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Mr Biggles

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Posts posted by Mr Biggles

  1. Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I still think Reach is a pretty awesome game. However, I feel like maybe the Rank starts to scale up just a bit too drastically; unless you're already reasonably ranked, then achieving Inheritor would be all but impossible. While I may not knock the gameplay, it's one aspect I wouldn't mind seeing eased up a bit.


    That, and, of course, new Armor-parts would be a welcome addition, should such a thing be possible through a Content Update. Specifically, a Red Visor would be *GODSEND*!!!


    its meant to take longer, that's the fun of it....

  2. They should release the beta for everyone, not just people that are getting H1 Anniversary. because JUST FROM THE PEOPLE IVE TALKED TOO, most people aren't getting H1 Anniversary since they've already got it, they should just release it for everyone.


    And nah, let them make a limited edition for Halo 4 and get the armor then.

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