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Everything posted by TRF BaDInTentZs

  1. It would be a true BK move to post only on Waypoint so that's what I look to see happen.
  2. Hacking is out there. We now have players running invis in Swat. I've closed my NAT, this has prevented most of this from occuring again.
  3. This topic is already up in about 967083245207 places ....
  4. Or you could always get a programmable controller and just set things up where you want them.
  5. LOL. Oh well, I've closed my NAT now. At least the hosty crap shouldn't be too bad. Ranks and k/d, I understand your point. Hosty BS, I don't.
  6. I strongly disagree. Guests were allowed in Social lists, not ranked, for a plethora of reasons, not the least was the absolute host rape that happens when guests are involved.
  7. I disagree, guest host can really screw host up bad.
  8. Ever since 343 took over with Reach the game has gone more and more with COD play. All it is anymore is COD with shields. Horrible game but they're taking the servers down for everything else so they force people to play their BK BS. I don't care to hear anything about Bungie and Reach. Bungie was kept around for name recognition only. Don't start.
  9. What lists do you run? Since slayer pro has gone, I only play Slayer and Swat. Also Spartan Ops is always fun to goof off on.
  10. Yet more of the COD aspect .... thought this was Halo ..... huh.
  11. Obviously you don't play the pro lists. They require skill. Not a bunch of camping nubs knowing exactly where the other team has to go. I don't say that to insult you. Slayer Pro and Swat are the only two lists that felt remotely like Halo. The rest of the stuff just isn't Halo.
  12. Well the player he's talking about obviously has no integrity so he won't play right on their own. maybe they can be shamed into playing right. All I'm saying.
  13. yes he does, he is cheating. He is altering the outcome of the game. It may be against forum policy to call folks out but if you don't want to be called out, don't be a damn BK. Personally I think players should be called out. I would also be good with him having a ban against using double xp as well as a 3 month console as well as GT ban for all GTs involved.
  14. Someone close this topic.
  15. Sad but true. Gamers of all mind sets are being forced to run together: ie: laid back, competitive, insanely competitive. They really mucked up this release.
  16. Map pick ups but let's get them back in the play list. It adds a brand new set of logistics. One of the funniest vids I ever had was my son slapping a stickie on the back of a player running from BR2 to library and the player runs right into where the rest of his team is spawning. One grenade overkill, exterm. Too sweet.
  17. Complex is broken in every list I don't play CTF often so I haven't seen any problems with Ragnarok Abandon spawns are broken as well but not horribly, minor fixes.
  18. This whole conversation is a direct result of 343 not listening to the gamers. There should be seperate ranked, and social lists. We all know it. 343 knew it and chose to ignore the gamers. Apparently that's their SOP.
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