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343i - answer competitive halo fans this


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What are you doing to please the competitive gaming community? Things the competitive Halo fans are in favor of.....


*Matchmaking system which gives a representation of player skill - NOT how much you play. A poorly skilled player should not be able to achieve a higher rank/level than a skilled one. You've stated you aren't going to use TrueSkill - so is this new system you're implementing going to appropriatly rate people based on how good they are? Or does it just reward you with rank ups for playing, and the max level can be acheived regardless of how often you win?


*First of all I'd like to state my disappointment in no longer being able to enjoy vanilla halo. With that being said, if armor abilities are a must - there has to be playlists without them, enabling the classic halo gameplay feel. I'm sorry, but it's hard to take MLG seriously when there's people flying around the map on jetpacks, it just damages the core gameplay feel of halo that we've come to love.


*Enabling joining games in progress literally renders win/loss ratio worthless. This is because you will almost always be put on the losing team, the game is likely to be too far in to possibly turn around, and you just pick up the loss for joining. I can already see the following scenereo happening: "oh sweet I found a match" , joins, and the player is put on the losing team with only a kill left until the other team wins, "game over? i didn't even get to play - and now I pick up the loss for joining".


There are other features mentioned which I'm not entirely thrilled about but am willing to give a chance.


343i - do not ignore the competitive gaming community. They are the fans that will stick with your game, buy all the dlc, and play it for years. One of Halo's distinctions from games like COD is that it was an extremely competitive and level-playing-field shooter; halo is becoming more of a casual, and I especially feel this vibe based on the released information.

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i think the competitive and casual areas of the game are definitely going to be seperate and change a lot, and, i also believe AA's especially jetpack in MLG, add a new element to the game as it gives you better angles and new tactics and new ways to play, most importantly, and it gives that variety none of the halos ever had.


I agree, there shouldn't be any join in progress, hao should stay the same as it always has, and this applies to that, join in progress should never happen.


343i will listen to the MLG Community as they did listen for reach, and we got ZB NS, and new maps, which is good, don't be hating yet.

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First of all, I would like to request a move the the MLG section of the forum.


Next, my opinion. I would like to say that I understand where you're coming from, and it can be very frustrating to play competitively in Halo: Reach. You have to understand that Bungie decided to put armor abilities into the game, not 343i.


343i listened to the competitive community and put community play-lists in the game, such as Action Sack, Griffball, and yes MLG. I'm not quite sure how you would find a problem with armor ability pick-ups in MLG. They offer an even more competitive feel, instead of not only timing the weapon spawns and power-ups, you now have to control the armor abilities to your advantage, in my opinion this is even better.


I think that Halo 4 will offer competitive players better gameplay than Halo: Reach did. I support this because in many comments and videos, Frank O' Conner has said that he is listening to make all of his fan-base happy by including them into all aspects of Halo 4. He has also said that no matter how hard 343i tries, they cannot make everybody happy. This is understandable as it has never happened before, and is just an incredible feat to achieve when producing a game.


Regardless, I trust that his statement will hold true and am hoping for the best Halo yet.


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Join-in progress may be good for social games as they are ruined when people leave.

If there's no similar ranking system to the 1-50 skill rank system, I might sell my Xbox as I've lost all motivation to go on it as I have no incentive to win.

Also remember they haven't fully explained the leaks yet. So anything's possible.

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343 is not killing halo or turning it into cod, far from that. The join in progress will work good becausenif you play salyer 4v4 and 2 people on your team quit, you will get outnumbered and beaten 2v4, hut the 2 other people can join and make it even and give you team a chance. Stop ranting about 343 wrecking halo because we know so little about the game, let 343 make the game.

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I pray the all the released details concerning match making only apply to certain gametypes. If they feel the need to implement these new ideas, then i hope they separate playlists like in h3 with social and competitive. It sounds like they are taking reach a step further and making it even more like cod

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Please 343 dont turn halo in to COD!!!!


One of the things i've always loved about halo is the fact that everyone has the same chances in every game to win or to fail. Yes styles of play do differ but why reward some one just cuz they have played a million games with better weapons or abilities over the guy who just started? The skill differences should be evident but why should the vetern have any other advantage? I've been an fan since Halo ce and played everything in between. I still play Reach even though so many things are wrong with it (bloom halo is not a tom clancy game). I use to play everynite and was pretty good. I also work 40 hrs a week. I have a friend who lives on reach now and for the record is Bad, but he's an inheritor now. If we played i would dominate him from raw ability. Why should he have an advantage just cuz he has no life? If this was a role playing game where lvl's and such made a difference i would never complain, but halo is the same whether you play once a week or 12 hrs a day. Giving different armor and looks for your player is totally ok but why change the most important aspect of the game which is the game play itself.


To sum up how to make the majority of people i know happy. Ditch Bloom!!!, fix rating systems, no cod style the more you play rewards for bad people with no lives, and dont fix what isn't boken. You don't have to re invent the wheel everytime. Halo players come back to play halo, not halo trying to be COD. If we wanted that kind of game we wouldnt keep buying halo.

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Please 343 dont turn halo in to COD!!!!


One of the things i've always loved about halo is the fact that everyone has the same chances in every game to win or to fail. Yes styles of play do differ but why reward some one just cuz they have played a million games with better weapons or abilities over the guy who just started? The skill differences should be evident but why should the vetern have any other advantage? I've been an fan since Halo ce and played everything in between. I still play Reach even though so many things are wrong with it (bloom halo is not a tom clancy game). I use to play everynite and was pretty good. I also work 40 hrs a week. I have a friend who lives on reach now and for the record is Bad, but he's an inheritor now. If we played i would dominate him from raw ability. Why should he have an advantage just cuz he has no life? If this was a role playing game where lvl's and such made a difference i would never complain, but halo is the same whether you play once a week or 12 hrs a day. Giving different armor and looks for your player is totally ok but why change the most important aspect of the game which is the game play itself.


To sum up how to make the majority of people i know happy. Ditch Bloom!!!, fix rating systems, no cod style the more you play rewards for bad people with no lives, and dont fix what isn't boken. You don't have to re invent the wheel everytime. Halo players come back to play halo, not halo trying to be COD. If we wanted that kind of game we wouldnt keep buying halo.


Next time I hear the word "CoD" in this forum...I am going to shoot someone.

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