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Mr Biggles

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Posts posted by Mr Biggles

  1. oh and if your still sucking try lowering your sensitivity playing on 10 dosent really help you unless you have a super fast reaction time remember MLG Pros barley play above 5



    Some do play above 5, naded plays on 7 or 10


    Its whatever sensitivity you feel comfortable with.

  2. you can also get rank reset if you are a big time 'NAUGHTY' player


    example the first wave of inheritors were all big time AFKers, there first ban was a rank reset.

    So if your a big time cheater/booster/naughty person you will more than likely go straight to reset


    Lol, this guy asked me if i'd pay for him for free inheritor...i was like "show me your inheritor" he was like "No..you need to pay to see it" i was like "GTFO." :P


    Some kids are just stupid.

  3. exactly listen to Sire, the team with the better K/D always wins


    No....Not ALWAYS, its just they are more likely to win, because they have good K/Ds, i beat plenty of kids with 2-3 K/Ds.


    most kids with High KD either boost it or go into BTB with a team of 8.

  4. back in halo 1, there was this little challenge called tower to tower (T2T), and many people attempted it and failed, but some people have done it.


    im just wondering, since apparently 343I isn't changing much, does that mean T2T will still be avaliable to do? or will they have changed it so you can't do it anymore?


  5. (1) True

    (2) Add Dirt / Stones / water etc, make it look more realistic.

    (3) Why? isn't that what effects are for in some ways? like the purple one makes it look dark?

    (4) that's pretty meh, it wouldn't make a huge difference

    (5) Why? i don't think anyone would care about dead bodies?

    (6) Again, why? how would they come into effect?


    i think you better check your last ideas.

    • Like 1

    Let's say you're in a Big Team Battle game... the game starts out as 8 vs. 8 just like any other Big Team Battle. However, as the game progresses... either due to rage quits or connection issues, people on your team start to drop out. Before you know it, the game is now 8 vs. 2, and you're on the team with 2 people. This leaves you with two options... you can either quit and have the server mark that against your account... or you can stay in the game and get slaughtered just to ensure you have a higher chance of getting that credit jackpot.


    The post says during the game....

  7. after you edited your post, i will edit mine.


    so basically nothing changes? if they get to the hill they can camp straight afterwards? that's a bit pointless since what will happen is, they will go to the hill, camp, and stay there until the next hill comes up, dont get me wrong, i think it will help, but it won't change much


    and also, u can close off places which take ages to access for both zombies and humans, so no on can camp there, and open hallways normally have 2 doors, and if there is 1 human there, you can have 2 zombies go round at the same time, or have all the zombies overrun that 1 area, its not a huge deal if they camp in open places, since they are easily accessible.

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