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♠ Spades N AZ ♠

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Posts posted by ♠ Spades N AZ ♠

  1. Send a letter or email to 343 or Certain Affinity guys and be a part of the change. Help them help us, but do it with respect and positive criticism. Have you ever heard the saying "You can catch more flys with honey than vinegar". I assembled a lobby of pro-forgers, pro-players, and a few that are just knowledgeable to get feedback. We spent almost 3 hours going over in detail what was wrong and what was right with Halo 4. We collectively presented, discussed, and even argued the changes that needed to be made. Although this list is mostly the negatives, there were many points of appreciation to Certain Affinity for the many things that they did right and yes the list is just as long for that. Here is a VERY simplified version but add to it or tell me that I am wrong if you dissagree. Either way, you can choose to do something and be heard or just cry to a computer screen which accomplishes nothing



    - bring back precision movement ASAP

    - ability to despawn items and create disappearing items

    - all pre-made structures interrupt the forge worlds and are unnecessary. They also add frame rate.

    - we need a super flat map

    - why are there rounded corners on pieces which don't line up properly

    - why is the Colosseum wall(which is primarily used for floors or perimeter barriers) not flat along the edges used to merge with

    - why are their invisible barriers on rocks, map perimeters, and tin cups

    - the aesthetic stamps symbols ruin the ability to flip pieces and be creative

    - Object cost needs to relate to polygon count for ex 20 railing small's cost the same as 100 silo 3's......????

    - we need more angled transitioned pieces

    - why introduce the dynamic lighting if it is broken. We need to be able to enable it if we choose. Have an enable lighting switch which can be activated when your done with a map

    - they did a good job changing the effects of glass but changed the flatness of all of them

    - lights don't have a good range but we are grateful for more of them

    - bring back ability to use water in our maps

    - there is no instant respawn while in forge mode? why

    - zoom is broken and doesn't work

    - the center axis on pieces is not centered on most pieces for ex rotate a 2x2 ramp on a 2x2 block and it sticks of the sides on 3 rotatoions

    - we need interchangeable skins to use on each map

    - too many unnecessary soft boundaries

    - the skins given are not uniform and don't support symmetrical forging ex. 2X1 bank vs 1X2 bank

    - rotation on angles when not at a 45 or 90 degree is not a true angle

    - magnets need to be able to be toggeld between center points or corner points

    - too much movement for the pieces when you save

    - bring back the purple and orange and get rid of nova and pen and ink

    - thanks for multiple labels on objects. So much easier

    - textures need to be simplified to allow merging

    - the grab points on objects are automatic unlike REACH where you grabbed the precise area clicked

    - load out cameras are completely non functional now. Why are they blurry.

    - We need to be able to add trees and shrubs

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  2. There has been some people complaining that they cannot get in on the custom game nights. Remember guys, I am loyal to this forum more than any other group. I will invite new people in before the regulars always. But you have to be on and paying attention. I send out "inv" to those who have requested to join before I ever open the lobby up to the others. This means that if you want to play then you must A. be on MST at 5:45 to get in before I open the lobby at 6:00 B. send me a texted message which says "inv" before hand. This week on REACH I will not be giving away armor or prizes but hope to see a good tunout.

  3. For those who joined my group yesterday for the New Years Playdate, we did 8 hours of non-stop custom games. I also host custom games every Friday starting at 6:00 MST. Unfortunately, I can only hold 16 at a time so there are usually 20-30 request who can't get in. I will send them your way. Always glad to see more custom game nights going. BTW, this week is on REACH. We had such an overwhelming request for a custom game night to go back to REACH that we are switching it up. For those who would like to stay on Halo 4(like they should) I will post your gamertag up in my official game night thread. If that's ok, which, I hope it is.

  4. So lately I have been exploring out of my comfort zone of Custom Game Night threads. This was fun to read along with the others. I have had many good times with you on this site, on xbox, and in real life. You are definitely loved and respected which is something no one can argue. But if you or I were not part of this forum[cringes at the thought], I would still call you a friend. Well done both of you.

  5. 22 new people this week.......LOVED IT!!!!! Next week is going to be on Halo Reach guys(1/4/13). Yeah that's right. We will take a one week break from Halo 4 and return to Reach. I don't expect it to be the regular turn out but it will be a nice change. After that we will continue playing on Halo 4 like usual every week. Like usual....if you would like to join then send me a TEXTED message which says "INV" and I will get you in before I open up the lobby to everyone.

