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  1. i want more commander palmer in halo 5!!

  2. i LOVE Halo! i hope they make the jet-pack more powerfull in the next game! my only complaint about halo 5 was that it was not very powerfull. i still love playing the Spartan ops episodes and cant wait to see many more. i also think they should have more custum options to make the female Spartans stand out from the males. a new 3D version of Firefight would be KILLER! i agree with you! Spartan ops is amazing and it deserves more credit and options for more people to play it as well. if you ever want to play it with me send me a message
  3. i cant wait for Halo 5!!!! im looking forward to seeing more Spartan ops missions and story! want to get my female Spartan back in the show!! i hope they make the jet pack more powerfull in the next game as well. Halo is the BEST series ever!!!!!!!!!!!
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