 


    It's always difficult to hear about the passing of someone, whether we saw them in-person, on the screen, or not at all. It was announced today by Casey Ryan over at HaloFollower.com that one of their writers died. The writer, Eoin Rock, passed away due to a heart attack whilst jogging at age 21. Rock had worked with the group for a short time and only had the chance to compose one article. He had an interest in music, especially Halo's soundtracks, as was related to his first article. Rock had gone under the name ShepherdHalo during his time at HaloFollower. He had two articles under development that will sadly never be published. Our thoughts at 343i.org go out to Rock and his family and hope HaloFollower lives on his short legacy. 




    All images and information sourced from HaloFollower and Eoin Rock's Twitter.

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