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The Importance of Custom Gamepad Control/Configuration

The Don Barracuda

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Hello, I'm new to the boards. Long time Halo fan until recently when I caught the CoD bug =/


I've been extremely impressed by what I've seen so far from Halo 4, it seems 343 have managed to recapture that Halo magic, something I felt lacked in Reach which was a shame because I played Halo 3 for a good solid three years.


Anyway, the reason for this thread!


I am constantly dismayed at the lack of gamepad customization that appears in console FPS games. For some strange reason devs are unwilling to add the ability to customize controls, yet the PC version of the same game will have the feature. Other genres on consoles like racers and fighters will give you this option. But for some non apparent reason FPS games on consoles will not do it!?!?


Why is this important?


Firstly, control and freedom given to the gamer! Devs cannot create a predefined control scheme that will suit every gamer's needs/disability/play style, so they come up with several predefined options. But as I've found over and over again there is no perfect predefined control scheme.


Secondly, think of the man hours used to test these predefined control schemes, when you have millions of gamers that could do it themselves, and personalize it for themselves!


Thirdly, from a business perspective. Halo is competing with several other big names. Black Ops 2 is being released the same week. 2012 -2013 is going to be great for people that love FPS.


What happens when gamers like myself who have been playing CoD for 2years want to start playing Halo? I remember how hard it was for me to move from default scheme to bumper jumper in Halo 3. Then learn a completely different layout in CoD. When Reach came out I remember after less than 24hrs of playing I could start seeing how I wanted to play this game, I wanted to put my armour ability and melee button on the shoulders (because I couldn't aim and use my AA at the same time). I was wondering what Halo could be like if zoom was on the left trigger, but I had no way of testing any of this.


Forcing gamers to play within the constraints of a control scheme is a huge road block. It's a hindrance that most people just won't be bothered to try overcome. Maybe it will be hardcore gamers that care more about this feature than the casual ones, but you can go onto youtube and hear the big youtube stars say themselves (back when Halo Reach was released) that they were too accustomed to CoD. And as a result Halo Reach had a much smaller audience on youtube than CoD.


If people are used to playing CoD for so long, why stop them from enjoying your new better game with a control scheme that will hinder and frustrate them. Why not give them the ability to add their CoD layout to your game or adjust your predefined layouts to suit them? Like I said before Black Ops2 is being released the same week as Halo 4, if you want to make it possible for folks like myself to make the transition to Halo (and keep playing!) make it more user friendly for us.


Customizing your Spartan will be a big feature in the game, lets take it to another level!

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YES. I've been wanting a custom controller scheme for years, and I would love to see it happen. There's always that one feature that I want to change its location, but I am never able to. So I resign myself to select the layout closest to what I want, but it's never perfect. If 343 were to do this, they'd have me as a fan for life, even if Halo 4 turns out to be terrible.

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Recon rocks. I definitely can't find much fault with it (it's what I use too, as well as most of my friends). But I'm sure if I could customize specific buttons, I'd try and find a way to make it better.

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Cannot remember where I read it, but someone who played the game at the NYC event said that there was a full customisable scheme. Not just bumper jumper, southpaw etc etc but a complete button costumisation.


This is really important because I was so used to bumper jumper on halo 3 it was nearly impossible for me to get used to the jetpack in reach....

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Cannot remember where I read it, but someone who played the game at the NYC event said that there was a full customisable scheme. Not just bumper jumper, southpaw etc etc but a complete button costumisation.


This is really important because I was so used to bumper jumper on halo 3 it was nearly impossible for me to get used to the jetpack in reach....

I just posted this above.

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I too would be thrilled for custom control options or a huge selection. Preferably custom, but ill take what i can get. I ran Recon as well in Reach. Interesting control setup for sure.

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