  6. I have seen a lot of B!#CHING and MOANING but not enough action. I understand that the community was not heard on many aspects but money talks. Nothing positive will ever come from getting on a forum and crying. Take action 343I community! Start a POSITIVE thread with ways to improve forge. Have legitimate and valid positive criticism with intellectual points of action to back up whatever you decide to put down. Ultimately like any good business Microsoft is into money more than negative feedback. But......they cannot make money without a fan base. We have more control over Halo then we give ourselves credit for. The only difference is that 98% of the people who b!#ch and moan don't do anything about it. I, for example, have asked a well-known group of top forgers and top MLG players to record their thoughts. Then I will compile this list and send it to a member of Certain Affinity. My one letter will not be heard or even considered despite the amount of well-known people involved and their status in the community. But dozens of intelligent, honest, and polite letters cannot be ignored. Take a stand and DO something instead of just whining.


    p.s. if you want to argue this, then peace out. If you would like to disagree with me then make valid points to prove your point. Ultimately, we are a team and in this together so don't treat this post as an attack on anyone because it's not. Just stating the obvious necessary steps needed for any change.


    how can i fix the shadow light problem????

    at this point nothing has been proven as a valid one step action to fixing the lighting glitch. Here are a few "ideas" of what seems to be working.

    - be careful with object count of dense multi-polygonal pieces. Don't pile them closely together and be careful on budgit.

    - visuals like wires DO NOT affect lighting glitch

    - spawn objects like initial spawns and kill zones DO NOT affect lighting glitch

    - glass still affects frame rate but not necessarily the glitch

    everything else I have heard is less then 80% supported. Give it time and hope for the best!


    Halo 4's Forge...an absolute failure. Two massive steps back from what Reach's forge was. Hell, from what I've managed to do in forge already, it just looks like 343 took Reach's broken forge system, and multiplied it 100 fold. And I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but everywhere you look on Erosion, you'll see some grotesque gaping seams. Some of them, you can flat out fall through.

    Not only that, but 343 actually managed to destroy the definition of symmetry with this game. Doesn't matter how hard you try, on all 3 forge maps, nothing you'll do will ever make a map symmetrical, which you could easily accomplish in Reach. Symmetrical maps on Impact are next to impossible to create because of how terrible the broken forge system works on that map. Not even joking, using the nudge tool, or magnets will make a map look symmetrical enough, but if you just look at the map from above, it's blatantly obvious that the map you intended to be symmetrical is horribly out of proportion thanks to the forge mechanics.

    Hell, just like in Reach, some of the "symmetrical" forge pieces you have aren't even symmetrical when placed on opposite facing sides of one another.

    In any case, I don't care much for the size of the maps...I'm more focused on how 343 actually managed to take Halo Reach's broken forge system and made it even more broken with H4. I'm not at all focusing on the lack of gametypes, certain tools and other options Reach had...I'm just absolutely amazed by the fact how 343 literally managed to turn the forge system upside down on its head and in a 180, and gave it a nudge in the opposite direction of where Halo 3's and Reach's Forge systems went. What does that mean? That means 343 actually accomplished the impossible feat of regressing the mechanics of Forge, despite all of the advanced tech and programs they have at their disposal.

    To put it simply; Halo 4's Forge is broken beyond repair, and has gone backwards on the evolutionary timeline of Forge. Halo 4's forge is far worse than anything that has been seen in Halo since H3. Nuff said.

    I have had over 350 maps submitted to me at this point on Halo 4. I have over 100 beautiful, smooth, and perfectly symmetrical maps. In some cases it may be the forger skills and not the editing programs that are to blame Just saying. If you need proof I will be more than happy to show you map after map of forge perfection from those who are willing to adjust and use what we are given.
    • Like 3
  7. It was on Wed so it would not cause any interference with other social nights. Friday night is custom game night and we wanted a few days before so that they could fix the map in time for a clean polished map for custom game night.


    However, this thread will soon be deleted and then reposted when the fileshares are up. For now THERE IS NO GAME TESTING NIGHT. We might possibly reinstate this night once the fileshare is up and running correctly. Sorry to disappoint but hopefully halo 4 will be updated and running smooth soon.

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