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Putting forged maps in matchmaking?

Kiroy Wolf

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I do not know if there is a way yet or if you 343 people are working on it or planning on it but I hope that there will be/is a way to put a forge map onto matchmaking. I think it may be a pretty good idea or at least a decent one and I would appreciate it if it could be put into Reach and Halo 4. But it is just something I would like to be able to do... Have other people play on my maps and play on theirs and experience something different every time.

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Firstly, welcome to the forum, I hope you have a good time.

I think this would be a good idea - maybe have a seperate playlist for community maps, where the voting chooses from everyone's forge maps that are in the lobby. Then at the end, the most successful maps could actually be put into MM as actual maps, in all the playlists.

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The problem with this would be quality of maps, If the map has poor layout or unfairness then a lot of people will either: complain or not play the forge map playlist. And how would the maps be put into this community playlist?

The forge world maps currently in Reach were chosen over a long period and had to be played, tested and tweaked, a long and tedious process if there are 1000's of maps. I don't think this would work out in the long run.

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yeah, i thought about that too, but then think about all the people that would just put games that dont work properly or are unfair. the voting thing wouldnt work because there would be many things to vote for and each person would vote for their own. the custom games search or browser could work, but only if it was only from your area you could search, or else there would be thousands of people to choose from and you would get 1 or 2 people at the most, if not no one.

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