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Pre-owned Games Not To Work On PS4?


Firstly sorry I have been inactive with the news the past few weeks I have been busy with the family the Christmas and all and I had some Internet problems too also the latest gaming news has been pretty slow over the holidays and nothing much has been reported, again sorry for the inactivity. So on with the news.



It has been said that Sony will be making second hand games not playable on the PS4 by filing a patent and will verify if a game has been used on another console. This may indicate that the PS4 may also not be backward compatible as well as restrictions to PS4 games. So no more preowned games? Will friends not even be able to loan each other games? Will microsoft be going down the same road for the next gen Xbox?


Read more about what Sony is doing with this below


This article is from Gamingbolt.


Sony has filed for a new patent which will restrict second hand game sales if it is granted since the tech attempts to verify if a game has been used before on another console or not.The patent reveals a lot of information about how they will suppress second hand game sales and while it’s a bit complicated we will attempt to explain it a bit for you.

First here’s why the patent was filed for via

Gamechup and Free Patents Online.


“In such a scheme where the electronic content is bought and sold in the second-hand markets or the like, the sales proceeds resulting therefrom are not redistributed to the developers. Also, since the users who have purchased the second-hand items are somehow no longer potential buyers of the content, the developers would lose their profits otherwise gained in the first place,” the patent reads.


What it suggests is that, developers are losing revenue on second-hand game sales and it’s something that cannot be eliminated unless it is stopped at the core. The tech needs to be implemented in a way that prevents the game from loading before a check is completed. What check? Here’s an explanation.


Consider, for example, a case where used is a game package 200 distributed in the second-hand market. Then the ID of reproduction device for the game disk 210 differs from the legitimate use device ID stored in the use permission tag 220, so that the game disk can be reproduced in a mode which is predetermined for those bought and sold in the second-hand market.


Also, for example, a content key may be supplied to the reproduction device 130 and the encrypted game AP may be decrypted using the content key only if the reproduction device ID matches a legitimate use device ID. Hence, use of game APs bought and sold in the second-hand market can be eliminated.

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Well, I sure am glad I wasn't planning on purchasing a ps4. With the cost of buying games brand new, so many people have to buy second hand ones and why shouldn't we be able to? If this happens on xbox, I will be very disappointed. I don't normally buy used games but wouldn't that mean no sharing with friends and family? I know my brothers lend games between each other all the time. This is going to hurt the sales of ps4, they're just greedy and wanting more money from their over priced new games, especially here, in Australia. Games are very expensive here as it is. Sony, this is a **** move.

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This is what is going to tip the balance of gaming to either the xbox or pc and if xbox does this then we might as well stop paying the and switch to pc...

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Way to kill your market Sony. Not like any of the Xbox Community gives a crap. :P


The thing is Microsoft doesn't support core xbox gamers much hence the constant 3 AAA sequels(forza,gears,halo) and the 61 kinect exclusives + 23 more announced. The last new AAA game they had for my xbox was alan wake in 2010 & that I got on pc.


So if sony does this I would have to swicth to an apple wanna be company who charges for multiplayer or just stick to steam. Yeah Valve it is for me. Steam is better than xbl to honest and it's free.


I used to be pro xbox but sony has really supported the "Real" gamers more than anything even in bad times. I will enjoy The Last Of Us & beyond and skip gears spin off.


If sony does this then no buy for ps4 & MS doesn't invest in gaming much anymore so no buy for xbox but pc is awsome so far. May not like my argument but you can't say it's not the truth. I go were the games are brand means nothing..

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What about owning multiple consoles? My folks live in the mountains and I plan on introducing them to a console so that they can stream interactive content. When I go to visit, I wouldn't be able to play my own games since it isn't my "Home" console? WTF?

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if sony does that i would flash my ps3 and never again pay for any ps game. and if ps4 could be flashed i'd do it.


With this move they will hurt themselves because most people would flash or hack consoles.

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Honestly Microsoft is leaning in the same direction of doing the exact same thing. The gaming industry says they lose money and blah this used games and blah that so this would be such a good way to keep game sales up! The fact is the reason why people buy used games is cause well there aren't a lot of games out there that have a lot of re play value in the first place and I dunno how anyone else feels but when I play a single player game like Assassins Creed I play the story and then I'm done with it and I don't touch it again. So I just don't see the point in spending 60$ for 10-20 hours and then It just sits there. If they do end up going through with this well they better be prepared to bring down game prices to like 40$ because not a lot of people wanna shell out 60$ for a game they will most likely play once.


Also if you think about it this means GameFly will pretty much vanish and the rest of the Block Busters and whatever else out there.

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this world is so corrupt and money hungry. out forefathers planted some dirty seeds. now i can even escape with video games cause they either **** or soon i cant buy used.

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well haha cod and ps3 gamers, now whose game sucks? the only problem i have with this is that it probably means more cod players on xbox, and if your getting an xbox (espeshaly the next gen) then you will probably play halo, so i guess im going to have more arguing and people who say ps4 is better but don't actualy have one or only have like 2 games for it.

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This is a disgrace to the gaming community and will kill companies like gamefly and gamespot who rent games.This will only help Sony and will not help the gaming community grow. I will be deeply disappointed if this happens to all consoles, this needs to die FAST!

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I went from ps2 to 360 and we have two 360's in our household and my son and I share games. Of course for us to both be able to play halo 4 multiplayer together, i had to buy a second copy of it. But if Microsoft follows Sony's lead im not going to even entertain the thought of buying the next console if they pull a D*** move like that.

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Well, I sure am glad I wasn't planning on purchasing a ps4. With the cost of buying games brand new, so many people have to buy second hand ones and why shouldn't we be able to? If this happens on xbox, I will be very disappointed. I don't normally buy used games but wouldn't that mean no sharing with friends and family? I know my brothers lend games between each other all the time. This is going to hurt the sales of ps4, they're just greedy and wanting more money from their over priced new games, especially here, in Australia. Games are very expensive here as it is. Sony, this is a **** move.


Way to kill your market Sony. Not like any of the Xbox Community gives a crap. :P


this is just major bulls*** sony is stupid that why i sold my ps3 and used the money to get things for my xbox plus all they want is money but i swear is xbox does the same im moving to pc and thats it so xbox if you do this steam is my new place.

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Okay to understand this clearly


Sony is going to make a system that is not going to be able to play pre-owned games and not become backwards compatible


My Answer: That is the stupids Idea I have ever heard of, if they were more backwards compatible they would have more people to actually buy the Sony consoles rather than just buying them off of the store. So I say they should allow ps2/ps1 games to play on their systems instead of not being able to go play the old ps2 games. Which in my opinion were the better generations

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