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    Halo,Halo,Halo,Halo,and Halo :) oh and I forget to mention Halo!!! :)

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Im ready for 343 to fix this file share crap I've ran out of maps to play on.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedSniper243


      nah not much but that was no rage it just asked me what was on my mind

    3. Arctic Vortex

      Arctic Vortex

      Yeah, it is very annoying.

    4. EXON Community

      EXON Community

      Hey man if your looking for maps to play we have lots of them and keep getting more from people i find if your interested let me know

  2. Well message DryerJeremiah this week and tell him your interested I will be on this weekend but we'll both talk to you
  3. My picture is link :D :P

    1. Zelda


      My picture is me. :3

    2. RedSniper243


      its you with a snake woah

  4. Hey guys and gals I am RedSniper243 or NFG_Sniper. I am NFG_Fallout right hand man and were recruiting once again. We play Halo 4, Reach, Battlefield 3, and even minecraft...there are also other games we play and you can learn about that by replying or messaging me. We compete in contests and just regular matches. We can be competitive and also have fun like building in the forge or playing custom game types. If you want more information about us please reply with gamertag or look us up on Xbox live and request a party or private chat. Our gamer tags are DryerJeremiah (Leader) and RedSniper243 (Me). Please get in contact with us if interested. GO ORANGE TEAM!
  5. Hey guys our clan is recruiting we are Nuclear Fallout Gaming (NFG) we are a halo reach clan but you can talk to the leader his gamertag is DryerJermiah talk to him if your interested. Go Orange Team!!!
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