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Jackal (2/19)



  1. What you r not getting is they have to change with the times and make games that will sale for the type of gamers that r playing... if you dont like the game dont play it easy right... getting on here calling me stupid dosent bother me at all call me whatever you like its ok... but the points that i made stands stop crying about the game and just play it.. or stand aside and let the people that are ready to have some fun have it.... You no you can always take your ball and go home if you dont have the will to adapt to change. Side note my spelling cant be all that bad how else could you cover all your points so well... Think that was pretty stupid of you to put that part in there.... face it the old ass Halo is gone and all the changes are sweet 343 hit it on the head my friend..
  2. The DMR is fine i get my ass kicked a lot at mid and close range by other weapons the light gun is just as killer at long range and mid
  3. I get that all the old school halo players dont like all the changes and you say H2 & H3 are better but you have to understand the goal was not to make another H2/H3 remake why do something that has already been done .... cant you still go play those anyway ..... what you are asking for is already out get go online and play with all your old school friends.... Why cry about this not being like H2/H3 UNSC tech has change it dosent make the game bad just because its not like the old Halos... Why keep making games if there is no real change from game to game... if they did that you all would be crying about it not being much difference
  4. The drops are great people this is a new style of halo and i think the ones that are crying need to change there play style to adapt to it.
  5. The light gun is just as strong not sure why so many people are crying about it learn how to move threw the field more safely.
  6. You are so right people need to stop crying about the game and learn how to adapt to the changes made to the game
  7. Stop All The Crying.... WoW i cant believe how many people are crying about the way the game is and that H2/H3 was so much more balanced....... [ the DMR is OP ...... The vehicles get taken down to easy... my Nads dont do as much damage ]..... and on and on and on so many people are crying for 343 to balance the game perhaps it is not the game that needs balancing but the way you are trying to play the game... Face it people [ the one's that are crying ] those old dried up old school Halo game tactics you are trying to use are the ones that need a update... if you are good as you say or you think you are these thing that you are complaining can be solved... . THERE IS NO PART OF THIS GAME THAT IS SO UN-BALANCED THAT CANT BE BEAT WITH GOOD SOLID TACTICAL PLAYING PERIOD. Update your Halo Skill-Set and stop wasting all that time crying.. its much more easy for you to change your play style than for 343 to keep making updates because people think that this Halo should play like all the other ones... This is H4 stop living in the past and...... Stop All The Crying
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