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Halo Reach TU - Official Details & Discussions

Spectral Jester

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This thread will be used to post info on the TU as and when its available

as soon as details become available more info will be added


Full Story on Waypoint


heres a sample bit


Before you tackle the above tasks, there is one more thing we should talk about, something we hinted at both during E3 and, more recently, in the first paragraph of this Bulletin. We’re pleased to confirm that we’re planning a Title Update (a small download which will add some interesting functionality) for Halo: Reach in preparation for the multiplayer aspect of Halo: Anniversary.


If your heart suddenly sped up, fret not, Reach fan. This is something that will not only sit side-by-side with Reach’s existing gameplay and will be accessible by both Reach and Anniversary players, but will allow us to make fairly significant changes to multiplayer gameplay within the confines of Matchmaking. We’ve talked about this as a way to better recreate the classic Halo: CE feel for the new classic maps, and it will let us do some things in gameplay that simply aren’t possible now. I don’t want to give too much away until we get through gameplay and bug-testing, but an example scenario would be allowing you to play, say, [REDACTED] with zero fall damage. Now that’s a limited and simplistic example, but it does speak to the way we’re approaching the changes philosophically. There are some bigger ticket “classic” Halo gameplay elements which people are clamoring for and which we intend to do our best to deliver on. More news about specific changes and the timing of the Title Update will be forthcoming. But I can say that, having tried a few of the more significant tweaks, certain “classic” elements are already working with beautiful and deadly efficiency.


We congratulate, thank, and celebrate Bungie as they close the Halo chapter of their lives. For those of us at 343, though? Well, I think we're just getting started…

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All i want is to make halo fun again, no offense, you can try to make halo reach as classic as possible but as long as there is still bloom i dont think it will work out, espescially if there going to make the pistol similar to CE. jus sayin.

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All i want is to make halo fun again, no offense, you can try to make halo reach as classic as possible but as long as there is still bloom i dont think it will work out, espescially if there going to make the pistol similar to CE. jus sayin.

The pistol in CE killed its target in 3 shots.


Anyways, I just want more map balance and weapon balance. Hopefully they'll get that.

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I've been disappointed in the past so I'm not getting my hopes up for TU.


Also there was bloom in Halo CE.


Just saiyan.


All i want is to make halo fun again, no offense, you can try to make halo reach as classic as possible but as long as there is still bloom i dont think it will work out, espescially if there going to make the pistol similar to CE. jus sayin.

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Updating the community frequently on such things will produce a group of active followers about this project, and guarantee some fans that'll stick longer. Because yon know what to expect and the community to contribute to it. By just releasing information on finished parts of the work from time to time will you do what I explained right before.

With this old and same style of surprising the community by releasing everything in one piece, is going to make some of us doubt what will come, because we know that the production of the Halo games have had flaws in the past. And I'm not as convinced about the title update as I've been for other games.

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I'm guessing they made you [REDACTED] out the map name you are referencing. Those of us who play and belong to the [CñR] Halo clan, know all too well that the map you talking about is Infinity. It is the only map in the original that fall damage becomes an issue when traversing the gulch center bridges. Sorry if I spoiled it, but I couldn't resist.


On a side note, is MP gameplay the only thing that the TU is going to change? I would assume that like all other TU's, it would also have quick fixes and adjustments for the SP aspect of the game?

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  • 2 weeks later...

