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The Ultimate Invasion(Invasion on ROIDS)

King PWNinater

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Just like regular invasion, it is still UNSC vs Covenant. 28 players and 14 people on each team. The map takes place in a Space sandbox with 1 UNSC ship and 1 Covenant ship. What makes this special is that both teams are the attackers and deffenders and their are more than 3 phases... And that's not all that makes this special.


Phase 1

The objective of this phase is to escort your pelican/phantom to the other ship's landing bay. Light intercepters are banshees and their UNSC counterpart and same thing for Heavy intercepters. 1 person on each team get in their ship's turret the helps guard the landing bay. 10 people spawn in light intercepters, 2 people get in heavy intercepters, and 1 person get in the pelican/phantom. As an intercepter it is your job to escort your pelican/phantom and destroy any other enemy ships. Once a team gets their pelican/phantom into the landing bay, the phase will end.


If your intercepter is damaged you can go to your landing bay and your ship will be repaired. Whoever get's their pelican/phantom there first will get 1 point.



Phase 2

The objective in this phase is the attackers have to hack multiple door in 1 phase. Each door they hack will give them more time and unlock new routes. The pilot of the pelican/phantom and 6 others will be the attackers while the other 7 will defend their ship. The team who got their pelican/phantom into the bay first can deploy what I call an outpost. Your team can spawn there and their are ammo refills.(Ammo crates and plasma batteries) Only 1 outpost can be deployed at a time.


The attackers can spawn on their teamates, pelican/phantom, and outpost. If you spawn in your pelican/phantom their are power weapons on the ship(Including the plasma turrets and machine gun turret). The pelican/phantom is hovering so you can't get in again. If the attackers don't hack fast enough, they go to the next phase, but they don't get any points. If your team finishes the objective, your team gets one point.



Phase 3

In this phase the objective is to capture the data core. At the last door you hack an outpost will appear there. If you get the core to that outpost, the outpost will disappear. Every time the defenders return the core, the core will go there. The phase will end once they run out of time or capture the core. If the attackers capture the core, their team get's 2 points.


Phase 4

In the final phase the attackers have to bomb the the reacter. They have to hack 2 doors and destroy the reacter. You can bomb it or do damage with your guns. The more damage you do, the less time it takes to arm the bomb. Whoever destroyes the reacter first will get 2 points and the game will end. It is possible for 1 ship to be on phase 2 while the other ship is on phase 4.




Please leave feedback to what did you like, what did you not like, and what would make this better.

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it sounds like an awesome idea but i think it would only work as intended if the teams were partied up so they can be coordinated. with randoms it would be a giant mess since you have to defend and attack. so i think i would be better if one team defended and the other was on offense. besides that sounds good

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I agree, your idea is awsome and maybe include even a scenimatic phantom that carries an object under it, which is the outpost. and the rest of your ideas are awsome to me. oh yeah I rather have one side attacking and one side defending. But at the same time the defending team can somehow do a counter attack by bringing a covanant/unsc bomb onto the enemy ship and as soon as they arm it it has two minuts to be defended and the objective for the attacking enemy freezes and their new objective is to disamrm the bomb. If they disarm it they dont get any points. If they dont they lose the round and opposing team gets 2 points.

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I agree, your idea is awsome and maybe include even a scenimatic phantom that carries an object under it, which is the outpost. and the rest of your ideas are awsome to me. oh yeah I rather have one side attacking and one side defending. But at the same time the defending team can somehow do a counter attack by bringing a covanant/unsc bomb onto the enemy ship and as soon as they arm it it has two minuts to be defended and the objective for the attacking enemy freezes and their new objective is to disamrm the bomb. If they disarm it they dont get any points. If they dont they lose the round and opposing team gets 2 points.

as much as i like the sound of that, when thinking about it it wouldn't make any sense for them to try to plant a bomb when they can just use the ships cannons, but when both teams are after something a like a navigation core then the dont want to kill the ship because it would make them lose their goal.
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I love the theory and could see it being real as i love invasion. I've been crying out for more maps, bigger teams etc. It got me thinking, maybe 6 a side is right? With more players i have a feeling there will be a lot more drawn games with objectives being unfinished.

The scenario you have for the game is solid and definetly fun.

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