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You now have the option to...


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...Go to a school that isn't co-ed. The thing is, all the students are the opposite gender of what you are. Seems like a dream right? Wrong. If you choose to go to this school, the following conditions will be set for you.


- You don't get a dorm. You either sleep in one the classrooms (But can't get caught), outside, or next to the gate.

- In P.E, whatever the top time is, you have to finish that in half the time.

- You can't get into a relationship.

- You can't have any electronics.

- Your food will consist of whatever you find that is edible.

- You have to wear the uniform. No matter what, if you're a boy, you're in a skirt. If you're a girl, you're in slacks.

- Casual Friday involves you wearing a toga. The same one. And you can't wash it.

- You must learn to use the opposite toilet. (e.g: women have to learn to use the urinal, men have to learn not to lift the toilet seat)

- You must score over a 3.5. Anything lower is considered failing.


Now, would you go do this opportunity under these conditions?

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