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    playing videogames, drawing, writing, singing, dancing, anything and everything artistic, and i'm good at it too ;). happily engaged, planning on getting married in two to four years, to an awesome gamer who brough halo back into my life =3. and i love dogs.

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Prophet of Regret

Prophet of Regret (11/19)



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  1. played reach for the first time since i got it, christmas, i missed you my old friend. i missed you

    1. CandiBunni


      What is your opinion on it? o: Want to play some customs sometime?

    2. FIREN4


      I'll friend you If you like?

    3. Doll


      for someone who has never read the book, it was well done, the armor attachments were a nice touch, and anyone who says that it makes no sense cause you didn't have it before, maybe it's because MC is a beast, and don't need the extra help, he already has Cortana. and the armor choices makes it fun, watching your spartan fight, ya know? Noble six was made for people with a large imagination, fanfic writers had a feild day with this game. and sure, sounds like fun. and yes i would...

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