343 listen to me very closely! What made halo 3 so much fun was trying to get a higher true skill in the each playlist. What you need to do is make MLG, swat, snipes, btb, slayer, doubles and what ever else ranked. Also, the stats need to be current I dont want to wait a day to find out if i went up or down in a division. 343 make these changes and everyone will be playing trying to level up in each playlist. Dont you want to see whos 1 percent in MLG?



umm...... They took that out due to people flaming at people with gold in their ranks and rhe under thirties not to mention the fact that its almost impossible to get a 50 if your not in the USA or UK due to lag the highest i could acheive is a 45 im from australia thats when you start to notice how connection really afects the out come nowonder people bridge connection lol but no seriously it just give people more means to pay out on eachother for lacking skill



Lol to ^ response. First of all, sorry u couldn't get a 50. Halo 3 was a laggier game but it didn't change the fact that u could get ur 50 if u were good...u didn't even have to be great lol. if it lagged for you then, update ur internet, or play with ppl from the us so ur team pulls host. I 100% agree reach neeeeeds a ranking system. Go into MLG alone for 1 hour and see what happens; you'll match up against teams of 4, have ppl with no mic, no skill, and people who quit out. Rank gives people a drive to play. H3 may not have been perfect aned TONS of ppl perferred h2 over h3 but what kept ppl playing it was every time u got online u had an objective to achieve. I made ppl stay up til the wee hours of the morning to try and get their rank up. It separated the ppl who wanted to take the game seriously and those who don't. Social/ranked allowed for ppl to choose whether they wanted to be serious or not.Look at the current amount of players playing reach compared to what ppl used to play h3. Bloom and no rank killed this game.



Bloom and no rank killed this game. This guy is absolutely 100% correct about everything he said! i agree 110%!

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Well the title update will be coming in the months to come, im just curious what do people what to see in it? Personally I want to see dual weilding come back. I know. I know. the download would be massisve and 343 would have to recode all the multiplayer maps. But what I dont understand is that in the campaign a few elites dual weild, so oubviusly it is programed in the game, mabe with the title update, they will give us the option do it. So other wise, what does everyone else want to/ hope to see in the up coming Title Update?



BR, CE pistol, replacement for armor lock, etc.



prolly not gonna happen



Not sure. They said they would make the game have a more "Classic Halo Experience". Just take Armor Lock out of Team Slayer and I'll be happy.

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No friendly fire like a few above said! I hate being betrayed for a sniper or other power items. And also more credits per match



More customization on your Spartan would be sick. Adding different preset patterns (to avoid having penises allover the place) that you can put on the shoulders, thighs, chest, etc. Adding more things like backpacks for the characters, too.



the cage comeback instead of uncaged and zealot instead of arena zealot and more creds per game with monthly challenge pistol un-nerfed and maybe some sticky aim on it infection fixed so when you get a bullture you dont get killed and when you infect someone thereshould be no betreyals plus a soft kill barrier aton the colliseum walls an maybe make invaision fair spartan weapons ar to oOP compared to elites just because a elite is slightly faster and has recharging sheilds dosent make it more likly for a focus rifle to beat a sniper or a wraith or banshee beating a tank there should also be 2 territores at a time one for spartan drops and one for elites and on hemmorage spartans get a territory be hind their base to often. Also the playlists need to be minimised for population ie. Team objective merged with team slayer . Also credit cap should be removed hackers can only mod creds offline 1000 Cr a day so unless they do it for 200,000 consecutives in a row oh wait it wouldnt matter. And maybe find away of making colour customiseation so you can get the actual team colours instead of shades near the color and possibly fix all the menu screens so they dont all slant down to the left......... Thats just a start



sorry i meant the colliseum walls on renegade and my spellings bad because im on my crap phone in hospital sorry



friendly fire is a part of every halo, so that will not/should not change. what should change (so you shouldn't get shot by your teammates) is there NEEDS TO BE A RANKING SYSTEM. 1-50, 1-100 i don't care. it gives people the drive to play and to achieve something, and separates those who want to play seriously with those who want to joke around. it's incredibly frustrating to go into a game alone and match up against a to4 and then have someone on ur team quit out every single game because they have no mic/AFK. or on the flip side, going in as a to4 and only playing randoms and having people quit out so you can't even enjoy urself. at LEAST h3 (with as much as ppl hated about it) if you went into ranked playlists you KNEW 95% of people would be trying their best. How many times do you have those games in reach where your heart is beating really hard like you used to have in h2 or h3 when each game had something on the line?

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