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  1. From Military standpoint, you NEVER split or break from the squad... makes sence.. However, that falls apart in some campaign missions anyways.. So, I agree.. its either they always stay with you of alive, or we get the ability to give commands.. I don't want them running into an outpost on legendary.. it take 20 mins just to go back, get more, arm them.. and make it back to the objective. It would improve the game mechanics.
  2. Joined a small 1% club of legendary vets.. Definitely was a constant challenge.. If they wanted to make me feel like a hero, they did!!!.. Holy smokes that was rough. A little more mechanics than I wqs expecting, but the game provides so many environment and opportunity options to solve the technical problems.. I thought Cortina was rough on legendary until this.. anyways, love the game. Excited to see what else they have coming. -CHAN9E @Xbox live
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